Menhir's Will needs a better cooldown indicator

Can we please have something like the audio-visual near death feedback for Menhir’s Will when it goes on cooldown? It’s annoying to always have to check the tiny icons on the bottom just to see whether big hits brought the character to near death. Maybe simply activate the near death audio-visual feedback for a minimum of 1 or 2 seconds in general even when automatic healing effects fixed the issue instantly. Currently it just gets unnoticed and the second hit kills.

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That’s partially what the game is about. Paying attention to prevent death.


Nonsense. The game indicates all sorts of useless crap way better.

There’s a million other things that help you prevent death. None of them have any special indicators. It would probably also get too busy if they do. I wouldn’t mind bigger icons (on 4k screens at least) though.

That’s why I suggested to trigger the near death indication even if health was immediately recovered and not just to ‘hide’ it from the player because often enough Menhir’s Will gets used ‘siltently’. What makes it even worse is that Menhir’s Will can go on CD (counting down from 3), but then NOT going on CD… so you really have to wait like 3 seconds to check whether it really is on CD now… that’s insanely bad UI design and really needs a fix as it destroys a continuous gameplay.

It doesn’t destroy anything, it just looks at your screen, new players want everything to be explained to them, then they will want the game to progress by itself


Yeah; I’m sorry OP but it seems that you just need to pay a bit more attention to your icon bar…the game is already too easy in most things. We don’t need to dummy it down further.

You can already see a flash when your health gets too low; and a quick glance at the bottom left corner will tell you whether or not Menhir’s activated?

no, it gets used ‘silently’ :smile:

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

that, can’t happen? or atleast isnt’ what’s happening
Menhir’s will has a duration, the duration will tick first, then the cooldown begins
it always goes on CD when the duration ends, there isn’t/shouldn’t be any weird “pause” or jump, if so there is either bug(doubt it), or a freeze/lag in your system causing it to jump
Considering in the past, menhir’s will, deadly aim/all these types auto activation temp buffs have had their uptime vs cooldown period mixed up/confused, i’d almost guess that’s whats happening here too(ie it not being bugged)

i also really don’t think you want the on death effect “for menhir triggering”, atleast i think there is many people that don’t want that,
Because in vast majority of cases Menhir is actually going to noticeable save your life, so having the on death effect triggered despite being safe and on 60% health would be… weird (“sending player mixed messages”)
*and death screen FX already will still display should menhir be active and you get subsequently knocked down to 20?%

i can’t say for sound cue, i feel like that’s a mixed bag already but might be worth a shot, if nothing else it could perhaps be made optional like the other warning?, error? sounds are

Not for new players. Nothing is explained in-game and you have no clue wtf you’re doing. See OP, doesn’t understand that there are a ton of other skills and procs that do similar things or how Menhir’s Will actually works apparently. (Not blaming him, as I said, the explanations in game aren’t the best.)

I have absolutely no clue what you mean here. Yes it automatically triggers without a sound (I think). But the icon displays, and you usually notice the health increase. Then when it’s done buffing you it goes on cooldown and can be triggered again right after. The cooldown is way more than 3s though, so maybe the 3s you see is just the countdown to when the buff is wearing out?

my guess is the icon/cooldown mixup is simply this
duration just began

duration almost over/3sec left

cooldown just began (undisclosed cd time, anywhere from 18-25?sec base cd)

i’ve seen so many times, specially similar for deadly aim, where people think pic 1 and 3 is the same, (iirc red swipe colour is new?), and think the buff is active again when it’s actually gone on CD/it’s the cooldown period being displayed instead now

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I don’t agree that it’s an “insanely bad UI” nor that it “destroys gameplay”. Jeez bro. I understand these things can frustrate players, but the game is pretty fantastic despite it’s imperfections.

Anyway, I do agree that both sound-wise and visual-wise, there are many aspects of the UI that could be improved to more clearly indicate to the player important combat aspects, especially those with intricate timing features. Expecting the player to pay attention to the bottom left corner of the screen (buffs), AND the bottom right corner of the screen (debuffs), AND center of the screen (health, positioning, grounds effects, incoming projectiles, enemy attack animations, etc); all of these, simultaneously, all the time… that’s just a fallacious argument that keeps being hopelessly defended with the vain goal of shrugging off responsibility from a UX interface that needs some improvements.

Sure, there’s a ton of information in the corners of the screen, but a good UI deals with the “info-spam” by emphasizing just the important parts, and bringing them to the attention of the player when it’s relevant. There’s many ways to achieve this; moving said parts from the edge of the screen more to the center; providing audio feedback; etc. I don’t know exactly what the best solution would be, usability-tests would probably necessary to find out. But it’s not fair to assume that the problem someone else has doesn’t exist, even if you don’t experience it yourself.

I wonder how much of this could be improved via modding…? I remember seeing a couple of UI mods before, although none of them tackled this issue specifically.

i don’t know how many used it or missed it, but iirc GI had a cooldown list on th eleft iirc of the “important stuff” you could enable
ofc it just changes where you look for stuff and would still get drowned out/have the potential to be cluttered by other effect’s cooldown remark

This isn’t airplane’s dashboard where UI is safety-critical. Learning where to look and reacting in time is a big part of the game. Players who are better at it, score better results.

We already have overwhelming visual effect of sunder, an alarm for approaching nemesis, more distinct arcane ball, the list goes on.

What next? A pop-up: “Menhir’s will is on cooldown. Are you sure you want to attack?”



Lol I don’t always agree with Res’ takes but this one is entirely valid.


he has some good ones somtimes :smile:

i wonder if it might just make some players default back off from a boss for 20seconds and actually stop attacking until the cooldown was ready :woozy_face:

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I can relate.
I used to run a mod everytime I use a highly invested Blast Shield.
Since you’re kinda invincible until Blast Shield is down - which is when you should retreat.

I let a loud DoomBolt Sound Effect play every time Blast Shield went into CD, and it was sooo much more comfortable. Fun fact is: Vanilla GD does have a sound effect for Blast Shield CD (and many more) - who of you ever heared them … ? So one could say, such a comfy acoustic indication is intended by the devs … they just made it way too silent.

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isn’t the sound when the skill activates? :thinking:

Both, actually - as far as I remember.
Its really silent, instantly unnoticable as soon as you fight more than one enemy.
Anyway, my point is: The acoustic indications ARE there already, and they make a lot of sense.
Crate should merely crank them up.


ye, i mean if they’re already there/in use it just makes it kinda all the more puzzling why it’s muted/when why that was decided :sweat_smile:

just to be clear (not an english native) : The volume is merely way too low. It’s never silent, to be fair.