[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Patch 3.8 has been reuploaded.

  • New item modifiers for Whirlwind.
  • New “Whirlwind” skill type granted by Patterns of Justice set.
  • A few bug fixes and item changes.

Download: Google Drive | Nexus Mods

(Delete the old “Diablo_III” folder and replace it with the new one)

Patch Notes 3.8 - Update 1


  • Fixed some issues with the new affixes.
  • Stormcrow Visage: Fixed the flight animation of the Stormcrow and improved its FX effect.
  • Valthek’s Rebuke: Fixed an issue where its mythical version didn’t have the ‘Mythical’ prefix.
  • Alacrity: Fixed an issue where the base skill required dual wielding, however only its transmuter is supposed to do that.


  • Lai Yui’s Persuader: New 2h weapon designed for the Uliana’s Stratagem set.
  • Darklight: Added Lightning Bolt proc skill.
  • The Final Witness: Added Blessed Shield proc skill.
  • Scythe of the Cycle: Cold damage bonuses removed. Added Aether Blastwave proc skill.
  • Mythical Hack: RAtA reduced from 15% to 6%.
  • Mythical Fulminator:
    Fists of Thunder modifier: Added 60 degree arc | +2 target maximum.
    Electrocute modifier: Electrocute damage increased from 240 to 320 over 2 seconds.
    Storm Armor modifier: Lightning Retaliation increased from 240 to 300.
  • Bracers of Fury:
    Avalanche Modifier - Damage conversions updated with the latest changes to the skill. Added 300 Burn damage over 3 seconds.
    Heaven’s Fury Modifier - Added 16% Slow Target for 1 second.
  • Shield of Fury:
    → Health reduced from 1200 to 900.
    → Added 8% Physical Resistance.
    → Added 12% Casting Speed.
    → New modifier - Furious Charge: 500 Electrocute damage over 2 seconds. 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning.
    → Modifier - Heaven’s Fury: Added 50 Lightning damage.
  • Fate of the Fell: +4 to Cyclone Strike replaced with +4 to Wave of Light. Added Fires of Heaven granted skill.
  • Gelmindor’s Marrow Handguards:
    Soul Harvest - Modifier: Poison damage increased from 1000 to 1400 over 5 seconds.
  • The Butcher’s Sickle:
    → Modifier - Cleave: Damage conversion removed. Added 32% Damage converted to Health.
    → Modifier - Frenzy: Weapon damage reduced from 20% to 15%. Flat bleeding damage replaced with 100% increased Bleeding damage.
    → Modifier - Blessed Hammer: Bleeding damage increased from 240 to 320 Bleeding damage over 2 seconds.
  • Fragment of Destiny:
    → Modifier | Spectral Blade: RatA reduced from 10% to 6%.
    → Modifier | Punish: RatA reduced from 6% to 4%.
  • Vengeful Wind: Removed Lightning damage bonuses. +2 to Inner Storm replaced with +3 to Whirlwind.
    → Modifier | Sweepind Wind: 60 Cold Damage. Lightning Damage removed. Added 100% Lightning Damage converted to Cold.
    → New Modifier | Whirlwind: 30 Cold Damage + 240 Frostburn Damage over 3 seconds.
  • The Flying Dragon: +4 to Reciprocate replaced with +4 to Whirlwind.
  • Torch of the Grand Temple: +4 to Cleave replaced with +4 to Earthquake.
  • Sword of the Ill Will: Physical damage bonuses removed. Base damage slighly increased on both versions.
    → Modifier | Chakram: Added 300 Burn Damage over 3 seconds and 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire.
    → Modifier | Fan of Knives: Added 100% Cold Damage converted to Fire and 30 Fire Damage. Burn Damage increased from 360 to 660 over 3 seconds.
    → Modifier | Blessed Hammer: Removed.
    → New Modifier | Whirlwind: 4% Weapon Damage + 60 Fire Damage + 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • Kanai’s Cube: Vanished: Updated the damage bonuses following the changes to Fury of the Vanished Peak.
  • Kassar’s Retribution: Retaliation bonuses increased. Added +1 to all Crusader skills and +3 to Wave of Light. Removed bonuses and modifier for Punish.
    → New Modifier | Whirlwind: 6% RaTA + 400% to All Retaliation Damage.
    → Modifier | Justice: No longer adds a cooldown. RaTA reduced from 40% to 20%.


  • Patterns of Justice: Added the Tempest Rush skill to the complete set. Similar to Voracious Reach, except for the life steal.


  • Swampland Attunement: Physical resistance reduced.


  • Threatening Shout: -% Target’s Physical Resistance reduced by 5%.


  • Smite: Energy cost reduction from patch 3.7 to 3.8 is properly applied now.

First of all, thanks for the awesome mod!

Today, I found meself theorycrafting a whole build around a combination of Forcewave with the Tremor transmutor and Crusader’s Heavenly Strength skill.
I was just about done with the build when I realised that the crusader variants of the 2H weapons have a 1H weapon tag.

Does this mean that all skills/devotions/… requiring a 2H weapon won’t work when that weapon has been transformed into the Crusader variant?
Or did you include a work around behind the screens to get these skills/devotions/… working with these weapons?

If not, is this something that would be possible to make?
Or are you bound by the limitations of the base game?

There’s a way to modify Devotion skills afaik, so I could add a modifier to the Crusader weapons which makes the Devotions that require 2handers to work with 1handers. But… items are limited to have only 3 modifiers, so mythical ones that already have modifiers wouldn’t be changed. So basically, yes, limitations of the base game.


first, thank you and thumb up for the great Mod !
Actually, i play a crusader.
Lvl 100, smite oriented.
Very enjoyable, fun, explosive gameplay !

I equiped gloves on it, and there’s (maybe?) a problem with them.

Item ; Mythical Bracers of fury
Proc : fires of the heaven (15% proc on attack).
The proc itself inflicts a bunch of damage.
BUT, the proc cost mana (45) and with smite + 15% proc on attack, it ‘chainprocs’ (perma proc) AND drains 45 mana per proc (it depletes 2K mana in 3-5 seconds).
I guess that a small ICD could help ?
I also failed to find other items with mana cost on proc ?

All in all, the mod is fantastic and i can only applause.

PS : i don’t know if it is mod related, or only core Grimdawn related. But the game crash often when the last creature spawned by a totem dies (loot explosion = black screen).

I forgot to remove it from Bracers. Fires of Heaven is a granted skill from Fate of the Fell sword now, that’s why it costs mana. Thanks, gonna fix it.

I’m gonna check the issue with the loot explosion/black screen. Meanwhile, disable auto item tooltips and see if it still keeps crashing.

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I’m gonna disable auto-tooltip, and check what happens.
About totem loot-splosion > crash, i’ve noticed it happens especially when a recipe + a legendary item are droping at the same time (on totem lootsplosion). It may be unrelated, but i specify it, if it can help.


I’ve done several bosses and totems, with auto tooltip disabled. 0 crash occured. Pro-tip ! Before, crash were occuring at best after 3 bosses or totems in a row.
Thank you very much.

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I was wondering if the ‘transmute item’ (to convert an existing set part into another part from the same set) works, at the smith apprentice ? I’ve done a forum research, but couldn’t find anything relevant.

Thank you

First of all, thank you so much for an excellent mod!

Would you please consider making the Wizard’s Mirror Image permanent? Their cast timer is lower than their despawn timer so they have a 100% uptime, I just have an extra click to do every 12 seconds and it’s really annoying. IMHO it would be much better if they worked like the Guardians of Empyrion.

I’ve tried editing the mod myself, but can’t really figure it out (it throws an error with "Couldn’t load template for record: records/skills/playerclasswizard/mirror_image.dbr (database/templates/skill_targetedspawnpet.tpl)

Thanks a lot!

I’m sorry, but no. I treat them like Wind Devil, moreover, having 4 permanent player scaled pets with no need of gear would be too OP. The ‘annoying recast’ is the price to pay for it.

Hello Grimer,
I think there could be an issue with the Shield “Freeze of Deflection”, Dawnshard model with blue textures.
It’s not scrolling and doesn’t use the right setup

  1. You need to remove the shader

  2. Use 2 basetextures and 1 glow texture : baseTextures,sparker/textures/shield_deovotion_d.tex;fx/meshfx/energypulsing_coldsoft01a_dif.tex,
    I fixed it in my last sparker mod update.

    shield_devotion.txt (36.7 KB)

I saw this issue a while ago and completely forgot to check. Thank you!

Final part of the rework to Item Skill Modifiers, minor bug fixes and skills changes.

Here’s a list of all item skill modifiers in the mod: Google Drive

Patch 3.9 is available now. Click on the image to download it.


Patch Notes 3.9


  • Fixed an issue where some vanilla skill animations weren’t working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Bracers of Fury still had Fires of Heaven as a proc skill. It has been removed.
  • Fixed an issue where Bone Spikes had a FX that doesn’t match with its radius.
  • Fixed an issue where the glow textures of Shield of Deflection weren’t working properly (thanks Okami for this one).
  • Now Warsword of the General Quang and Lai Yui’s Persuader can be turned into a Crusader’s Weapon.


Johanna’s Argument:

  • New Modifier | Cyclone Strike: 100 Fire damage. 100 Lightning damage.

Wisdom of Kalan:

  • Added Cold/Vitality damage bonuses. DA replaced with OA. Added cold resistance + max cold resistance.
  • Added bonuses to Soul Harvest and Mass Confusion.
  • Reworked Modifier | Bone Armor: 40 Cold damage + 8% Physical resistance.
  • New Modifier | Soul Harvest: 1000 Frostburn damage over 5 seconds.

Justinian’s Mercy:

  • Added Electrocute damage bonuses. Now damage to humans is increased by 15% on both versions.
  • Reworked Modifier | Blessed Hammer: It starts at melee range, but now it moves away as it spins and no longer follows you.
    Damage modified by 16%. 20% Weapon Damage.
  • Modifier | Condemn: Removed.
  • New Modifier | Mantra of Conviction: -8% Elemental Resistance + 60 Fire Damage.

Blightwave Blade:

  • New modifier | Whirlwind: 10% Weapon Damage + 100% Physical/Fire damage converted to Poison.

Halo of Karini:

  • Added a granted skill: Reactive Armor. It’s basically Storm Box of Elgoloth with different FX effect.

Warhelm of Kassar:

  • These changes are intended to get the item into the retaliation theme of the Kassar’s Retribution weapon.
  • Added Lightning/Electrocute/Internal Trauma bonuses. Removed Fire damage bonuses.
  • Added Lightning Retaliation + % to All Retaliation damage.
  • Added skillpoints to Wave of Light.
  • Modifier | Phalanx: No longer reduces cooldown by 3 seconds, it adds 4 seconds living time instead.
  • Modifier | Heaven’s Fury: No longer converts Lightning damage to Physical, it converts the Fire damage instead. Burn damage replaced with Electrocute damage.
  • New Modifier | Wave of Light: Adds 24% RAtA.

Lefebvre’s Soliloquy:

  • Modifier | Cyclone Strike: Burn damage replaced with Electrocute damage. Target’s damage reduction decreased.
  • Modifier | Crippling Wave: Removed.
  • New Modifier | Meteor: 480 Electrocute Damage over 3 seconds + 40 Lightning Damage and 100% Physical Damage converted to Lightning.

Lianna’s Wings:

  • Modifier | Shadow Power: Racial bonuses removed. Added 4% Health Restored + 4% Physical Resistance + 20 Elemental Damage.
  • Modifier | Smoke Screen: Flat damage removed. Added 350% Elemental Damage. Bonus active duration increased from 0.8 to 1 second.


  • Modifier | Acid Cloud: Now it properly increases the total damage of Acid Cloud by 120% (60% on Kanai’s Cube). Added 210 Poison Damage over 3 seconds.

Mythical Maximus:

  • Modifier | Slash: Fire damage reduced. Added 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • Modifier | Consecration: Burn damage replaced with Fire damage. Added 100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire.
  • New Modifier | Blizzard: 2 seconds duration + 100 Fire Damage.

Mythical Mirrorball:

  • Now it grants +1 to all Wizard skills. Added +3 to Mystic Ally and Soul Harvest.
  • Modifier | Magic Missile: Additional projectiles increased from 1 to 2. Elemental damage removed.
  • New Modifier | Soul Harvest: 100% Vitality Damage converted to Fire and Lightning + 1000 Frostburn damage over 5 seconds.

Mythical Nayr’s Black Death:

  • Added 45% Physical Damage converted to Poison. The normal version now also grants +2 to all Necromancer skills.
  • Modifier | Grim Scythe: Poison damage increased from 210 to 300 over 3 seconds.
  • New Modifier | Grasp of the Dead: 200 Acid Damage + 24 Reduced Target’s resistances for 2 seconds.

Mythical Gesture of Orpheus:

  • Removed bonuses to Arcane Orb. Added +2 to Mystic Ally.
  • Modifier | Arcane Orb: Removed.
  • New Modifier | Mantra of Conviction: -10% Elemental Resistance + 80 Cold Damage.

Mythical Pinto’s Pride:

  • Modifier | Wave of Light: Total speed reduction removed. Now it reduces target’s attack speed by 20% over 4 seconds.
  • Modifier | Slash: Weapon Damage removed. Electrocute damage changed from 120 over 3 seconds to 160 over 2 seconds.

Crown of the Primus:

  • Removed aether damage bonuses.
  • Modifier | Death Nova: Removed.
  • Modifier | Electocute: Removed.
  • New Modifier | Bone Spear: 50% Weapon Damage + 3 seconds cooldown + Total damage modified by 120% + Stun for 1.5 sec + 100% Poison/Vitality damage converted to Lightning.
  • New Modifier | Grim Scythe: 80 Lightning Damage + 100% Aether/Vitality converted to Lightning.

Mythical Quetzalcoatl:

  • Modifier | Haunt: Added -10% Vitality Resistance.
  • Modifier | Soul Harvest: Added 1400 Vitality Decay over 5 seconds.
  • Modifier | Electrocute: Vitality Damage increased from 60 to 80. Life leech reduced from 6% to 4%.

