[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

I noticed you can’t use Primal Strike with Crusader’s version of weapons (PS requires two-handed weapon). Even set item Mythical Crusader’s Ultos’ Stormseeker counts towards Ultos’ set completion but doesn’t allow usage of PS. Is this intended?

Crusader items are 1h

Maybe the rogue class? :slight_smile:

There will be new itemskills inspired by some Rogue abilities in near future, but entire classes, no.


D4 Itemskills Preview: Rogue

Next patch will be focused on new itemskills for the D3 items. I had no idea of how could I make skills that would look freshy/different. Then D4 beta arrived and I had some inspiration from what I saw.

With Rogue skills, Demon Hunter will have its range of “Shadow” abilities increased. Here are some examples:

Shadow Trap

Based on the Rogue’s Death Trap ability. Lays a trap on the ground that arms after 1 second, quickly performing multiple strikes to enemies in the area. It will be granted by the Chain of Shadows belt.


It will also have an alternative ‘red’ version, granted by K’Mar Tenclip and two others:

Frost Trap → It explodes, freezing enemies and reducing their cold resistance. Granted by the Etrayu crossbow.
Poison Trap → It explodes, infecting enemies over 5 seconds, dealing acid damage to enemies and reducing their poison resistance. Granted by Venomhusk crossbow.

Shadow Step

This one will be granted by the Shadow’s Heels set piece. An aura that lasts for 3 seconds, since Grim Dawn doesn’t have the ‘blind’ mechanic, it will control the mind of enemies for a short duration, so you can run away while they are ‘friendly’.


Shadow Clone

Called “Shadow Archers”, it will be granted by Visage of Gunes, replacing those Living Shadows from the Unknown Soldier devotion.


This model will also be used to replicate the Rogue’s Barrage skill, with Fire, Cold and Lightning versions:



When you released the Definitive Edition I thought that would be the last release :wink:

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I’ll have to update after arrives anyway



If you are looking for visual inspiration, check lost ark classes/ skills on Youtube. There is a ton of “different” stuff :slight_smile:

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Using Crusader. When skill Condemn is active sometimes when picking loot or loot is dropped there is a second freeze ingame.

I’ve played a couple hours with Condemn, no crashes. Try to disable auto item tool tips.

The old skill that was removed for Raiment of a Thousand Storm, the one that looked very cool and is thematic with wave of light, could it be added as an item skill on one of the pieces?

Yes, sure.


Sorceress is another class that had my interest for some of her abilities and I’m trying to replicate a few of them.

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze is a skill that makes you immovable and invulnerable for 3 seconds, while dealing damage to enemies around you in a large area. It will be granted by Halo of Arlyse.



Since there is no shapeshifting in GD, the solution was to make it as a pet that acts as similar as possible. It will be a Living Conduit that moves quickly, continuosly shocking nearby enemies. It will be granted by Myken’s Ball of Hate.


Unstable Currents

This is a projectile that ricochets up to 5 targets, and releases 3 swirling sparks everytime it hits them. It will be granted by The Fulminator sword.


Devouring Flames

In D4, this is just a passive. So I decided to make it as an active skill. A wave of fire that travels in a straight line, passing through enemies, and spreading every time it hits a target. It applies a debuff that burns enemies and reduces their fire resistance over 5 seconds.

It will be granted by the reworked Mask of the Swami.


Flame Shield

It won’t be a shield of invulnerability, instead it will reduce burn and freeze duration, grant physical resistance and incinerate nearby enemies. It will be granted by Chantodo’s Force (Chantodo’s Will scepter will become this off-hand)



The last one is a bonus from D3. Chance when hit of summoning a Mirror Image that attracts enemies and explodes, reducing their damage, attack speed and elemental resistance over 3 seconds. It will be granted by the Archmage’s Vicalyke hat.



Magnificent work @Grimer!
Loving the lightning pet conduit concept. Would work nicely with Stormbox & Lightning Hydra (Typhon).
Looking forward to this patch.

A quick question regarding Myth Crusader’s Ultos’ Stormweeker Axe (1H) - does this work with the thunderous Strike Modifier on Primal Strike (hidden passive, similar to Stormrend)?

Also, I noticed Energy Armor prefixes/suffixes were removed. Intentional?


No, the Crusader weapons don’t work with any skill that requires 2h.

And yes, it was intentional, EA is strong by itself.

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Howdy Grimer :slight_smile:

There is an issue in the Dreadlands itemset for the Demonhunter, unfortunatly it does not work when trying to cast something via autocast there, it will crash the engine :frowning: please find something else that you like or have already in mind to fix this crashcause, i will deactivate it solong in my compilation :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance!


EDIT1: even better idea: simply moved the autocasted skill from autocast to the torso gearitem of the lootset to NOT loose the effect, simply swapped autocast @ 100% to autocast @35% therefor ;D

Hi @Grimer,

Have found a typo with the Myth Winters Flurry. I suspect this should be fire-to-cold?


What exactly is causing the crash? Dreadlands works fine in Grimarillion, Strafe + autocast doesn’t crash.

that is strange :smiley: have tested this a few times and could replicate it with the autocast added, it crashes in that moment when the game wants to compare the equiped item from the set (it seems it does not matter which it was because the autocast was added to the itemskill of the set), at least on my side. then when i swapped the autocast to the gearchest without autocast, just by skillaugment, it did not crash in any combination :smiley: so, i am clueless about this particular thing, but not wondering in general as i have experienced this kind of behaviour alot of times according to autocasts that are applied to gearitems.

EDIT1: to test it if it really does not crash, please make a test → did simply create a level 100 char, gave him the set, took 2 pistols from any merchant around and swapped out weapon and setpiece 1-2 times to inventory and back, that was all to call the crash :smiley: it for sure did NOT crash while gameplay.

This mod has so many changes that it’s hard to find what is causing crashes, did you change some combat formulas ?
Or maybe some of the itemset are missing or having something that shouldn’t be there (could it be related witht rorg ) ?
Did you change some of the templates for itemsets ?