[Melee Aether] Theodin's Disciple - DW Fleshwarped Strikes Spellbinder

Check 3rd comment in thread. Not the original build, but still similar gameplay.
Nope, it’s not a glass cannon.

Who needs those Fleshwarped Strikes when we have CADENCE?


Cadence for noobs.

Even if the new skill were a carbon copy of cadence, but in Aether damage, it would be a welcome addition as non-soldier builds could make use of it.

I actually wish it was an element other than aether, but I am thrilled to have another auto-attack replacer (edit: and a non charge-based one at that!).

My 66 spell binder is using this build (more or less) but I have opted for a Chaos Strike (from riftstone) for more mobility. I really prefer a gap closer when I play melee, and since Chaos Strike is weapon damage, it is still primarily aether, making it a nice damaging skill, in addition to a mobility option.

I prefer gap closer on most builds I play, usually one thing or other leads me to drop the chaos strike component. Although in places like crucible it’d be hella lame to play w/o any gap closer

Never do any videos for builds but korsar has one posted right below the reserved posts.
And not glass canon, it’s a pure melee build where the principle is to kill before you’re killed

Why use Cadence when we have Troll Rage?

Kosar, any reason for going with the Mythical Albrecht’s over the Screams of the Aether? Is it for the 5% chance of CDR?

That sounds like KoRsar.
Albrecht’s ring for chaos convention from Fabric of reality. It’s cdr does nothing.

Ahh, gotcha. Makes sense.

Question: What skills/attacks go you use in your rotation? Do you bother with Kriegs Wrath at all? What about Aether Corruption? I am still trying to locate the Conduit of Wild Whispers, other than that, I have everything else and I seem to be a tad squishy compared to your video.

Krieg’s Wrath on my build is useful or TD. As for korsar, I assume it should still give him some sort of RR

Basic idea for both builds is, hold down down LMB till the enemy is dead. When you take massive damage then use Mark of Torment first and then follow through with a Mirror. My setup has TD so I use Krieg’s Wrath whenever I have made use of Mirror. On TD builds you need to be extra careful to not waste the TD reset

Special Cases-
Against Elemental Enemies use nullification
Against Mad Queen use nullification

I actually seeing that I am using the Decree of Aldritch, as opposed to Korsar’s Wrath of the Ascendant…I may have to try that instead as well.

It depends on what you aim for. To make use of Soul Harvest flat damage you need Decree
If you don’t go Soul Harvest route then use Wrath of Ascendant

Also trying to figure out why I cap at 47kish with damn near the same gear you are pulling 80-87k with.

Post a GT of the build
We can help

Kinda surprised Mindwarp wasn’t mentioned in this thread as well. Attack speed, OA, some character-wide flat aether damage. Even the physical to aether conversion helps.

Is there a way to just port my build into GT? Or do I have to enter everything manually?

The top icon on the left side of the GT character builder is an import function. Use it, navigate to your character save file, and select the .gdc (I think that’s the extension) file. Then use the second icon on the left of the builder to copy the direct link to your build and post it here.

There’s an option on the side that allows you to upload your character from it’s .gdc file.

If you’re on local saves, your characters I think should be in Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn (never used local so can’t be certain).

If you’re using Steam’s cloud, your characters should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata(some numbers)\219990\remote\save\Main.


Here is the link, currently have 43k DPS with all buffs on.

Not sure about Chthon’s setup due to he uses Bone harvest main skill, but mine can be slighty improved by flat damage and attack speed, at the same time sacrificing RR. So I guess Mindwarp is also viable.

Worse affixes on scepter, less attack speed and flat damage(not max Fabric of reality), no Hungering void up(?).

I find that Hungering Void sometimes saps the hell out of my health very quickly. Is the only benefit the crit damage? I cannot add any more points to Fabric of Reality…I am actually short a few points compared to your build also. Not sure how you managed the extra points. On the scepter, the highest I have seen is 6% AS, 5% is not that far off, no?

EDIT: Just realized it was only 43k dps because auto attack was bound to my first attack button, and not Fleshwarped. Jumped to 79.4K when everything was firing