Meta Build Viability Discussion

Could you consider this please?

I haven’t worked on the OP but I can say it’s for speedrunning / very damage optimized builds rather than deep SR / Celestials focused.

Your Calla kill with Ultos for example is 3 minutes (tanking) whereas the all the builds that have Calla kills here do that in 1 - 1:40. I don’t think it’s enough damage but you could try running SR 75-76 quickly in 5-6 minutes or have someone do it for you for starters.

Btw it’s not like the authors don’t know / haven’t played Ultos and Virtue a lot so you have to be very convincing.


i don’t see any templar or virtue in list actually. About speed some of these kills are very risky according to protoss videos and most of them doing calla kill in ~2mins actually.

Doesn’t matter if it’s risky or not or what Rekt says or does in his videos. I’m talking purely about single target DPS which seems to suck based on Calla kill as a dummy. All builds in the OP are very damaging.

Ultos Warder is not nearly strong enough to be considered for our top20. Even if it’s perfectly min-maxed. Just not strong enough overall (low damage/tankiness ratio). Yours is tuned for defenses which makes its single target damage pretty poor and yet you still have to kite Ravager. That is way below our top20 standard I am afraid. (But it doesn’t mean it’s not a viable build.)

Your Templar has some mistakes in optimization and overall on a conceptual level there is no Virtue build that can fit our criteria unfortunately as set is not strong enough overall.

But don’t be discouraged, there are plenty of strong build just below top20 waiting to be min-maxed and in the end it’s important that you have fun with the game.


i kited ravager becouse of mana draining actually (it’s super special, don’t you think?). but i made a point, thanks for response.

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What about this build ? [] :fire: Retal Commando - BWC caster | 20s dummy | 7k hp/s - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

I uploaded video with 1:30 calla kill (it possible to do even faster when calla don’t change it position) and overall perform better than presented aegis rata builds (IMO), because of huge aoe and regen instead of life steal

20s dummy is slow

@orwund @shok211

Folks, I think it would be easier if you play some builds from top20 first to have a frame of reference because I am afraid you don’t quite understand power discrepancy between the very top builds and just good builds.

Once you do that and compare it to your build and read about our criteria and also look in the spreadsheet to see if similiar build was already tested then you can submit your stuff.

Linked Commando does not nearly have enough damage to be competive with the top20 builds plus it has some glaring mistakes in optimization, I am afraid.

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half of them are brilliant, the second part will make my heart break becouse of red screen blinking as an hardcore player most of time i cant appreciate them.

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Well it is a softcore selection after all, but I bet those marked for hardcore were the ones that caught your liking.

Hell of a job, TY guys) Will testdrive those monsters as soon as possible

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I’m not really interesting in arguing about build effectivity since there no objective score system (which also pointed at the start of this topic). But it’s funny that you mention damage (not sustain), since calla kill ~20s faster than light retal aegis archon (which required gridle and medal with ~0.005% drop chance to keep OA ~3000)

And it would’ve been even faster had you taken Agonizing Flames and optimized the devotion map better.

But you are comparing single target damage of spam bwc that has all the time in the world to ramp up damage against someone like Calla to Aegis spam which is always doubling-trippling up its damage due to always fighting against groups (that includes groups of bosses in SR) and benefiting from shield bounce. Except here it’s a very rare fight where there is only one target so there is no damage from shield bounce.

As I said, play our stuff first. And consider that a group of builders with collective build making experience of few dozens thousands hours and with few months on their hands probably went thru all the possible top builds candidates when they did this. And retal bwc is just not it.

Optimized the devotion map better

For sure, I will rather pick more regen if there exists something that worth to pick

And it would’ve been even faster had you taken Agonizing Flame

It’s better than Elemental storm only above 19 points (and in total will cost you 20 skills points) but who cares…

As I said, play our stuff first

I even loaded your save, then checked Calla, fight is harder than with regen stacking builds, but Crucible is easier. That’s it

Against groups (that includes groups of bosses in SR)

I got your point, and while SR bosses usually pulled one by one, we probably speak about different SR levels

As I said, play our stuff first.

There no regen builds that suite my lazy gameplay style, only Avenger one which I already played

thousands hours and with few months on their hands probably went thru all the possible top builds candidates when they did this

I always respect GD community effort. Just not agree with your definition of enough damage since ramp up is close to other build that use summons - Pyran Shieldbreaker

I did retal spam bwc myself: having Agonizing is absolutely better. Reason is because you proc flat rr instantly and in radius of the whole bwc.

What about SR tho, try there as well. And Calla is just one gimmicky fight, it has the least amount of significance in our system.

Pyran, Ludrigan, to lesser extent Justicar Commando, BWC Sorc.

Pyran is one of the damaging casters there is. Last time I played spam retal bwc it was nowhere close. I don’t see how this commando is suddenly doing the same damage. Single rr fire/lightning slows down a lot versus Grava or Maiden.

Not a community effort, an effort of a group consisting of the nerdiest proven min-maxers and builders. And the whole thing lasted few months. Do you really think we would’ve forgotten about something like spam retal bwc.

Also worth noting that 1.2.1 would’ve had a different looking top20, not with retal bwc but with a couple of pet builds and different order between the existing candidates.

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I did retal spam bwc myself: having Agonizing is absolutely better. Reason is because you proc flat rr instantly and in radius of the whole bwc.

What about SR tho, try there as well. And Calla is just one gimmicky fight, it has the least amount of significance in our system.

SR is same, group fights probably easier like x3 (as you said) times with Aegis, but bosses is where regen shines. You should be really good player to use cluster at correct moment and avoid all after fight dots (single meteor at the end of fight enough to immediately die on non regen build)

Pyran, Ludrigan, to lesser extent Justicar Commando, BWC Sorc.

They not tanky enough, and we have different expectation of regen/sustain 5k is barely minimum, not max with all procs :smiley:

Pyran is one of the damaging casters there is. Last time I played spam retal bwc it was nowhere close. I don’t see how this commando is suddenly doing the same damage. Single rr fire/lightning slows down a lot versus Grava or Maiden.

I hate Grava on this build, there a chance that it will disable all regen, Maiden is okays. Overall, if boss is melee, and it don’t move for 6s & constantly attack you ~ dps will be around 500 - 600K even without 0 multiplicator from RR

Not a community effort, an effort of a group consisting of the nerdiest proven min-maxers and builders. And the whole thing lasted few months. Do you really think we would’ve forgotten about something like spam retal bwc.

Do you really think we would’ve forgotten about something like spam retal bwc.

There no regen builds… but if you find something like Avenger, it will be cool to add it here

Are you fighting at SR90 or something? Because that’s not a farming range for reasonably balanced builds. Otherwise you can go far into the direction of pet builds that can crawl thru SR 170 but have very very low dps.

Ludrigan is the best Hardcore build as corroborated by @RektbyProtoss himself. Pyran is also great for Hardcore. I think your ideas of where top builds are are off, no offense.

I literally listed you regen builds but you moved goal posts saying that regen builds are builds with “5k regen minimum”. Which is your personal criteria, but this top20 doesn’t account for that I am afraid.

There are literally two Avengers in the list.

Direction of pet builds that can crawl thru SR 170 but have very very low dps.
Ludrigan is the best Hardcore build as corroborated by @RektbyProtoss himself. Pyran is also great for Hardcore. I think your ideas of where top builds are are off, no offense.

Yeah, yeah, that’s entire point of subjectivity, pet’s build probably, what I could say S tier builds. And builds that could output ~500k and facetank everything without constantly fearing of random bullshit on SR85-90, is A tier (DPS doesn’t really matter at this point, only sustain)

Ludrigan is the best Hardcore
I literally listed you regen builds

I already played Avenger, which I really enjoyed. But other suggested builds required too active playstyle for my taste (I pointed this in my second response), the reason for this for my opinion is lack of HP regen

Ludrigan is the best Hardcore build as corroborated by @RektbyProtoss himself. Pyran is also great for Hardcore. I think your ideas of where top builds are are off, no offense.

Did anything change with Ludrigans in the last patches other than the phys res and wind devil changes?
Should make it slightly less tanky, but much more convenient with not needing to recast wind devils every ~10 seconds. I can’t think of anything else, but then I only skimmed the patch notes.