⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

blademaster belgo looks/is better than infiltrator belgo and you’re not even using the seal. i know yall tested and put in the work, but i can’t believe that blademaster belgo didn’t make the list.

Flat pierce & phys res on AoC, all the resistances on WoR and most importantly pierce rr is just better than the bit of bulk and OA soldier passives give you, especially because you’re capped on WPS already.

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…you’re right, i just looked at the percentages and flat, and infiltrator is much better than BM. Belgo BM is definitely a great class/build but not on the lvl of infiltrator, my bad.

I think mad_lee’s Cold Saboteur uses Leviathan to good effect, probably because Thermite Mines + Veil give it so much RR that it can fit the massive damage boost that Whirlpool brings and is beefy enough not to need the DR.

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Well almost but the trick was that I swapped to Alkamos rings for that (and also for other reasons).

I also put Leviathan there not because I chased it in particular, but because it just fitted this mega damage devotion map with two tier-2 and juicy 4 nods from Seru. Taking Leviathan made me actually pay attention to how outdated its nods are (but that’s already feedbacked).

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35 posts were split to a new topic: Meta Build Viability Discussion

Hey guys, can anyone help me with devotion rout on Korba Trickster? I made my own for my leveling, but it looks very long and there is too many steps, which looks unnesessary, and i broke my head optimizing it…

Here’s mine:
Remove Yellow
Empty Throne
Remove Throne
Remove Scholar’s
Ultos (without left node)
Remove red
Remove Purple
Two nodes in Berserker

Is it ok or could be done with fewer number of steps?

I did like this

Pink & yellow crossroad
Remove Quill & crossroads

Shit, i knew i am totally blind) Ty so much and have a nice day)

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We are going to be slowly updating the list with 1.2.1 updates. The patch brought a lot of significant changes and as a result some builds in the list got stronger while others mostly remained the same or became slightly weaker. We won’t be doing the new ranking but we will try to update each build on the list (if it requires upading).

Blitz Warlord update!

After physical damage rework and Chains of Anguish belt nerf I decided to remake it without the belt. It has roughly the same damage output except it’s more consistent now. And Solemn Watcher is the new Turtle now!

<< GRIMTOOLS >> Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 5:07 run Blitz Warlord vs. Ravager 1:22 kill Blitz Warlord vs. Callagadra 1:37 kill


aw crap, i just returned for some grim dawn and decided to try the acid RtA build, but it looks like all grimtools broke today, any way to reverse engineer that? i only know where to get the weapon

EDIT: nevermind it now works again, guess dammitt did an update!

With physical resistance nerfed this patch what is considered the more “meta” stat to stack now?

22 posts were split to a new topic: Top Sekret OP Builds Discussion

Honestly, it’s really build dependant and playstyle dependant. For melee/facetanking playstyle I would say it’s nice to have at least 22-25 with some armor. Casters can get away with less but again, depends how their sustain/other defenses are. And if you are dodging most sunders than you can get away with less.

But I would say that it’s still wise to pick up phys res in slots where you can get easily, I am talking about chest armor, shoulders and boots.

Definitely can’t go wrong especially if you also have good sustain on it. But also can’t go fast I am afraid.

While @grey-maybe is going to be adding those updates into “reserved” comment any day now for all of them to be in one place, here is another update of a top20 beast.

Cold N&O Saboteur update!

This guy had to be nerfed few times during test patch but only because it became an untameable beast after Nightstalker amulet got buffed with the Physical to Cold conversion for Fire Strike mod.

I reworked the build a bit and went with Alkamos rings (since Elemental Balance ring set lost a lot of value with all the consecutive nerfs to it) and because of it went a completely different direction in terms of devotions (Yugol wasn’t mandatory anymore). First ever top20 build with Leviathan in stars, this Sabouter definitely became stronger than it was during testing (but not by much).

<< GRIMTOOLS >> Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. SR 75-76 4:13 run Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 44 seconds kill (3x skyshard powder)


On behalf of @banana_peel and with his blessing I am updating his Fire Nex and Ortus Sabouter.

Fire N&O Saboteur update!

During the latest patch Banana decided to go in the direction of more flat and added Lethal Assault to the build (after all it’s almost 100% converted into Fire). I did some finishing touches since yellow man is on a long vacation from GD and a fiery monster was reborn. This time it has much meaner single target punch while maintaining high enough aoe and comfortable level of defenses.

<< GRIMTOOLS >> Fire Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. SR 75-76 4:30 run Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 57 seconds kill


Would anyone be able to help me on the setup on this guy?
For whatever reason, if i equip a basilisk fang medal, my aegis conversion gets bricked and it deals phys+fire again not 100% acid… huh?
Or anyone know somebody who might be able to help? Thanks in advance

EDIT: actually it was disabling my amulet, so the amulet is whats causing the backwards conversion

was leveling without the amulet this whole time ofcourse, i guess its a necessary evil to have no cooldown in the first place?

Evoker Saboteur update!

Updated together with @mad_lee
Changed to Alkamos rings and fresh meta devo path.
If you are struggling with OA rolls on MI items use Wraith’s Scream jewelry augments instead.


Ravager :34
SR 75-76 3:54
naked EX 4:08


Waiting for the new King or Queen…

All right, got the updates comment going: