Maya Balance Thread

We can’t, our obvious bias would show.

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So, can I sell you a blank piece of canvas that I may or may not turn into the next Mona Lisa?


How many Hybrid pet items are there really?

Bonescavenger Grips:
Black Scourge:
Diviner’s Vision:
Winter King Items: &

Out of those, only Dracarris & Occultant are the real meme items. Dracarris because there’s not enough good pet items with bonuses to Demolitionist skills, and Occultant… I got nothing on it. Having made a pet build with 22/12 Flame Touched as well as 22/12 IEE, I’ll post a feedback thread on the state of Demo & Arcanist items as it stands for pet builds.

Black Scourge & Bonescavenger have been used in a SR 65-66 capable build: [] Chaotic Spirits - a Chaos Reap Spirit Hybrid Pet Build [SR65-66 Farmer]

I’m aware of a Chinese player who beat SR75 with a Diviner’s Set Spellbinder while using Pet Devotions. I wouldn’t be able to reproduce the link as BiliBili is hard to navigate as a non-Chinese speaker.

Duskdeep86 has a Winter King + Ghol’s Set Trickster that actually works as a Nightblade pet build. I haven’t seen it updated since it was posted, but I’m sure it works fine in SR.

Maya is right in that pet builds are very far behind other skills when it comes to Crucible. Pet builds are the only type of builds where if your pets die, they lose their Crucible blessings. Forcewave / Blade Spirit / Dual Wield WPS Nightblade builds don’t have to worry about that. The best pet build out there (outside of Ghol’s Blight Fiends, which are by far the best pets of all the 3 or 4-node pet abilities out of there) is Lightning Beastcaller’s Conjurer, where you have a off-hand & amulet that gives “increases total damage by 60%” to Briarthorns and yet probably still give something like a 6-7 minute Crucible time.

Skeletons don’t do enough single-target DPS. Hellhounds don’t do enough single-target DPS. Same with Ravens when they’re not combined with something like permanent Primal Spirit. You can’t say anything like “well, they’re meant to do large AoE” because skills like Blade Arc hit 10 targets at once for constant 200-300K hits that also heal you. Comparatively speaking, pets don’t have anything that can provide that sort of safety.


I mean, I can make pet build using any or all of those items and still take down Ravager or Beat SR 75-76.

But my issue with them is that the theme of the player who deals comparable damage to Pet Scaled Pets, while at the same time also being able to compete with pure Pet or Non-Pet builds, is something that cannot be realized.

Crucible is something I have given up on :sob:

No. Your original post already was quite unreasonable, but clearly you can go all out bonkers.

Everything is black and white to you, not the slightest sense of nuance

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I am simply throwing your logic back at you. Glad to know you find it unreasonable.

I never liked the Jedi :woman_shrugging:


Sorry, but that never was my logic, it was your unreasonable twist on it.

No point arguing with someone who intentionally misunderstands and misrepresents, so I leave it at that

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I was shocked when I learned from @Maya about this one. For example Primal Spirit is decent pet but doesn’t get the Crucible buffs perks, since it’s not permanent to begin with. That combined with the need of burst damage or be burst mentality on Crucible makes pet builds… better suited for different content.

Problems with hybrids or hybirds is that you steer too much in one direction or another. Most of the items you list (actually all of them) perform much smoother and better as pure pet build or pure player’s build. Also they perform much better in one of the categories than the other. Winter King for instance is much better for pure player’s cold build than pure pet build.


Just because you deny something because accepting it is not convenient given the stance you have adopted and your argument, doesn’t make it any less true.


Agreed, what makes it not true is that what you write is utter BS and has nothing to do with what I wrote.

To stay with your example, if you are Leonardo and have a 90% finished painting, I might buy it at that time already, knowing that you will finish it.
A blank canvas never even was a reasonable comparison, in that case Crate would have sold me the promise of a future expansion, which is not what they did.

As I said, you intentionally misunderstand and misrepresent, because I very much doubt you are that dense to not recognize the difference.

@Maya and @Mamba, if you guys wanna continue this off-topic madness, go with DMs.

But for the sake of this thread, please stop lashing at each others.

Given the comparison was never intended to be “reasonable” as its purpose was more to show the ridiculousness of the stance that existence of patches is a valid justification, I fail to see the issue here.


Let’s be real here - the thread was never destined for greatness anyway. If it got locked right now noone is going to shed any tears.

At 200 posts deep, we are firmly in circular territory. Nothing much of value is going to happen here anymore.

for the sake of this thread ? the whole thing is one giant off topic amalgamation of things already :wink:


…because it was never intended to be a separate thread?..
and it then became sort of a meta-discussion?

UPD: ugh, this comment doesn’t make any sense now.


You started out with a false equivalency and then admittedly take unreasonable positions in an effort to highlight that someone who did not take those positions was unreasonable… so you are that dense after all…

Point taken, I will not continue arguing with you then, waste of everyone’s time


I might tell you that I would rather walk over broken glass barefoot rather than torture myself playing a glassy piano build in GD. Does not mean that I would literally do that.

Exaggerations to make a point or to point out the flaws in one is perfectly reasonable in my book. But you do you.



This… kind of needs this:



Hold up, I have seen this one before…

Maya really decided to tilt at windmills :face_with_head_bandage: