[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

Previous first-post content:

[spoiler]Hotfix v0.3B:

  • Fixed an issue preventing new characters from using the masteries of the mod.

Class and Skills:

  • Enabled Spear/Staff functionality to varying skills as appropriate.


  • Fire/Cold/Lightning Affinity: no longer have Ultimate ranks, now convert 33/50/100% Elemental Damage to their desired Element (previously 25/45/66/100%, with rank 4/3 being the only Ultimate rank for each skill).
  • Fireball: Reduced Energy Costs on the base skill by 20%.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.
  • Army of None: Exalted Champions now have vastly more health so they aren’t blown up by AoE skills so often anymore.
  • Radiant Riftburn: Added % Current Health Reduction Damage to the aura so that it doesn’t scale like poo.

End of Hotfix v0.3B


The Champion mastery is finally here, and I hope you’ll agree that it is worth the wait. Why did it take so long? I don’t know, could have something to do with having over 150 individual files handcrafted to perfection to pump out the most badass tank you’ll have the fortune of playing. And I’m also working on Cornucopia…that too.

Shoutout to all the art I took from across the internet

The release of the Champion is not the only thing to come with this update, oh no. Check out the changelog below:

  • Added the Champion mastery!
  • Added unique class art to each of the 4 available masteries. Shoutout to the artists whose art I took from google.
  • Terror Knight - Torso Armor - DoT Duration Reduction rescaled. Heavily nerfed outside of Ultimate Ranks. It will still be possible to receive DoT immunity at maximum Ultimate Rank (which you can’t reach until I implement Zenith-items).
  • Skillpoints rewarded per level has been rescaled in favor of expediting the early game. The first 25 levelups reward 4 skillpoints, the next 25 reward 3, the next ten reward 2, and from then on its 1 skillpoint/level. This results in 3 extra skillpoints by level 85.
  • Made the Elementalist’s Cold Snap skill spawn on enemies rather than the player. Due to the mechanics of ray-based skills, targetting is a little iffy. I’ll look into improving that ahead of time. In addition, the FX was blatantly taken from cftx’s Fangshi mastery, so shoutout to him/her. I will look to replacing the FX as soon as I can get the PSEditor to work without crashing on my PC.

The road ahead leads to the Necrotic, whose powers of curses and life drain are ultimately vampiric in nature. Beyond that, the Riftstalker, whose control of the battlefield and mobility will outclass everything else imaginable. Potentially sometime in between, Zenith’s first act will be made public as well.[/QUOTE][/spoiler]

Hotfix v0.4A released:

  • Enabled Staves on more skills, particularly in the Outrider and Terror Knight masteries.
  • Cleaned up unnecessary data on existing skills to save space.
  • Removed unnecessary text files to save space.
  • Split existing text files into subcategories to make things clearer.

Link in first post is up-to-date. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


I tried the riftstalker, and I am really glad you could make this new mastery.

Here are my feedback from 1h testing session.

=> Multitasking is procing every 0.00001s, devastating countless enemies without doing anything. It procs on sap (the aether aoe aura) and everything else: the screen is just… green-blue, impossible to see anything :o
Also, at 16/16, it last for so long you make it a toggle spell :slight_smile:

Maybe make it proc less often but with stronger effect ?

=> Conversion between Aether-chaos AND the opposite is pure genius. <3

=> the spell that pulls the enemies should probably not be a lvl-50 skill, the effect is not that strong

Already did. Redownload either this mod or Grimarillion, which I believe merged in the change.

Edit: Specifically the proc triggers every 1.17 seconds, which is reduced to 1 second flat if you have the 15% CDR granted by maxing the Riftstalker mastery.

I thought long and hard about this one, Caedra’s Collapse, and its opposite, Serovin’s Scattering. I’m still open to changing them further, sure.

