[MOD] Diablo 3 Classes: Patch 5.1 Released

I have a problem. After instalation of rainbow tool I got the following issue:
Any idea how to solve this?

Your rainbow tool is outdated or you are using the wrong version. You need one that supports D3

If you are using the Rainbow tool, such a problem arises because the item text names in the D3 mod are the same as the base item text names.
In Grim Dawn, the file "Grim Dawn\settings" has the highest priority, so the file with the same name in the D3 mod, tags_items.txt, is completely ignored and will not be load.

A simple solution is to copy the D3 rainbow text for the Grimarillion to the end of “tags_items.txt”. This will load the D3 items information.
tags_items for d3 01.zip (84.4 KB)

This must be done by checking the differences each time GD or D3-mod is updated.

I think the rarity of the Mythical Aquila Cuirass is wrong.
Aquila 01

Hi @Grimer,

I’m having an issue with the current/next level tag on skills.
These is appearing across both base game & D3 skill trees.

I also had the tag issue for components but have fixed this as @Matougi suggested.
@ASYLUM101 any thoughts from yourself regarding this issue?

Update your game and all your mods/tools, this issue is unrelated to D3 or Grimarillion

Hi. What can i do with this problem, after removing bigger stash? Auto-sort button not working

Hi @Susceptr,

There is a couple of ways, to my knowledge, to deal with this issue.

  1. Roll back to the previous version of D3 Mod, & clean-up your stash space. Then use the latest patch.
    The most current patch had to reduce the stash sizes, see Grimers note below:
  1. If you use the GD Stash mod, you can clean up your stash tabs without having to roll back to a previous D3 Mod version.

Hope this helps.

Hi @ASYLUM101,

Updated all mods (D3 + GD Stash + Rainbow), along with localisation files.
Base game was already up-to-date.
Has solved the issue.


Hi there!

After updating GD and the D3 mod to 1.2 i had issues on my single one D3 character with the Kymon/Death vigil quest.

When i updated the mod, the character was still in Elite. After the update he had lost all faction reputation for Death Vigil albeit being in the middle of the quest chain. (The “search for signs of Urobuuroks dissapearnce” quest was active.)
I the used GDStash to set the reputation back to “honoured”. I was able to complete the quest and get additional reputation in Elite.

For some reason in Elite the other factions also seemed to be affected by a bug. For example i was suddenly only considered “Tolerated” in Devil’s Crossing and was completely neutral with Barrowholm.

I also used GDStash on them and set them back to “honoured”.

After advancing to Ultimate however, the Kymon/DV quest bugged out again. When the character arrived in Homestead, both factions - Kymon as well as Death Vigil - seemed to think that the character was a member of the other faction and the reputation for both factions suddenly was “friendly”.

I’ve used GDStash again to fix the issue.

Reputation for the other factions at least seems to work fine in Ultimate.

As far as i can tell none of my Vanilla characters was affected by a similar problem.

PS: The character is a Nightblade/Wizard.

I would like to see any two handed melee weapon to have Barb Frenzy skill modifier.

Hi @Dammitt ,

It appears the latest D3 updates are not available on grimtools.
For example, the new “Sapphire” gem I cannot find (unless I’m blind).


That’s correct. I intend to update GT branches for D3 and RoT to soon-ish.

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Hi @Grimer ,

I would suspect this was not intended???

Smaller stash is such a downgrade, to be honest. Where to store all the items now? Have a bunch of mules for that sole purpose? Especially considering that drops were buffed in the recent version of the game.

GD Stash or GD Item Assistant. the large stash is no longer necessary.

GT branch for D3 mod is up-to-date with the latest mod data now.


D3 Necromancer’s decrepify completely stopped working when i put 3 points into the second skill.

Edit: correction, decrepify stops working when you put 6 points into it.

Patch 4.8 - Update 2: Available Now

Back to the patch numbers because why not.

This patch brings a few bug fixes and a new item: Unending War, a legendary two-handed axe with a modifier for Barbarian’s Frenzy skill.

And of course, the fix for the enigmatic bug with Decrepify, which I will never know what caused it (sorry for the delay btw).



  • Fixed an issue where Decrepify’s Rank 4 wasn’t affected by the Crown of the Primus modifier.
  • Fixed an issue where Decrepify wasn’t working properly at Ranks 5 and 6.
  • Fixed an issue where Crusader’s Ultos Stormseeker had a non-intended damage conversion for Primal Strike.
  • Fixed an issue where Aquila Cuirass was considered a legendary item rather than an epic one.


  • Unending War: New 2h Axe that supports bleeding damage with a modifier for Barbarian’s Frenzy.
  • Crusader’s Ultos Stormseeker: Damage conversion removed.
  • Inna’s Temperance: Cooldown reduction removed.
  • Demon Machine: Added a cooldown to its itemskill.

Click on the image to download it:


Patch 4.9 will take a while...


  • Unending War: New 2h Axe that supports bleeding damage with a modifier for Barbarian’s Frenzy.


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