[Melee/Caster] Wrath: Spin'n'Boom Fire Shieldbreaker

Here is the first build I post here on the forums, I am looking for some feedback on it :slight_smile:
I know it is not perfect, this is the status of the toon when he just reached level 100. That happened just after killing Shanks, at the very beginning of act 2, in ultimate.


I am very unaware of what the best components are, as you can see, I have barely used them, only to match the requirements for my gear. If you can also give some advice in that regard, I’d be very grateful.

The playstyle I had in mind when starting this character is simple: Use Eye of Reckoning as main attack, and Canister bomb large clusters or harder targets. I added Flashbang to the mix to help triggering crits (and thus Eye of Korvaak) and Vire’s Might for movement. Last but not least, Guardians of Empyrion as mobile debuff auras + Fissure devotion triggers.

I don’t have a movement rune yet, since I don’t have any interesting blueprint. I’m aiming for Ulzuin’s Fall or Korvaan Swiftness.

I don’t know what components I should recommend, what you need and definitely are looking for is resistances
you need to cap all of them except for stun resistance
it may seem hard at first but it’s doable in most cases, and it’s needed for survivability
OA and DA are also way too low as is your damage
for EOR to work nicely you need to invest into attack damage as well

now I don’t mean to flame your build, as you said it’s the first one you’ve posted here but it needs a lot of work…
your items suggest that it’s all self found and that makes it a bit extra tricky


  • cap your resistances, overcap if you can
  • get your offensive and defensive ability around 3000 at least
  • get your damage higher somehow
  • try to get some more attack speed

play a bit with your build in grimtools and see what legendary gear works well for your build idea
it may seem hard to acquire but you’ll amass more items as you play


First, your very concept is not suited for endgame. You can play EoR with Canister but it’s never gonna be decent. These two skills are heavily gear dependent and exclude each other. Canister Bomb without massive cooldown reduction and conversions is trash.

As for components, look at a few builds by the more experienced members and you’ll quickly learn. The number of viable components is very low (dozen or so). Most of the components are trash only used in rare situations. Jewelry components are almost always the same for most builds. Head, shouldies and chest have 4-6 viable options. Rule of thumb, pick what fixes your resists.