I agree the effect is not that strong, but it is substantial nonetheless. A spammable AoE knockdown and hefty OA/DA reduction and a total speed slow is nothing to scoff at. It’s like Flashbang but with more range, longer OA/DA/Slow effects, and a hard CC in the form of knockdown. In conjunction with Riftstalker’s other skills, you can swap-nuke the enemies you pull in or drop a Riftward to damage them all and buff yourself. Or you can pull them in range of Multitask. Once you’ve done all of that, you can then knock them away from you with Serovin’s Scattering. A strong skill in its own right, it becomes devastatingly powerful with the rest of the Riftstalker’s arsenal.

And so I left it at 50/50. I intentionally did not give it a cooldown so as to make it more frequently used than Serovin’s, namely because the knockdown on Serovin lasts far longer.

I don’t intend to pull Caedra’s down from 50/50 to 32 or 40, as I do feel it is adequately strong as it is, but wouldn’t be opposed to buffing its utility. The OA/DA numbers can be tweaked, or I may increase its radius.

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you’re enjoying the mastery! :slight_smile:


I tried to figure out how does Battery and Fervent Force work.

I dual wield some basic sword and hit the dummy.

Is it normal that sometimes my toon hits once with his left weapon (1hit), sometimes she hits once with his right weapon (1hit) and sometimes once with one then immediately once with the other (2hits).
I haven’t done some advanced counting, but it seems that 50% of the time 1Hit and 50% 2Hits.

And Fervent Force, the +x% aether damage, is it only for the Battery hit(s) or is it for any damage within 3sec after the last Battery hit?

That is how dual wielding has always worked in Grim Dawn by design…

So it is normal that sometimes Battery hits once and sometimes Battery hits twice
=> The DPS is an average between one hit and two hit… right?

Hotfix v0.4B Released


  • Harshly reduced, but did not remove, the granted flat damage on Engine of War.
  • Engine of War now grants a chance to apply a stun through % Weapon Damage attacks. The chance and duration of the stun scale with rank.


  • Health Regen granted by mastery investment increased by 1 per rank, for 50 more health regen at 50/50.
  • % Total Retaliation Damage granted by mastery investment increased by 2 per rank, for 100 more % Total Retaliation Damage at 50/50.

Your theory is entirely spot on.

Hey I just noticed that the combined name for Arcanist and Rift Stalker is “YoMana” which sounds particularly unappealing. What about a name like Aetherial Expert or something along those lines since they both deal with the Aether

Likely a place holder name :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooh or Aetherial Hunter!

YoMana is almost definitely a placeholder (I hope…)

Wrong thread, that is my joke.

Guys, listen up.

It appears that Champion’s Battery does not act as a default weapon skil(meaning - it cannot proc skills that require default weapon attacks like Alamastra’s quick cut, Belgorian’s shears, Whirling death and etc.)

So your BMOC @Ceno here suggests we should vote whether to change the skill to behave like a def. wep. skill or to keep it the way it is…

So your boy says AYE for changing the skill.

As the title suggests, outrider’s Cadence isn’t working as intended in multiplayer. Instead of the 4 little projectiles that normally proc in single player from it’s innate “celestial proc”, in multiplayer it spawns at least 20 or so projectiles.
I mean, it was funny to 1 shot cronley, but this is outright broken right now.:undecided:

Desync issue. Not fixable by me.

You’ll notice Autofire/Autofire II are either a lot stronger or don’t work at all in mutliplayer.


I’m playing a riftstalker/champion and it’s really nice.

Here is some feed back:
The usage of riftward+tether line is quite confusing. I think the riftstalker is a class you wanted fast pacing, elusive, teleporting and so on, but the riftward+tether force you to stay ~still within 5m around it (so really close).

I’ve always thought the use of those totems are good for tank that stays still in melee, but here, riftstalker is not that good of a tank and when moving, you drop the riftward, you kite/move/run/flee and after 1sec, you and the foes are too far away from the ward.

Don’t you think it’s counterintuitive?

Maybe increase the range, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for the damage part.

An other solution which is far funnier is a sort of aether ray which connect you and the ward: As long as you stay within 10m of the ward, a thread of aether connect you to the ward.

