[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

Thanks @Grimer. Thought it’d be the case.

Putting a classic Delsere’s + Arcane Orb (Frozen Orb) build together (dual wielding Wizardspikes) had me looking back through some old D3 trivia, & one thing caught my eye:

Perhaps slip this ‘bug’ in somewhere :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just finished the new MI modifiers for the upcoming patch. Besides the normal VFX color changes when damage is converted by a modifier, I’ve also made thematic VFXs for some skills.

The Sandy Theme

The Groble Sand Effigy making Piranhas to swin in a wave of sand (Vitality & Bleeding | Already Playable).
And Viper Sandspitter turning Cluster Arrow into explosions of sand (Full Physical).


cluster arrow

And the Spectral Theme

The Spectral Warmaul, Spectral Warshield and Spectral Arbalest turning Death Nova, Condemn and Rain of Vengeance into ghostly waves and arrows. All of them causing Vitality damage.




Bonus: The Pierce theme for Necromancer

Bonebleach - Bone Spikes (Already playable).
Servitor’s Slicer - Death Nova




Hey @Grimer,

I appear to be having an issue with the 5-piece Vyr’s set not functioning.
Running a full 5-piece, when activating Archon, it flick’s on, then off, in the space of a second.

5-piece with archon ON (but flickers on/off & does not appear above skill bar)

Screenshot showing 5-piece, but boots with red background (10000 spirit requirement).
Archon has just been activated & now on cooldown. Note archon icon not above skill bar

Also, Archon stacks appear to drop once every 60 seconds (unmodified or standard Archon cooldown).

Swapping the boots out with some other random pair (now a Vyr’s 4-piece), Archon works fine.

It seems Crate killed this type of stacks out of shattered realm in one of the latest patches. Vyr will come back to the 4-Set patterns.

Great job Grimer.
No chance for some better animations for the sorcerer?

This happen with last patch. Archon use same template as Pneumatic burst.

Active Archon enable boots → it grants +3 → Archon level changes → Archon disables

You can try rework Archon Stack to autocast from item granted modifier for Archon


Thanks @Grimer,
And see DenisMashutikov post regarding possible solution.

A suggestion for the vyr’s set, if you decide to rework the set bonus pattern, keep as a 5-piece set, but requiring only 4-pieces for the full set bonus. That way, players can swap out which ever set item to run some other item of gear - gloves, boots, shoulders, etc.
In my post bring light to the Archon issue, I was hoping to run a 4-piece set, with the hands swapped for the “Ranslor’s Handguards” for ultimate energy twister spam (Dual wielding Valthek’s Rebuke). With the boots causing issue, this idea was ultimately quashed!

My two cents.

Also, just to share with you what can come of your awesome hard work:

Classic Delsere’s Magnum Opus + Frozen Orb spam.
DMO + Frozen Orb

And my recent discovery of 4-piece Archon + Vengeance (Demon Hunter) dual wielding Dawn’s.
Lets say my PC has crashed a few times with the shear spam on my screen. F’ing awesome!
(please don’t nerf as it’s so awesome!).
Archon + Vengeance Spam

Looking forward to your D3finitive Edition & keep up the awesome work!

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Korvaak’s Command Skeletons


Definitive Edition arrives next week.


Any reason for “Vyr’s Swaggering Stance” to have a req of 10k int? or simply missed to put that on some Crusader gear? :smiley:

Hi @ashbrain ,

Vyr’s swaggering stance has that 10k spirit requirement as part of the 5-piece buff (stacks) & is usable only when archon is active. However, see previous posts above, this is now bugged & no longer working due to a recent patch. Grimer will rework the set.

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Alright, i see, thank you very much for the information :slight_smile:



- 7 new items.
- Over a hundred new modifiers for MI items.
- Visual rework to Cyclone Strike.
- Buffs to retaliation skills.
- Balance changes and few bug fixes.

For a couple times, I thought I was done with this mod, but now I realize how much it had to improve. Visual effects, sound effects, balancing and rebalancing. How progression was boring before, and now can be more interesting with the MI modifiers. How broken were some skills (Fire…cof…bomb) and now are more balanced. Some still could be OP, it’s up to you to find out. Anyway, this version will be reuploaded from time to time with bug fixes and maybe some balance changes. Also, Asylum it’s reworking D3 Bosses mechanics and eventually these changes will be added to this version as well. But, as a whole, I think it’s done. Thanks for playing it so far and welcome those who will play it for the first time. Hope you guys had fun playing it as much as I had modding it.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Click on the image to download it or click here to get it from Nexus Mods.


