[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Suggestion: I think you should replace the “Chance to Avoid Melee attacks/projectiles” on “Hold your ground” (Crusader) by something else. My logic is this: most of the items, including the special Crusader weapons, entice you to go for a retaliation build. With a retal build, you WANT to get hit. Avoiding attacks is a DPS loss. It also goes a bit against what “Hold your ground” does in D3, as it literally makes you unable to dodge. It also doesnt fit the fact that by holding your ground, you are standing still in front of enemies. You are not really dodging stuff. I believe it should be replaced by something like shield damage blocked, block chance, hp, armor, etc. (not all of them of course).

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Technically, I would argue the same about Shield Glare, because some weapons give it Retal, but it has a 30% chance to make enemies miss, but removing that would go a bit against what Shield Glare does, which is blinding enemies. I dont know if you should change for this skill

GrimTools updated to patch 4.1.2 of this mod. Sorry for the delay.


Awesome, thanks for updating @Dammitt - appreciated.

PTR Season 27’s Necromancer be like:



Nice work @Grimer !
In the next patch I take it?

Yes, but not as broken as it looks

Some info about next patch.

Bones of Rathma

Pet’s aggro in GD isn’t too efficient when you have a lot of it. For this reason, the complete set will grant an unique and stronger pet: The Skeletal Captain (inspired by that one from Diablo Immortal)


Skill Details


New Items

More items to come, still supporting GD/D3 combos, like:

  • Piercing Entangling Shot + Phantasmal Blades
  • Lightning Leap + Primal Strike
  • Aether Decrepify + Bone Harvest
  • Vitality Spirit Barrage + Wind Devil (including its lightning bolts)


Items preview:

Visage of Giyua

Skull of Resonance

Deathseer's Cowl

Mask of Twilight


Custerian Handguards



Nice to see you have more and more skills :slight_smile:

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Wet Dreams!!!

A few more changes coming in next patch:

Arcane Hero Monsters

These will no longer nullify player’s skills. Instead, the Elemental Bolt they throw will reduce the player’s Elemental Damage by 18% and Elemental Resistance by 25% for 3 seconds.

Elemental Strike and Bone Spikes

These are the non-pet skills with the most poor item support in the mod. They will receive some love with skill modifiers from new items and also extra modifiers to existing items like Wisdom of Kalan amulet and Lyanna’s Wings hand-crossbow.

New items preview:

Cowl of the Seething Hatred


Spiritreaper's Wraps

Also 3 new items with item skills, including a glove supporting an Aether Electrocute | Word of Pain build:

Gloves of the Worship

Ranslor's Handguards

Tyrael's Might

Tyrael’s Realm of Justice preview:



Nice work @Grimer! Keep it coming.

A side note: The Skeletal Archer node (D3 Necromancer) - Is it possible to have the pierce damage changed to vitality?
I think doing this would enable it to fit in with other pet-base builds, as little conversion exists for cold-to-vitality OR pierce-to-vitality without significantly gimping pet stats.
Also, could you explain the ‘enforcer’ stat on Skeletal Archer, please.

Aside, the Rathma set could do with a few more resistances for pets, pierce being one as hard to cap this.

Some examples:
Cold Build (not a problem): Beastmaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (Diablo 3 Classes Mod)

Vitality build (Problematic): Lord of Undead, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (Diablo 3 Classes Mod)

Your thoughts on this.

it does the same thing as Command Skeletons, spawn 2 skellies per cast, instead of just one.

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll take a look.

Thank you for this amazing mod! I have a few suggestions:

  1. Can you increase the duration of Archon by 10s for the “Vyr’s Amazing Arcana” set ? A small quality of life update.
  2. New item that support “Ray of Frost” (100% chance to pass through enemies) and “Rune of Kalastor” (Fire + Cold) or Cold “Aura of Censure” would be cool.
    Edit: Also the combination of “Black hole” and “Rune of kalastor” would be great too.

Not mechanically possible. Vyr’s Archon, yes sure. Kalastor I’ll see what I can do.


Wrath of the Wastes and Raiment of the Jade Harvester sets: Visual rework.


Hi @Grimer ,

Some random food for thought:
The Storm mastery (Grimarillion) has the skill “Thunderball” with one of the modifiers “Thunder Scourge”, which allows the lightning to fork to multiple nearby enemies in a single cast. This makes the skill look/feel amazing (is a personal favorite).

So I’m wondering, the Wizard skill “Electrocute” - perhaps replace the “chain Lightning” modifier with “Thunder Scourge”, forking after hitting the first enemy. This would help the skill feel alive & engaging. Perhaps as a 2nd modifier, add something like a Primal Strike effect, with lightning bolts coming down from the heavens to strike & stun enemies!
To me, the Electrocute skill currently feels underwhelming, requiring significant investment to extract moderate/poor endgame performance. Switching to the “Seal of Skies” component, is more worthwhile.

Just in general, the Electrocute skill, considered a signature skill in D3, needs something to make it’s investment worth while, especially some stats/augments/prefix/suffixes would help also.


Excuse me, where can I download this patch?

(WIP) = not available yet

Forking only works when it comes out from you, not from skills, like Torrent from Primal Strike. I don’t see how this or the ‘lightning bolts’ will help the skill itself, it would be just for good looking, in the end, it’s all about damage numbers.

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