[MOD] Frost Knight Mastery

A new mastery I made while learning the modding tools for Grim Dawn, some abilities are inspired by the WoW’s Death Knight class, and some abilities are just what I see fit with this new class. Consider this mod a beta, I may or may not add additional masteries, skills, or item sets in the future as I learn the modding tools.

Updated to v1.1 with various fixes

  • Frostborn - -% total speed replaced with -% attack speed and -% casting speed
  • Glaciation nerfed
  • Sweeping Strike - added a modifier, reducing the cooldown (-50% @ max, -100% @ ultimate rank) and giving Sweeping Strike a chance to decrease the cooldown of all skills. Added to compensate relatively long cooldowns on all knight’s skills.

Frost Knight v1.1

Frost knights boast powerful melee abilities, and trained to use heavy armors and two-handed melee weapons. These warriors supplement their strength with frost magic.

Very interesting. can’t wait to fiddle with it.

2 questions

  1. is this a 1.0?
  2. can i let my borg drones assimilate it into DAIL ?

Might want to include some more info on the skills etc :smiley:

Looks cool, good work! Been wanting a class like this actually

i like the idea but too much cd and skills are not my cup of tea.

Don’t listen to people complaining the number of spell is too low
Such thing doesn’t exist !!!


Good work, 2 things I noticed while testing:
-The celestial power on the auto modifier is really overpowered : +100% OA is insane. 10K dmg with a white weapon and naked.
-Slowing attack speed for better cold damage is understandable and balanced, but please, don’t slow movement speed !

Hey pretty cool mastery. I really like how you highlight the damage the skill does in the skill description. I also like how you get additional stats for investing in the mastery.

As a Frost Death Knight, I expect great things here. :cool:

Oh I see how it is.

Edit: Going into Char 2 while (Winter’s Gift? The +XP buff) is active crashes the game. Not sure why.

I like the concept of the mastery but there’s a lot of anti-synergy. Some skills benefit shields and then have modifiers that require 2H weapons. Kinda weird.

  1. Yes, 1.0
  2. Sure

I think the base skill is overpowered atm, I don’t see how’s +100% OA is connected to 10k white damage :slight_smile:

Haha, don’t expect identical skills and so on, it’s just the idea. As far as I remember, only Frost Strike and Freeze Blood (Icebound Fortitude) are somewhat similar to WoW skills, the rest is just my imagination.

Didn’t crash for me.
I think every skill that benefits shields does not have 2h weapon requirement, I may have missed something though.

Hey nice work there, enjoying it so far. although there is something that bothers me.

I dont know if this is intentional: you cant link devotions to your ONLY spammable attack (glaciation)? its already a low aoe mastery but thats just meh ;/

How do i get this to work with dail?

im working on it. i may throw in teh towel and upload my source files tommorrow if i can’t figure it out tonight. i’m having a particular issue which im sure is just one missing dbr file but i haven’t had a chance to research it properly yet.

Love this idea! Bring in more WoW classes? :smiley:

Updated to v1.1.

Have to say, really awesome. Though I do wish it was for dual-wield / 1h weapons, instead of 2h. Love dual-wield, for aesthetic reasons. ;-;
Not to mention I could synergize it with fangshi.

does your class have synergy with the default classes?

such as will glaciation proc WPS such as Feral Hunger or Markovians Advantage?

I completely agree with the dual wield aspect. After playing around with this mastery it doesn’t exactly have that ‘Icy Death Harbinger’ feel just yet.

Oh, a fellow Skyrim modder. :slight_smile:

Yeah, hello T3nd0 :slight_smile:


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