Missing Level 100s

I reinstalled this game after not playing it for about a year because of the big patch. Lo and behold all my level 100 characters are missing, but I have all my others of varying levels. I tried to download from cloud in the network option, checked my hard drive save files, and looked around for other “fixes”, but nothing has worked. I had spent ~750 hours playing this game, but this save issue that I and many others have had is unacceptable. I hope it is a patch bug or something, but in all likelihood I’ll probably not play this game again. What a bitter taste; I just had to share in case anyone else logged in to find their end-game characters gone.

It also seems that my shared stash for existing characters is really, really old. Like it’s fetching from a previous version of the game or something. All those wonderful legendaries and 75/94 level sets… Poof. sigh

At another look, it appears that the chars present are from when the game first came out, as I have my 85 druid and 85 witch hunter. There is no gear on any char or in shared stash that is above level 85, which was initially the level cap before expansions I think?

Also, I do not use mods and never have, so it’s not a mod conflict. Maybe move this to bug reporting if you feel it necessary moderators.

Don’t know about the “many others”

What it sounds like is that maybe somehow you only installed the base game?
The level 100 cap was introduced in Ashes of Malmouth, so that would explain your lvl 100 toons missing
It would also be an explanation for missing DLC items

What is this ‘big patch’ that held you back from playing?

DLC’s show installed in steam. I’ll uncheck and recheck them to see, but I’ve verified files once to no avail.

Nothing held me back, I was playing other games and not into arpg’s for a while. A buddy of mine linked the patch notes of the one that just released (1.1.7 or something?) and thought I’d give it a whirl again.

EDIT: Update - Re-downloaded all the DLC’s individually and no change. Ran in x64 mode, also no change.