Mines Don't Have Toggle Building Production Button - v0.7.5

Not sure if bug or just by design but mines (and farming fields, iirc) don’t have the toggle bldg production button active.

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You simply have to remove the workers manually. Based on the technicality that it’s not production, per se, this could be why there is no toggle.

Thank you but I already do remove the workers manually if I have to. A toggle button will make it easier especially considering that other production buildings have it.

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So this is feedback and not a bug. Gotcha. =) Again, they are not production buildings.

I agree with LastKnown and there is no reason why there isn’t the option to just turn the building off like you can do with so many others. You can toggle production on guard towers. Those aren’t production buildings. Mines produce ore. No need to be smarmy.

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They are raw materials, not made or manufactured from raw materials.

I never said they shouldn’t have it, just a suggestion as to why it isn’t currently implemented and that it’s feedback.

No need to be smarmy.

Then don’t be smarmy.

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