Patch Notes - D3finitive Edition


  • Kanai’s Cube: Resonance: Fixed an issue where the Threatening Shout’s modifier was not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the animation used by Fan of Knives and Cyclone Strike makes both skills to spend double of the energy required.
  • Fixed the Empowered Chain of Shadows’ level requirement.
  • Fixed the textures of the Angelical Ally granted by Skycutter.
  • Fixed an issue where the scrolling glow on Skycutter wasn’t working properly.


  • Zoey’s Secret (Grants the Boar Companion skill)
  • Khasseth’s Cord of Righteousness (Grants the holy version of Fist of the Heavens)
  • Bakuli Jungle Wraps (Grants the old Piranhado skill)
  • Sacred Harness
  • Binding of the Lost
  • Cinder Switch
  • Brood of Araneae


  • Chillblood Carcass: New Modifier | Bone Spear - 12% Weapon Damage + 100% Poison/Pierce damage converted to Cold.
  • Obsidian Defender: New Modifier | Shield Bash - 400 Chaos Damage + 100% Lightning damage converted to Chaos.
  • Obsidian Bulwark: New Modifier | Earthquake - 80 Fire Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire + 1 second duration.
  • Vampiric Bonewall: New Modifier | Soul Harvest - 300 Vitality Damage + 10% Life Steal + 100% Cold damage converted to Vitality.
  • Spectral Warshield: New Modifier | Condemn - 180 Vitality Damage + 540 Vitality Decay over 3 seconds + 100% Physical/Lightning damage converted to Vitality.
  • Kalis’Ka’s Harvest: New Modifier | Leap - 750 Bleeding over 3 seconds.
  • Fleshwarped Defender: New Modifier | Furious Charge - 240 Burn damage over 3 seconds + 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • Colossal Fortress: New Modifier | Punish - 4% Retaliation added to Attack + 300 Burn damage over 3 seconds + 100% Lightning damage converted to Fire.
  • Fleshwarped Bulwark: New Modifier | Laws of Hope - 25 Physical Damage + 60 Health Regenerated.
  • Scarab Shell: New Modifier | Threatening Shout - 80 Bleeding Damage + -10% Bleeding Resistance.
  • Scarab Carapace: New Modifier | Energy Armor - 80% Elemental Damage + 50% Resistance to Life Reduction and Reflected Damage.
  • Bane’Garghoth’s Shard: New Modifier | Slash - 18% Weapon Damage + 33% Burn Damage + 250% Increased Duration.


  • Malkadarr’s Dreadblade: New Modifier | Exploding Palm - 18% Weapon Damage + 100% Lightning damage converted to Cold.
  • Dermapteran Slicer: New Modifier | Rend - 80 Pierce Damage + 6% Life Steal.
  • Korvaak’s Storm Blade: New Modifier | Fists of Thunder - 130 Lightning Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning.
  • Kymon’s Sanctified Blade: New Modifier | Spectral Blade - 25% Weapon Damage and -0.5 second cooldown.
  • Naren Kur’s Blade: New Modifier | Frenzy - 15% Weapon Damage - 100% Physical Damage converted to Chaos.
  • Wendigo’s Claw: New Modifier | Cleave - 420 Bleeding over 3 seconds.
  • Wendigo’s Barb: New Modifier | Acid Cloud - 74 Acid Damage + 100% Vitality Damage converted to Acid.
  • Bloodlord’s Blood Blade: New Modifier | Firebomb - 12 Fire + 12 Chaos damage + 100% Vitality converted to Chaos.
  • Bloodlord’s Vengeance: New Modifier | Mantra of Conviction - 50 Fire Damage + 100% Lightning damage converted to Fire.
  • Ravna’s Claw: New Modifier | Acid Cloud - 360 Poison Damage over 3 seconds + 100% Vitality Damage converted to Acid + 8% Retaliation added to attack.


