[] Ultos Warder SR 100, Celestial annihilator, very HC viable

Had same build HC warder, almost same gear, it opened Death’s stone recipe and dead becouse of diving too far.
In 1.2.1 build even more potent becouse of wayward soul up, more armor, less physical damage from monsters

Updated. Those procs hurt when are maxed out instead of primal strike, no tankicity loss, just bigger target dps.


Btw any clues why grimtools doesnt pull over my threads?

Ask here [Grim Tools] Builds

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Have you tested Primal Strike only optimized build? Because the damage seems somewhat meh in comparison to other builds like that that I’ve seen and I wonder why it’s the case.

i tested, there is not enough essential to bind at first, damage lower and no phys res, ao, regeneration bonuses. there is enough damage to make time in SR 100 so it’s pretty balanced in my opinion, mb target damage not that brilliant it still can do dummy in 17sec with all this tankiness i found it enough. The point is menhir bulwark rather then oleron rage i believe.