[MOD] Autopickup (Standalone)

Going to start with a version 0.91 here, should be plenty of space to move to 1.0 for xpac compatible version.

No idea if it works or not, so please let me know.


This wouldn´t work with preexisting characters, right?

Pre existing toons in custom maps should work, for normal toons, it will require symlink or other manipulation.

Always backup though.

Shame. Not worth the trouble then. Thank you.

Awesome, going to test it out tonight! Got a couple of questions about custom maps though…

  1. Whats the preferred method for transfer? Is it possible to transfer toons from normal to custom and vice versa via GD stash or GD Defiler?
  2. Any major drawbacks or shortcomings when transferring from one mode to another?
  3. Does the story still work in custom maps? I read somewhere that cutscenes do not play in custom, not sure if true though.
  4. Can I have access to my stash and shared stash after transfer?

Find the Grimmest thread and watch the yt vid by depravities. You just need to install a program that makes symlinking easy and you link your existing toon into the folder where custommaps toons are stored. Then you have the same stash and everything should “just work”.

OK, got some experience with symlinks, so got that working. It seems transfer stash is not shared between the two modes though. Any tools you recommend to help with that specific problem?

Anyway thanks again for the mod! Will be testing tonight and I will let you know how it goes.

After some quick testing, it seems to not be doing anything currently. Could not auto pickup components or scrap. Anyone else been able to get it to work yet?

Works fine for me.

Can you confirm you have this path on your system:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\autopickup\database\Autopickup.arz ?

You might have the mod nested a folder too deep.

Yeah that was the problem, seems to be working great, thanks again!

Came across a small bug today, it’s possible that it only started happening after picking up an ointment, but not sure. Anyway, here is a screenshot…


Yeah, it showed up again only after looting an oil. It’s like looting an oil or ointment starts causing that tooltip problem to show up for the rest of the game session. Whatever item that tooltip is for (I’m guessing energy potion, but not sure) also does not get looted to my bag when it’s auto picked up.


OK, nevermind seems to happen even when I have not looted an ointment or oil. Not sure if anything “triggers” it, or if it just sometimes happens.

But Great little Mod to play Vanilla

Jiaco can U merge this with Dail or Zenith Mod?:smiley:

Not going to happen for Dail and grimarillion already has zenith and autopickup

Thanks alot for a quick Reply ;):wink:

does the autopickup in grimarillion pickup componets too??:):slight_smile:

Hey jiaco, just wondering if you have any plans to fix the bug I mentioned? Other than that, it works well in 1.0.2 as far as I can tell so far.

Sorry, saw your post at work and imgur is blocked so I never really saw what you were reporting. That is Bacon, incompletely ripped out…I will fully remove it next time.


Does this pickup components?