I’ve been collecting pictures of display issues. Some of these were from before the 0.7.4 update, so apologies if you’ve already fixed them.
First, one that I didn’t get a picture of: when I first built a barn, there was a button that said “disable milking” while milking status said “no.” After I got no milk for a few years, I clicked it and suddenly milking status said “yes”, but the button still said “disable milking.” From there the button and the status displayed correctly—clicking on “disable milking” turned milking off, and clicking on “enable milking” turned milking on. The initial button text is just wrong for some reason.
Other issues:
Hovering over this little info circle, the game thinks everything is clover:
Bees look active in winter. That doesn’t make sense:
Cows are rocks? They moo when you click on them though, so that’s reassuring.
If I find more display issues I’ll post them here in a comment. I’m really enjoying this game so far!