  • Aetherscorched Cleaver: New Modifier | Grim Scythe - 132 Physical damage + 100% Vitality damage converted to Physical.
  • Blugrug’s Plagued Edge: New Modifier | Earthquake - 75 Fire Damage + 100% Fire damage converted to Vitality + 1 second duration.
  • Bonescythe: New Modifier | Bone Spikes - 360 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds + 100% Pierce/Cold damage converted to Vitality.
  • Servitor’s Cleaver: New Modifier | Cleave - 420 Burn damage over 3 seconds + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
  • Servitor’s Corruptor: New Modifier | Avalanche - 80 Chaos Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Chaos.
  • Servitor’s Slicer: New Modifier | Death Nova - 160 Pierce Damage _ 100% Poison/Vitality damage converted to Pierce.
  • Sandclaw Slicer: New Modifier | Seismic Slam - 40% Weapon Damage.
  • Moltenclaw Slicer: New Modifier | Weapon Throw - 18% Weapon Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
  • Boneslicer: New Modifier | Rend - 360 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds.


  • Barrog’s Bloody Arm: New Modifier | Frenzy - 15% Weapon Damage + 100% Bleeding Damage.
  • Warden’s Judgment: New Modifier | Command Skeletons → +1 Summon per Cast.
  • Spectral Bludgeon: New Modifier | Frost Nova → 600 Frostburn Damage over 3 seconds.
  • Mutant Bludgeon: New Modifier | Wave of Light → 450 Internal Trauma over 3 seconds + 100% Lightning damage converted to Physical.
  • Kilrian’s Skullbreaker: New Modifier | Slash → 18% Weapon Damage.
  • Grundleplith’s Tail: New Modifier | Seismic Slam → 80 Vitality Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Vitality.
  • Pusquill’s Tail: New Modifier | Firebats → 600 Poison damage over 3 seconds + 100% Vitality damage converted to Acid.
  • Gannar’Vakkar’s Sting: New Modifier | Bone Spikes → 120 Acid Damage + 100% Vitality/Cold damage converted to Poison.
  • Scorpius Sting: New Modifier | Ancient Spear - 540 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds + 50% Bleeding Damage + 50% Bleeding Duration.


  • Rift Scourge Slicer: New Modifier | Corpse Spiders → 4 Seconds Duration and -0.5 second cooldown.
  • Bonespike: New Modifier | Bone Spikes → 120 Vitality Damage + 100% Cold damage converted to Vitality.
  • Segarius Tainted Blade: New Modifier | Firebats → 24 Chaos damage + 100% Vitality damage converted to Chaos.
  • Segarius Sacred Blade: New Modifier | Wave of Light → 80/80 Burn/Electrocute damage over 3 seconds.
    New Modifier | Heaven’s Fury → -8% Fire/Lightning Resistances.
  • Ugdenbog Chillstrife: New Modifier | Fan of Knives → 450 Frostburn Damage over 3 seconds + 100% Pierce damage converted to Cold + -0.5 Second Cooldown.
  • Ugdenbog Stormstrife: New Modifier | Sweeping Wind → 60 Lightning Damage + 100% Cold damage converted to Lightning.
  • Ugdenbog Flamestrife: New Modifier | Meteor → 100 Fire Damage + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
  • Blaze Herald: New Modifier | Decrepify → 100 Aether Damage + 100% Cold/Vitality damage converted to Aether + -8% Aether Resistance.
  • Night Herald: New Modifier | Haunt → -10% Cold/Vitality Resistances.
  • Storm Herald: New Modifier | Storm Armor → 80 Lightning Damage + 2.0 Meter Radius.
    New Modifier | Fan of Knives → 450 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds + 24 Lightning Damage.
  • Loxmere’s Frostblade: New Modifier | Blizzard → -2 seconds Cooldown + 80 Cold Damage.
    New Modifier | Grasp of the Dead → 1 second duration + 70 Cold Damage + 100% Vitality damage converted to Cold.


