Meta Build Viability Discussion

I played it and feels even stronger somehow because it already had low physical resist (when phys damage mattered more).

I am playing the “budget” version too which I have asked grey to add to the build entry like 10 times already:

It clears the game pretty easily. Key is to get of Torrents on the off-hand. Gloves are just for the dot duration. Can go for less greedy “of Vitality” on the shoulder but I found that 20k hp is plenty for this build.

i have some questions to you. your archon has 12 points in mogdrogen pact instead of ascenity isn’t it madness? Then i saw similar in banana’s warder. Korba trickster has the same instead of lethal assault. I always thought its the most useless skill for maxing it out. And second one is it worthy to reduce armor with maul since bosses have ~3k armor and you hitting them with ~70k or its just good constellation overall?

flat phys is checked against enemy armour individually, they aren’t combined into a single hit, so when you have 3-5-10 sources of phys making up your hit/single attack, that’s x times your dmg gets reduced by armour, each hit
Maul helps lower the impact of that multi armour check
and it helps with heals too ofc

so it just reduces armor for savagery and couple indepedent procs(fist of vire and shifting sands in archon for exampl) right? is 305*phys modifier damage on ability a one time damage?

For all of those builds Mog Pact has double value: flat physical damage (fully converted into Cold for Korba) and flat regeneration. And it’s permanent unlike Ascension without cooldown reduction.

Maul usually helps your smaller flat sources to get thru armor and for bigger sources like Brute Force for example it’s less impactful. However, proc heals quite a lot and then Bear’s nods are pretty juicy not to take it.

well but ascention gives you about 10% damage and way more tankiness since you have that much damage you can kill before it ends. and flat damage in MP is just 3 for each point. lethal assualt looked way more potent before fix.

that’s not what sources means

and whatever places i might have missed some

easiest example is if using 3x steelbloom augment on jewellery; that’s 3 separate phys sources that gets checked against armour on their own
so 12*31 - enemy armour, for each augment/source

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Omg i would never believe that works like this

and that’s why we got maul in the game now :sweat_smile:

we used to get around this wonky mechanic by converting phys dmg, ie take magick dmg and turn into phys; then it ignored armour
devs fixed armour bypass conversion “exploit” and gave us maul instead

More like 4% damage and again, with not full duration.

bruuuh 174% to all 13/12 u call it 4%? mb 6-7 i believe and still u can press it and kill 90 zantarin for example with no risk.

Ascension from 1 to 13 is 136% more damage and that Archon has like 3300% damage on average.

136 / 3300 ~ 4%

archon has so only under ulzaad and something. but 3 * 11 * 33 flat physic still is about 1k damage to another 212k instead of these 4% and flat absorb which is imbalanced against all projectiles and dots.

40 flat not 33 and also you just compared damage per hit on the left with damage per second on the right. Tbf I don’t trust this DPS value, it was even bugged not so long ago, although for DW :laughing: Best to test it with DPYes / measure some kill times I suppose.

ok mb for softcore it’s debatable