Merry Christmas and to all a Grim Night!

Ah, good work! :wink:

I don’t know why, but this just made me think about how awesome it would be if some company creating an inter-connecting series of games that all played into one another.

In this instance, you have Grim Dawn, but if you get the city builder, it also acts as a sort of modding tool, where the cities/regioins you create also appear in Grim Dawn as areas you can visit and explore.

Sounds interesting, but don’t know how well it would work in practice. Would the city builder stuff just be limited to what a person makes themself or would it be available to all players? :undecided: Would be pretty complicated if everything made is supposed to be available to all players.

Idk what the other guy is talking about but in the Sims you can either build your own house, or you can download a house other people have built. When you finish your constructions you can choose to upload them to the sims filesharing host and let them be available to all other players, but they aren’t automatically added to your game otherwise. I would think a system like that would be pretty cool. But as we know Crate doesn’t really have the resources for something like that, I think that is far out of reach for a game like GD.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Wait, it’s November… Why are you refreshing a thread that’s about Christmas in November? Christmas is in December, in 50 damn days. Anyway, Merry Christmas.

Besides, don’t know what it’s like in your part of the world, but here Christmas stuff is already appearing in the shops, some decorations are out already, etc, etc. :eek:

We sometimes have Christmas ads in July/August. We officially start it in end of November/start of December. Whenever I see Christmas stuff so early, so before December, I say “idiots”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it would be local-only or a manual import from a file-share library, otherwise a game would easily become too flooded with add-on content if it was automatically imported.

Not sure why I was really thinking about it, maybe because I always get bummed thinking about the end of playing a game I enjoy. Yes, we have another expac coming, but how many more after that? So many games I loved playing that have nothing new to offer, so they eventually get uninstalled.

Hell, all the stores here had all the Halloween junk already placed in the discount aisles 2 weeks before Halloween. And you can bet your ass that once Nov 1 hit, all the Christmas crap was already out on display… and the carols were playing in every store.

Yeah, but too many expansions just make a game too long to play. FG will likely be the last big content, but that’s not to say the devs won’t continue to add stuff post release. Plus there’s this new project and Medierra’s already said they’ll be starting something else soon. We have plenty to look forward to. :slight_smile:

I think is about time to hear some news about the new project, what do you guys think?

See here:

Already have. From the 5th October stream:

"kobrao :hows new project going @Medierra
Medierra :I think we’re getting close to being able to show more / announce the new game but we don’t have a website / marketing art or anything else set up… so much peripheral stuff you have to do beyond just making the game

drazac :so is the new game a city builder, or is it a strategy with city building elements
Crank9000 :Has there been any info what genre the new game is? There was talk about some kind of RTS around year ago or so
Medierra :its a town-builder with an optional combat element

genericvillain :Is it confirmed that their new project has anything to do with grim dawn?
Medierra :new project is not related to Grim Dawn

CepheidSauron :Any new projects you guys are working this year, except for the expansion?
Medierra :“new” project, which is about 2 years old now, is a town-builder done in Unity though… then we’ll be starting something else soon"

Yes…a peaceful setting only to be marred by waves of attacks after the scouts 1st show up. Send out your own scouts to prepare for an exploratory 1st strike etc. etc.

fog of war anyone??

/rubs hands in delight as he reaches for his wallet. :rolleyes::stuck_out_tongue:

crate can venture into an actual RPG!. RTS/city building is really a risky path to take. if you are small indie, you don’t have much risk to take on.

The same path as the Grim Dawn path. They basically made Titan Quest 2 with a different story, and it somehow worked out. Exactly the same situation with the city builder game.

So they suddenly aren’t still a small indie? They have one game and that game was way more risky for them to take than this one.

Medierra gave his reasoning for this way back in November 2016.

Why do you think an RPG is less risky than a city builder ? For one there is a lot more competition, and from big names, than there is for city builders.

I am pretty sure Crate did it’s homework on that when they decided to do a city builder next. I assume the rationale is similar to the one for GD, ie you can make it with a small team and carve out a niche you can comfortably live in. Not sure that is any easier with an RPG.

Hopefully a city builder RPG…would like to see Crate’s iteration of that.