  • Bloodsworn Scepter: New Modifier | Soul Harvest → 240 Chaos Damage + 100% Cold/Vitality Damage converted to Chaos.
    New Modifier | Decrepify → 80 Chaos Damage + 100% Cold/Vitality Damage converted to Chaos.
  • Crimson Vile Scepter: New Modifier | Piranhas → 60% Weapon Damage.
  • Crimson Arcane Scepter: New Modifier | Electrocute → 80 Lightning Damage + 20% Crit damage.
  • Ascendant Source: New Modifier | Soul Harvest → 280 Aether Damage + 100% Cold Damage converted to Aether.
  • Ascendant Authority: New Modifier | Meteor → 130 Aether Damage + 100% Physical Damage converted to Aether.

Two-Handed Melee:

  • Korvan Celestial Halberd: New Modifier | Grim Scythe → 4 seconds cooldown + 175% Total Damage + 25% Crit Damage + 100% Aether/Vitality converted to Physical.
  • Korvan Reaping Halberd: New Modifier | Slash → 66 Vitality damage + 8% Life Steal + 100% Fire converted to Vitality.
  • Korvan Eldritch Halberd: New Modifier | Bone Spear → 22% Weapon Damage + 100% Pierce/Vitality damage converted to Poison.
  • Barthollem’s Warmaul: New Modifier | Crippling Wave → 20% Weapon Damage + 50 Fire Damage + 120º Angle + 100% Lightning damage converted to Fire.
  • Barthollem’s Gavel: New Modifier | Blessed Hammer → 12% Weapon Damage + 8 Seconds Duration + 50% Burn Damage with 100% Increased Duration + 100% Lightning damage converted to Fire.
  • Voldrak’s Crusher: New Modifier | Leap → -1 Second Cooldown + 35% Weapon Damage.
  • Troll’s Bonecrusher: New Modifier | Rend → 60% Weapon Damage.


  • Groble’s Sky Effigy: New Modifier | Blizzard → 30% Crit Damage + 100% Cold Damage converted to Lightning.
  • Groble’s Stone Effigy: New Modifier | Arcane Orb → 26% Weapon Damage.
  • Zarthullean’s Tome: New Modifier | Meteor → 300 Burn damage over 3 seconds + 100% Physical damage converted to Fire.
    New Modifier | Chakram → -2 seconds cooldown +1 Summon Limit.
  • Rolderathis’ Tome: New Modifier | Mantra of Conviction → -20% Attack Speed + 140 Cold Damage + 100% Fire damage converted to Cold.
    New Modifier | Ice Armor → 280 Frostburn damage over 2 seconds.
  • Ragrathar’s Tome: New Modifier | Fan of Knives → -0.5 second cooldown + 100% Pierce damage converted to Cold + 14% Weapon Damage.
    Coerced Wraith: New Modifier | Smite → 600 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds + 30% Crit Damage.
  • Compelled Wraith: New Modifier | Firewall → -8% Fire/Vitality Resistances.
  • Bloodsworn Codex: New Modifier | Command Golem → -8 seconds cooldown + 30% Total Damage.
  • Enslaved Wraith: New Modifier | Arcane Orb: +100% Fire/Cold converted to Lightning + 540 Electrocute damage over 3 seconds + 22% Crit Damage
  • Bound Wraith: New Modifier | Skeleton Archer: -1 second cooldown + 50% Reduced Energy Cost.


  • Ulraprax Sting: New Modifier | Electrocute → 300 Electrocute damage over 2 seconds.
  • Bloodbriar’s Thorn: New Modifier | Leap → 35% Crit Damage + 2.0 Distance Meters.
  • Bolvar’s Pendant: New Modifier | Threatening Shout → -20% Vitality Resistance and -15% Bleeding Resistance.
  • Ellena’s Necklace: New Modifier | Entangling Shot → -8% Cold Resistance + 100% Lightning damage converted to Cold.
  • Zaria’s Pendant: New Modifier | Command Golem → 25% Total Damage.
  • Mogara’s Fangs: New Modifier | Avalanche → 60 Physical Damage.
  • Death-Watcher’s Pendant: New Modifier | Land of the Dead → -5 seconds cooldown + 20% Health Restored.
  • Gaze of Ungoliax: New Modifier | Corpse Spiders → 120 Frostburn Damage over 3 seconds + 12% Attack Speed + 100% Poison damage converted to Cold.