  • Every monster coming through the thread is affected by the damage (maybe it needs a bit of boost because the AOE is smaller)
  • For every thread connected to you, you gain bonus (void siphon + tether)
    I don’t know if it’s feasible, but it could be really fun. The player must place the ward carefully to max the bonus and the damage: Placing more ward close to one an other will ease the fact of having more bonus, but will decrease the AOE and on the contrary if the player want a bigger AOE he has to spread the ward but it will be harder to stay within range of all the ward.

Wouaw, I looooove it (which means it’s maybe a bit OP).
But I don’t know why, but the casting is not smooth, I use to cast it right before running/teleporting in melee and often, I see in the middle of he fight that the skill didn’t cast. I don’t know where it can come from, maybe I cancel the cast by running/teleporting too fast, I don’t know, but it don’t feel smooth

I’m not an expert in balancing skills and so on, but the damage of the skill seems a bit meh. I’ve invested 20 skill point to do 490-698 damage with +442% aether damage (particularly compared to the damage of multitask).

I don’t know if +442% is good or bad but the base damage of the skill (without the +x% of drain) is quite low so I guess that the return from the +y% aether from the items are not that useful.

Warp is wonderful to avoid every detour:

  • You go in a house to rob the treasure and the shelves but are tired of going out by the door… WARP!
  • You try to clean the blood grove but the game toys with your nerves and put big rocks in your way… WARP!
  • You don’t want to play hide and seek with the hive and don’t want to loose your time with the amalgamation, and you cannot find a way to bribe the guard to open the door leading to the blood grove… WARP!.. … Euh, NOPE, don’t WARP!

I hope those feed-backs are welcome, keep up with the good work, I’ve as much pleasure playing with your new classes than with the original (which is a compliment)

Imho sap dmg is pretty good , if you have modifier for %aether dmg and something else like bloodless it is enough to kill regular mobs with 2 ticks - run throu and only champs survive. Also it triggers “chance on attack” procs which is amazing if you have something like arcane missiles on weapon etc.

The counterintuitive part i see is that you have buff that grants you retaliation and % hp which is pretty amazing but mastery levels give you dodge. I’m not an expert on mechanics but i guess if you dodge you don’t retaliate so thats kinda meh.

I would suggest checking devotion and which procs can be attached to which skills - I think there is a bug cause there is a devotion skills on blades of wrath constelation i think that works “on crit” and it can be attached to “push / pull” skills which deal 0 dmg so i assume those can’t crit. Some procs like Dryads Blessing can be attached to only 1 skills (riftstorm ) from the entire mastery.

Can’t attach anything to multitasking and i guess its because its technicaly not an attack but a spell that grants you AOE on your next attack.

Swap skill is pretty nice but it’s really confusing in terms of what you’re trying to achive. Specificly the cooldown part if you don’t invest in it you have utility that maybe could be used to swap ranged mobs that run away into mines etc. but even if you do invest into cd modifer at 12/12 cd is still 6 secs going down to 5 if you have cdr on your caster offhand so its not really spammable. Also i dont get why CDR and Shield are on the same modifier - shield has its own cd and it seem to not refresh itself untill its completly depleted. So maybe could move CDR to the Swap skill itself so you could go 12/12/1 for kinda spammable nuke with a weak shield cause right now i see it only being used as 1/12/12 for nuke + shield or 1/1/12 for shield only.

All in all mastery is pretty fun and i really enjoy playing it. Oh and just a reminder , pls tell grimarilion guys to change that “YoMana” placeholder :smiley:

They can crit, just like Flashbang/Curse of Frailty can crit. Anything which can trigger on-attack skills can trigger on-crit skills.

The reason you can’t assign some Devotion skills to some skills is because if a skill has an autocast skill by default (Warp, Multitask, etc.) you’re not allowed to assign a Devotion to it. Just the way the game works.

Good to know i had no idea thats how it works.