Is it possible to make Ice Surge a real piercing beam like AAR?
Not out of the question. I’ll think on it a bit, but Ice Surge already has some AoE going for it that may sway me to vote “no”. We’ll see.
Some observations after playing around more of the masteries -
Leech Grenade chance to reset seemed to be bugged and doesn’t works
Some skills with long cooldowns but not very useful especially when you consider their strength - Unholy Hailfire,
Reaper’s Glare mana cost is way too insane
Combat Art - Warmages doesn’t seem to be proccing.
Defender of Death reduces too much damage for absorption compared to Maiven’s Sphere of Protection.
I´m having quite a few issues with the mod. Is there a tutorial? The “announcement thread” link doesn´t seem to work. Is the mod dead?
Blame the forum move for that.
What’s your issue?
Does this mod work with grim dawns current version? And it’s seems interesting and cool
Sorry for the late answer, had a lot of work pop up. A lot of text is missing and I can´t go over 1 point in the devotion tree. Thanks for the swift respond time btw.
Oh and neither the terror knight nor riftstalkers charge works.
can confirm, the mastery selection screen formatting is somewhat messed up and movement abilities are broken in that your char will be forced to stand still for a duration when using one. dunno about mastery combination skill placement, might have been due to lack of space in the skill trees.
This standalone version of the mod is unsupported, if you want to “fix” it, you’re on your own.
Alternatively play Grimarillion or Dawn of Masteries which include (unofficially) updated Zenith masteries
gotcha /10char
I am playing Elementalist [zenith mod]. I choose 2 skills nodes. One converts 50% Elemental damage to Ice and One node converts 50% Elemental damage to Lightning.
If I have a weapon that does 100 Elemental damage, how is this converted ?
Have you played GD before ? Do you know how percentages work ? You did not even use an example where the total % is > 100
50 Cold, 50 Lightening, obviously
I wasn’t sure whether conversion occurs in sequence. Like say elemental to lightning and then the converted lightning gets reconverted to cold. That’s why I asked!
Also… mamba… in dom … some Zenith skills have there sound skills extermely low almost non existent. Elementalist’s Chain lightning comes to mind. Also the shout skill of the Champion.
Conversion can only happen once so no, elemental to lightning and then lightning to cold isn’t possible.
this should be identical to how it is in Zenith, I did not change anything
Sorry to keep asking. But taking the above example again of the 2 nodes. If each respective node converts 100% elemental to cold andd lightning damage respectively … what is the outcome?
50 Cold, 50 Lightning. At that point they get pro rated and since both are 100% they both get half still (if one were 50%, the other 100% the split would be 1/3 to 2/3s)
Now if your base damage is 100 Fire, what is the outcome ? What is it for 100 Cold ?
Is there somewhere we can get access to the old versions for download? I am interested in trying the various versions throughout the development
Is there any progress?