  • Balthazar’s Crest: New Modifier | Weapon Throw → 130 Physical Damage.
  • Galeslice’s Mark: New Modifier | Chakram → 200 Frostburn damage over 2 seconds + 10% Slow Target for 2 seconds.
  • Ilgorr’s Eternal Vigil: New Modifier | Horrify → 60% Weapon Damage.
  • Ilgorr’s Eternal Curse: New Modifier | Grasp of the Dead → 18% reduced target’s damage for 2 seconds.
  • Lagoth’Ak’s Bloodbinding: New Modifier | Haunt → 150 Bleeding Damage over 1 second + 100% Cold damage converted to Vitality.
  • Bloodfeast’s Mark: New Modifier | Multishot → 180 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds + 16 Vitality Damage + 100% Pierce damage converted to Vitality.
  • Mark of Harvoul: New Modifier | Seismic Slam → 150 Physical damage.
  • Bloodsworn’s Sigil: New Modifier | Piranhas → 250 Fire Damage + 100% Vitality/Poison damage converted to Chaos/Fire.
  • Basilisk’s Crest: New Modifier | Grasp of the Dead → -25% Energy Cost and -0.4 second cooldown.
  • Basilisk’s Fang: New Modifier | Firebats → 3% Damage converted to Health + 22% Crit Damage.
  • Basilisk’s Mark: New Modifier | Fan of Knives → 1250 Poison damage over 5 seconds + 100% Cold/Pierce damage converted to Acid.
  • Mark of Plagius: New Modifier | Bone Spirit → 1 Summon Limit + 4 seconds Active Duration.
  • Mark of Nacrathan: New Modifier | Corpse Explosion → 100 Cold Damage + 100% Aether damage converted to Cold.
  • Ikrix Scale: New Modifier | Iron Skin → -1 Second cooldown + 200% All Retaliation Damage.
  • Wendigo’s Eye: New Modifier | Hungering Shot → 15% Weapon Damage.
  • Wendigo’s Gaze: New Modifier | Skeleton Archer → +1 Summon Limit.
  • Namadea’s Eye: New Modifier | Spirit Barrage → 210 Vitality Decay over 3 seconds + 15% Crit Damage.
  • Rylok’s Crest: New Modifier | Bloodthirst → 80% Bleeding Damage + 50% Increased Duration + 8% Crit Damage.
  • Rylok’s Mark: New Modifier | Firebomb → 24 Vitality Damage + 100% Fire Damage converted to Vitality.
  • Halion’s Crest: New Modifier | Zombie Dogs: +20% Total Damage.

Ranged 2h:

  • Fleshwarped Carbine: New Modifier | Grim Scythe → 50% Weapon Damage + 100% Vitality damage
    converted to Aether.
  • Fleshwarped Incinerator: New Modifier | Cluster Arrow → 750 Burn damage over 3 seconds + 100% Physical damage
    converted to Fire.
  • Messenger Repeater: New Modifier | Entangling Shot → -10% Bleeding/Pierce Resistances + 100% Elemental damage
    converted to Pierce.
  • Messenger Blaze Cannon: New Modifier | Elemental Strike → 35% Weapon Damage + 100% Lightning damage converted to Fire.
  • Spectral Arbalest: New Modifier | Rain of Vengeance → -4 seconds cooldown + 300 Vitality Decay over 2 seconds + 100% Pierce damage converted to Vitality.
  • Ugdenbog Sparkthrower: New Modifier | Hungering Shot → 66 Lightning Damage + 12% Crit Damage + 100% Pierce/Cold damage converted to Lightning.
  • Ugdenbog Boltthrower: New Modifier | Multishot → +2 Projectiles.
  • Ugdenbog Bilelauncher: New Modifier | Acid Cloud → 50% Weapon Damage.
  • Ugdenbog Arcaneweaver: New Modifier | Ballistics → 36 Elemental Damage + 100% Frostburn/Electrocute/Burn Damage.

