Might of the Bear: inconsistent bonus?

Just noticed:

The TDM from MotB is kinda “passive” - sheet dps is higher than without, even if you have NO savagery charge.
Physical Resist however not: Character sheet shows +8% physical resist ONLY WITH savagery charges.

This intended?

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No matter you have savagery charges or not, MotB will always raise the damage of savagery.
Only with at least one savagery charge, you can get the physical resist.

It is the truth and character sheet shows this truth. Heres nothing wrong.


charge based DARs always show sheet dmg/dps based on max charge
TDM is a direct boost to the Sav AA itself not a buff, so seems like it would make sense to be displayed as factored in when your +X charge scaling does too
But savagery is also part buff/the charges themselves carry a buff, attack speed, OA etc, and the phys res is then part of that too, and like the other buff parts wont display until the buff is actually present, or like mi023 says atleast one sav charge is up.
And like any buff interaction display it then also makes sense when thought of like just other buffs