[MOD] Grim Dawn Soul UnBound

Grim Dawn: Soul UnBound

A simple mod for your filthy casul needs. All items are not soulbound (including agumented ones).

Proof (agumented ring)

After starting a mod, you will be kicked in to the main menu. Switch back to the Main Campaign and log with your character.

Attachment: UnBound.zip

i downloaded it for posterity

does that make me casul :frowning:

You became casul after opening this thread :wink:

Does this mean you can put rare materials and dynamite and such into the transfer stash?

Nope. These are quest items and engine does not allow to put them in to stash. If I enable that it will cause various problems all over the game and break some quests.

Shit but I just click the links to see what the mods are all about

Thats what you get :stuck_out_tongue: