just making this post to confirm for people/new players, hopefully once and for all:
“yes, Mistborn Talisman relic blueprint does drop on Ultimate, and as lvl 100”
(cba to make a reddit account where these type myths seem to flourish, - crossing fingers maybe it pops up in searches eventually)
maybe another “debunk” addendum:
yes it drops on Normal too even if your character is lvl 100 
Friendly comment to help this debunk pop in searches eventually
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Never new that was a thing, it not dropping. Guess I got lucky and got mine fairly early on in my GD career.
Also a heart for Belgo Infil. 
there seem to sometimes be this misconception that
either the blueprint can’t drop outside Normal
or you need to be low level/“within relic level range” for it to drop
(or both)
which is wrong ofc
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UnTiL iT’S iN a ViDeO iT’S nOt VaLiD cAuSe yUo cAN jUsT dRoP tHe BlUePrInT fRoM YuOr BaG

maybe another “debunk” addendum:
yes it drops on normal too even if your character is lvl 100 
Why is your energy bar blue?
Offtopic how is your fleshwarped DK doing? Mind sharing GT? 
how did you know about that 
Oh too bad doesnt seem bad at all on paper tho…
My reaper failed as well with FS if thats comforting for you 
I have a functioning “Fleshwarped” DK if you’re interested; in quotation marks, cause, let’s be honest, Fleshwarped is really just a filler in between Blitz CDs. Completes 4 out of 5 SR75-80s within timer though.
yours is a blitzer tho
also uses a completely diff dmg type 
I mean, we’re having this discussion on a Mistborn Talisman drop thread. That I’m using a different damage type is hardly the worst derail at this point XD
nono didn’t mean to imply it was a derail, just that it wasn’t the approach i was aiming for 
whole idea about my flesh boi was to meme the AA by doing doing a non cadence warborn phys wps attacker
Yeah I didn’t have the balls to go all in on fleshwarped, or rather, I didn’t have a Blitz build yet and to make an Aether Blitz build I needed some AA, so it seemed a logical fit. Even though Blitz is the main focus I still use FS a decent amount though, cause I’m working with a 1.8s Blitz CD so it’s kiiiiiinda a fleshwarped build still. If you squint real hard and stretch like a bungee rope.
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yeye that part is fine, but yours is still regular flesh strike aether dmg, mine is not 
Well the original quote mentioned nothing about the Fleshwarped DK having to be phys. Hence I assumed any viable Theodin Heart build will do for WhiteWalker’s purposes, since you’re saying yours is a failure. Oh, I get where the confusion is coming from…you thought I was posting the build for you to improve your build, I was posting it for WhiteWalker in case he’s interested in using fleshwarped strikes for something at least.
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ah yes, that would indeed make sense
since it’s my topic i guess i just get notified of all replies, regardless if directly to me or not 
Well, let’s get back on topic please.