Mythical Kassar’s Retribution:

  • Modifier | Whirlwind: Added 100% Fire Damage converted to Lightning.

Mythical Rimeheart:

  • Modifier | Wave of Force: Weapon damage reduced. Chance to freeze replaced with 16% - - Reduced Enemy’s Attack Speed for 2 seconds.
  • Modifier | Wave of Light: Fixed an issue where Rimeheart had the modifier meant to its Kanai’s Cube and vice-versa.

Mythical Sacred Harvester:

  • Modifier | Soul Harvest: Cold/Vitality damage increased from 60/80 to 100/100.
  • Modifier | Bone Spear: Frostburn Damage removed.

Mythical Burning Axe of Sankis:

  • Modifier | Cleave: Weapon Damage replaced with 140 Fire Damage.
  • Modifier | Whirlwind: Weapon damage and fire damage removed. Added 210 Burn Damage over 3 seconds and 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • New Modifier | Slash: 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire + 100% Fire/Burn Damage.

Mythical Moribund Gauntlets:

  • Now it has item skill modifiers.
  • Modifier | Command Golem: 1 Summon Limit.
  • Modifier | Frenzy: 4 Seconds Duration.

Mythical Coils of the First Spider:

  • Modifier | Firebats: Life steal reduced from 10% to 4%.

Mythical Spiritguards:

  • Modifier | Fists of Thunder: Reduction to Target’s damage reduced from 20% to 16% over 3 seconds.

Mythical Stormshield:

  • Modifier | Wave of Force: RaTA reduced from 8 to 6.
  • Modifier | Shield Bash: Lightning damage increased from 40 to 100. Electrocut damage increased from 300 to 540 over 3 seconds. Reduction to target’s elemental resistance removed.

Mythical Swami:

  • Modifier | Archon: Health regeneration reduced from 100% to 80%.

Mythical Tikilandian Spellblade:

  • Modifier | Horrify: Frostburn Damage increased from 450 to 600 over 3 seconds. Added 200 Reduced Target’s DA for 5 seconds.
  • Modifier | Haunt: Target’s damage reduction decreased.

Eternal Union:

  • Fire damage bonuses replaced with Lightning damage bonuses.

Mythical Uskang:

  • Modifier | Cluster Arrow: Electrocute damage increased from 210 over 3 seconds to 1000 over 5 seconds.
  • Modifier | Electrocute: Now the cooldown is increased by 3 seconds and total damage modified by 120%. Added 40% Weapon Damage. Reduction to Target’s resistances removed.


  • Energy Armor: Damage absorption scaling reduced.
  • Magic Weapon: Total damage absorption you can get at ultimate ranks reduced from 25 to 20%.
  • Wave of Force: Damage reduction from Breaking Wave decreased from 25% to 20%.
  • Archon: Max resistances from Pure Power reduced from 5% to 3%.
  • Electrocute: Reduced Weapon Damage scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Teleport: Travel distance now has the standards of Vanilla Teleport Runeskills.


  • Jungle Fortitude: Physical resistance reduced.


  • Threatening Shout: Reduction to target’s physical resistance decreased.


  • Crippling Wave: Target Angle increased from 165 to 180.
  • Tsunami: Target Maximum increased from 4 to 5.


  • Shatter: Electrocute and Burn damage reduced.

why my wizard getting nerfed :cry:.She was op though.Next to tq earth and nature.Wiz are my 3rd fav class.

sounds like you answered your own question…

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Yes i know :grin:.I can remember when she was first in dom.She could nuke everything before they can reach her.I actually like the nerfs.I actually play weird combo’s just to make it more difficult.I may make a wiz + paladin :smiley: .although pally also a bit op with buffs.Not with attack.


Thank you for updating the mod !
I may have found a bug.
After a LONG farm, the game at last drop the missing ‘raiment of a thousand Storms’ part (the ‘mantle of the upside-down sinners’ - shoulders part ).
But once equiped, this specific part doesnt count as a part of the set, and doesnt complete the 5/5 effect from the set.
It remains ‘grey’ in the set listing from other parts.
And in its own set part listing, the item is higlighted alone.
Watching carefully, i noticed this :
All other parts (counted as a set, 4/5 active) are level 94.
The mantle is level 90.

Any chance the bug comes from this ?

Sorry for spelling, grammar, etc.
I hope my explanations will help you anyway.

Are u playing the standalone version or Dom/Grimarillion? I just checked and the shoulder part is level 94 and it’s part of the set.


I’m playing the standalone version of your mod.
BUT the shoulders are the result of a morph (change a set item into another part of the same set).
I’ll try to do some screenshots and post them later.
But for now, working time !


I suppressed all augment / enchant from the shoulders.
Level req. went from 90 to 75.
I was trying to complete a lvl 94 set with a lvl 75 item. Sigh … Evil me ?

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