Ranged 1h:

  • Bloodsworn Repeater: New Modifier | Chakram → 18 Chaos Damage + 6% Total Damage + 100% Fire/Physical Converted to Chaos.
  • Rutnick’s Blaster: New Modifier | Cluster Arrow → 30% Weapon Damage + 100% Fire/Physical converted to Aether.
  • Ugdenbog Howler: New Modifier | Firebats → 600 Vitality Decay over 3 seconds + 100% Fire converted to Vitality.
  • Ugdenbog Repeater: New Modifier | Punish → 12% Weapon Damage + 100% Internal Trauma damage with 100% increased duration + 100% Lightning damage converted to Physical.
  • Viper Hemorrager: New Modifier | Multishot → 252 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds.
  • Viper Sandspitter: New Modifier | Cluster Arrow → 450 Internal Trauma over 3 seconds + 100% Fire damage converted to Physical.


  • Avalanche: Physical damage increased. No longer scales between minimum and maximum damage numbers. Internal Trauma increased at early ranks and reduced at higher ones. Number of projectiles decreased from 6 to 5.
  • Call of the Ancients: Leap skill now does bleeding damage. Seismic Slam now does internal trauma damage. Scaling of Trauma and Bleeding damage from their skills and basic attacks reduced.
  • Cleave: Weapon damage scaling reduced. Internal Trauma scaling reduced at regular ranks and increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Frenzy’s Sidearm: Weapon damage scaling of the axe increased at ultimate ranks. Bleeding damage increased and Physical damage reduced at ultimate ranks.
  • Furious Charge: Physical damage considerably increased.
  • Battering Ram: Burn damage scaling reduced at regular ranks.
  • Ancient Spear: Physical damage scaling increased at regular ranks and reduced at ultimate ones.
  • Sword and Board: Bonus retaliation granted by Tough as Nails increased from 100 to 120 along with its scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Weapon Throw: Migthy Throw now grants 30% crit damage instead of chance to knockdown enemies.
  • Stupefy: Crit damage removed. Added 8-96% Fire/Physical damage bonuses.


  • Blessed Hammer: Damage scaling reduced at ultimate ranks.
  • Phalanx: Avatars are now hidden from combat.
  • Retaliate: Physical retaliation increased. Bonus retaliation damage increased from 10-90% to 10-120%.
  • Reciprocate: Bonus retaliation damage scaling increased. Lightning retaliation scaling increased at regular ranks.
  • Bombardment: Impact radius increased from 2.5 to 3.0.
  • Holy Bolt: No longer has a healing attached to it. Number of ranks increased to 3. Added 6/8/10% Life Steal. Racial damage now scales by 15/20/25%.
  • Laws of Valor: Fire/Lightning damage slightly increased.
  • Shield Bash: Number of ranks increased to 16/26. Damage is lower at early ranks now, but it scales better than before. RaTA from Shattered Shield increased from 15-25% to 20-30%.
  • Shield Cross: RaTA reduced by 5%. Fire/Lightning damage considerably reduced.


  • Chakram: Fire damage scaling reduced and physical damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Razor Disk: Burn damage increased.
  • Cluster Arrow: Energy Cost reduced. Removed animation chance to shoot two cluster arrows while dual-wielding ranged weapons.
  • Loaded for Bear: Bonus damage and crit damage scaling increased at ultimate ranks. Added Burn Damage bonus.
  • Fan of Knives: Number of knives increased from 16 to 24, to make sure that all enemies around you will be hit by at least one knife. However, enemies too close to you will receive only half damage from each knife.
  • Scatter Shot: Electrocute damage increased.
  • Multishot: Bleeding damage increased.
  • Shadow Glide: Defensive ability increased.


  • Thunderclap: Electrocute damage slightly increased.
  • Mythic Rhythm: Lightning damage reduced.
  • Infused with Light: Burn/Electrocute damage increased at ultimate ranks.
  • Breaking Wave: Electrocute damage reduced at ultimate ranks.


  • Corpse Spiders: Increased casting speed to prevent delay of their aggro while casting the poison aura.


  • Mythical Demon Demise: Modifier | Cluster Arrow: Weapon damage increased from 50% to 70%.
  • Mythical Bracers of Destruction: Modifier | Cluster Arrow: Fire damage reduced from 300 to 240.
  • Mythical Cowl of Seething Hatred: Modifier | Cluster Arrow: Fire damage removed. Added 100% Burn Damage + 100% Increased Duration.
  • Mythical Etrayu: Modifier | Chakram: Cold damage reduced from 80 to 40.
  • Inna’s Reach Modifier | Cyclone Strike: Fire/Lightning/Burn damage removed. Added 80% Weapon Damage.
  • Empyrion’s Messenger: Base physical damage removed.
  • Mythical Venomhusk: Acid Cloud’s modifier removed. New modifier | Bloody Pox → -15% Bleeding/Poison resistances + 100 Acid Damage + 4 seconds duration + 100% Vitality Damage converted to Poison.
  • Darklight: Lightning Bolt removed. Fist of the Heavens has been reworked and re-added as a proc skill.


