[MOD]Diablo Path of Atherial

This will be submod for popular diablo 3 mod for now.
Purpose of this submod - make it feel more Diablo Like

What done so far

  • Changed item Colors Magic - Blue, Rare - Yellow, Relic\unique - Golden, Legendary - Sepian
  • Change some music to that from Diablo games
    (Credits to Blizzard)
  • Fixed Missing Gems textures
    Here some screens

What i’m planning

  • Add some PoE content
  • Change music further

Seems like our “diablo-lovers” club is growing stronger.

Will be interesting to see the result.

Great idea; I am considering making a Path of Exile mastery mod if I ever get skilled enough at modding.

Grim Path would be a better name imo


cool idea tho

Please make Glacial Cascade skill asap.

Things to add in next beta

Chilled Crab Set

Mythical Set Tidal Crab Set

Crab Boots

Crab Bracers

Crab Helmet

Crab Plate

does that mean there is a beta ? I see no link. Also, the screenshot in the OP does not show.

No bad english ((((
I meant in my first release )))
I will fix things about screens.

As i say
Magic - Blue color
Unique/epic - Ellow colour
Legendary - Sepian colour