[Grim Tools] Builds

So, at some point GT build parser started to parse only those forum threads that have videos (from youtube). That’s the main reason why a build guide doesn’t show up.
I wanted to make some kind of fix for this, fetching guides from forum if they are “detailed”. Basically if the first post of the thread contains a lot of text, something along these lines. Because posting GT link + couple sentences of couple pictures and no videos doesn’t make it a guide in my opinion.

Because posting GT link + couple sentences of couple pictures and no videos doesn’t make it a guide in my opinion.

I agree with that, but for the most part the videos dont rly do anything (for me personaly) i hope you implement a fix for that, i like reading the thougths and detailed guides but basicly never watched the SR runs or things like that

To elaborate on that: I usually just look at the Titel of the build seeing what it can achive and then look at the Build so for me, for a long time the Forum link is a rarely clicked link. most if not all of the relevant information edgecases withold are in the GT link and there is quite frankly no value in videos that offer no Narration of any kind.

I am confused, is GT builds supposed to be for build posts or only for guides?

I ask mostly because of this -

Build Guides.

ah, ok :+1:

I will make a video then, since your project is basicly the corner stone of my Grim Dawn enjoyment, i’ll just add one.

Does the crawler notice that? - It does after a bump

in case that vote will result in GT Builds replacing the compendium i hope you reconsider ; )
never watched a video and i don’t use it as “guide”

i have an idea what build i want to play, which skill(s), dmg type and which key items, and then i’m lazy and look what’s around, i will take the worse build if it fits my “idea” better.

so i just look for a build because i know stuff i want included in my build, i’m just to lazy to do it from scratch, i prefer to play the game instead of spending time in 3rd party tools or staring at devotions.
and some of those forum threads didn’t have videos.

good thing i’m not a build creator, because if i was and GT Builds would replace the compendium completely i would also be forced into the YT eco system.

and adding more options to the root of grimtools.com, not sure since there are already so many. but if it would replace the compendium what would you think about changing the current “Builds” section to “Build Guides” and adding a “Build Collection” that is the same but without the video requirement?

disclaimer: this is just my opinion reader beware

Currently I cannot reach the builds part of the site at all. Traceroute is not showing any error with reaching grimtools.com.

Now I can reach the build tool (after completing a challenge from cloudfare, which has not been required before), but some data seems to be lost. For example there used to be a (gearless) build for this link: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lV7zP762

EDIT: That could be a caching/browser issue. From my work environment the skills get loaded.

Taken from a post in the GD discord.


Hey, Dammitt. First of all thanks for your work and all that brought to us grim dawn players. :star_struck:

Secondly, I’m having a problem with my new builds not showing up on this feature. I don’t know if this problem is happening for any other creator, but since December of last year my newly uploaded builds are not popping up on Grim Tools Builds.

For example, my latest build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbsJcbvqqsE hasn’t popped up yet on the site and I think I checked all the conditions for it to appear.


created couple threads, but it seems crawler ignores them, any clues what it comes from?
When i posted them i couldnt add multiple links becouse of being newbee in forum,
but later i provided everything needed.

I assume it’s just a lack of description in the thread. Basically it’s just a list of videos and that’s about it - the crawler doesn’t consider this to be a guide in any way.

Hi Dammit, Is it working the same for LE tools? What do I need to do, to showcase build for LE? Just upload any video on yt or it should have some special properties?

The video shouldn’t be short (more than 5-10 minutes iirc), it should have voice over, it should have planner link in description (it must have full equipment and trees for all 5 skills). Other than that there are no requirements. The crawler just checks youtube search results for “last epoch build guide” query, so the video should somehow end up there (e.g. “build guide” should be mentioned in video title, but I have no idea how youtube ranks videos).

Is there other option for build showcase that not require uploading video? I thought there was some kind of build planner etc but I could not find it now.

You can just import your character into build planner and share the link, the same way as it’s done in GT.
Theres always an option to write a build guide via https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guide-creator/, but this requires more effort.

I’ll check out this build planner option, TY!

Hi, dammit, pm’ed you but you might have missed it.

My newest build is missing* for some reason from “builds” page in Grimtools:

Sorry for not replying sooner. There was an issue with the crawler, so several recent build guides were not added to the list. It’s fixed now.