  • Improved VFX for Blizzard when modified by Ursua’s Trodden Effigy.
  • Added new SFX for Chakram’s hits.
  • Improved SFX for Meteor.
  • Adjusted the sync between the SFX and VFX of Decrepify.
  • Added new VFX for Fist of the Heavens, granted once again by the Darklight mace.
  • Improved VFX for Piranhado, now granted by the new Bakuli Jungle Wraps belt.
  • Improved VFX for the Angelical Ally granted by Skycutter.

howdy Grimer :slight_smile: small issue on Spectral War Shield (b003_shield.dbr-b003f_shield.dbr) → missing gdx2 skillAugment “records/skills/playerclass09/presenceofvirtue2.dbr”. Anyways, thank you for all your work and all your inspiration here! Have a good holiday season and i wish you a happy new coming year.

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Definitive Edition reuploaded

Thanks to Mamba for the bug reports and Ashbrain for the last one right on time.

Download: Google Drive | Nexus Mods

D3finitive Edition: Update 1 - Patch Notes


  • Removed some outdated info from the description text of the Lightning Hydra and Frost Hydra.
  • Fixed an issue where the modifier for Zombie Dogs wasn’t working properly with Kanai’s Cube: Homunculus.
  • Fixed an issue where the Kanai’s Cube: Fletcher had wrong skill modifiers.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice Crystal, Boar Companion and Eternal Torment itemskills weren’t working properly with the mythical version of items.
  • Fixed an issue where Haunting Girdle couldn’t be dropped by monsters or randomly crafted by Haedrig.
  • Fixed a bug where Mutant Bludgeon couldn’t change the Wave of Light’s VFX.
  • Fixed a bug where Ugdenbog Howler couldn’t change the Firebats VFX.
  • Fixed a bug where Korvan Reaping Halberd couldn’t change the Slash’s VFX.
  • Fixed a bug where Band of Hollow Whisper’s itemskill wasn’t working.
  • Fixed a bug where Gargoyle Visage didn’t have a skillmodifier for Barbarian’s Frenzy as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Obsidian Defender didn’t have a skillmodifier for Shield Bash as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Bloodlord’s Blade didn’t have a skillmodifier for Firebomb as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Kymon’s Sanctified Blade didn’t have a skillmodifier for Spectral Blade as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Terrnox Arcane Tome didn’t have a skillmodifier for Hydra as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Sunherald’s Halberd didn’t have a skillmodifier for Heaven’s Fury as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Spectral Warshield didn’t have skillpoints to Haven as intended.


  • Mythical Bonesaber of Zumakalis: Modifier | Spirit Walk: Elemental/Vitality damage bonuses removed. Added -1.0 second cooldown.
  • Mythical Swami: Modifier | Iron Skin: Elemental damage bonuses removed. Added 40 Elemental Damage.


  • Mundunugu’s Regalia: Set Modifier | Spirit Walk: Cold/Vitality damage bonuses removed. Added +15% Total Damage. Bonus duration increased from 1.0 to 1.5 second.
  • Immortal King’s Triumph: Set Skill | Overpower: Damage nerfed, because it was overpowered.


  • Improved SFX for Wave of Light.
  • Added new SFX to Soul Harvest.

sorry for the stupid question, but how do i install the mod? copied the file into my GD main, but doesn’t work…

You don’t put it into the main folder, it has to go into either Steam - steamapps - common - Grim Dawn - mods or if you have the game on GOG then it’s GOG Galaxy - Games - Grim Dawn - mods. Remove it from wherever you put it and place it in the correct location.

thx Medea, it’s working now.

Hi all, quite late for the mod, but I am glad to find it. I am really in love with demon hunter class.
Is there any discord channel of this mods?
Thank you :smiley:

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Probably here