[] Burning rooster Templar Virtue set SR 90+, Celestials

some updates for getting higher OA to force phoenix proc on ubers

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Good work :ok_hand:

Try making the slowdown resistance 80. You’ll see a noticeable improvement in battles against Superbosses.

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Thanks for reply. Dunno about slow resist, its DoT damage facetanking based build what for slow resist here?

On the third tab of your character information, your “Slow Resist” is listed as such.

Components such as “Mark of the Traveler” and “Blazing Ruby”, and
Devotions such as Sailor’s Guide, Dryad, Empty Throne, and Chariot of the Dead can be used to gain Slow Resist.

i know what slow resistance is, my english is bad, i am russian. I mean it doesnt matter for its build, it significant only for autoattack life leech based characters or mb kiting casters