Missing animations with Ch'thon Armor

rush ability locks u in place with new chton armor

While wearing the cthons chestpiece Illusion from the new loyalist pack, the eye of the reckoning skill doesnt work.
Pressing the assignet abbility button doesent do anything.

Build: (x64)

Appears to also impact leap and disengage type abilities.

We’re working on a hotfix for the issue.


Also Reaping Arc doesn’t work lol. That Cthonic transmog generally hate abilities. Also all the illusions are missing names in Illusionist.

Unrelated, remember…a new update means mods need updating.

leap runes don’t work with this illusuion, instead of any action rune goes to cooldown
Same story with any disengage rumes


A hotfix for missing animations with the Ch’thon armor is going out shortly.


Ch’thon doesn’t need to retreat, it’s his enemies who need to flee.

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But all i want is landing on enemy with full glory of chaos individed… but i can’t :sob:

but you don’t have legs, how would you jump?

Trying to cast drain essence will crash the game while you’re using this cosmetic set. Not 100% sure it’s the cause but trying to narrow it down is extremely annoying since it causes the kind of “soft” crash that won’t trigger the crash reporter and close the game, it will only lock you into a black screen.

I cannot repro this. Have you verified game files/updated drivers? And you are running v1.2.0.5?

EDIT: apparently there was something wrong, verification found a small error, that fixed this crash. Weird considering I hadn’t opened the game in a few months before this.

That’s odd, I am on, graphics drivers are the latest. I zipped the character folder, perhaps you can figure it out.

_Thomas.zip (956.2 KB)

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