Missing Information in Displays

I think there are two separate issues that I’ve noticed over my last few play throughs in 9.6. I am not able to hover over the population breakdown and see how many people I have in what generations like we could previously. I have noticed this is gone for awhile now.

Also, I am getting the storage full indicator over things like my storage cellars and when I open them, the food window isn’t there. I can only see the barrel section and the bottom row with the usable materials. For me to see what is actually in the cellar, I have to keep exiting back out and trying again and eventually it will show the food section again.

These are both persistent issues in 9.6, as in, they’re happening in every town I play.

You do not see the pop breakdown when hovering over the icon next to the pop count?

As for the second issue, that was addressed in one of the recent hotfixes. Are you updated to the latest version of the game (0.9.6d)?

I am now updated to 9.6d. I needed to verify game files to get the right version after I posted that. I did notice I’m not seeing the storage issue anymore so far. However, I am still not seeing the population breakdown when I hover over the top numbers. I’ll try to grab a screenshot when I go into my game this afternoon sometime.

This is on 0.9.6e, but I didn’t have any problems seeing it yesterday when I was on d.


On 9.6e, I am able to see the information when I hover over the people again. I’m not sure what was happening before, but I swear I was getting nothing when I hovered in the same spot previously. Either way, I have verified it’s not an issue anymore for me.