[MOD] Monster affixes - proof of concept


This Mod adds random monster “affixes” to Alkamos.

How does it works ?
Two random hidden rings are added to Alkamos.He will always have them and can still drop normally his MI rings.
These rings are random and can also have random prefix that affect him.
They are “hidden” and instantly destroyed when dropped, so the player will never be able to have them or see them.
They are only used to give random properties to monsters.

Does it changes the chance to drop an item ?
No you have exactly the same drop chance to drop each item Alkamos can drop as if the mod was not installed.
The hidden ring takes the slot of an an empty space :
For Alkamos Finger2 and MiscItem2 where empty, so the hidden rings replace empty slots.
I could have even added more items to other slots, this would not have changed the chance to drop his MI rings.

What is the purpose of this mod ?
Make the creatures have more diversified abilities.A creature could spawn as 100+ random variations.
Make the player fear them when they have strong affixes like 100% chance to dodge projectiles or 2 x damage.
Force the player to change skills if the creature as immunity to the player Elemental attack.

It seems to be possible to give monsters aura skills that have proc other skills.
But directly giving proc skills won’t work (except on weapons)
I can’t make the name of the monsters change depending on the randomly affixes given by the rings.


V0.2 :
5 auras suffix skills have ben added.They give the wearer of the hidden ring (alkamos in this example) FX aura :
-Fire cast fire meteor on hit
-Cold (attack radius buff) cast Olexa flash freeze on attack
-Lightning cast Valdaran lightning strike on hit
-Poison cast poison nova on hit
-Chaos Cast chaining doombolt on hit

I made the Suffix always spawn so Alkamos will always have one of these random aura.
It’s more a proof of concept than anything, as I wished the item that give skills could also work on creatures, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be the case.
You can modify and share this mod as you want.
Just credit me okami29 on grimdawn forums.

Attachment: Monster_affixes_V0_2.zip

Nice idea, but 100% dodge melee or range?!
may be would suffice 50%

Yep I think Dodge melee and dodge projectile must be exclusive.
It’s possible by removing from the second loot table one of the rings.
Also it’s not really balanced, I just wanted to make a proof of concept, then other modders might take the idea if they want.

Interesting proof of concept, but without some way to communicate the “affixes” to the player like in Diablo I’m not sure how far this can really be taken. But hey, maybe someone will have a brilliant idea on how to do so.

Is it possible to make a glowing graphic like that of the Molten Walker boots for rings?
I don’t mean the proc I mean how the soles are always lit up.
If so just color code it like that?

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Perhaps, but I don’t think so.

I’m not sure, skills can attach effects to various parts of a model, and items can have effects already attached to their model, but given that this is using “invisible” item slots it may not be possible to add a graphical tell. It’s not a bad idea, someone with more modding knowledge might be able to give a better answer.

I would think you’d probably have to go with the Clone of John Bourbon fight and create multiple copies of the Alkamos dbr file adding something in his name for each kind of version you could fight against.

Then if it would work have his spawn proxy only spawn 1 of the numerous types of Alkamos which would then give the randomization.

This way with multiple Alkamos dbr copies you could then give more abilities/different abilities to each version.

edit: I am uncertain if there would be an easier system to replicate Diablo 2/3 when it comes to making champion/unique/elite/etc… packs with randomized monster affixes. My own suggestion would most likely be quite tedious though I would think after getting the hang of making the changes it would get a bit faster.

Could just assign a blank passive skill to each of the rings that has a charfxpak assigned to it. Would work.

Edit: I know it would work because we fucked something up in Cornucopia testing and got a permanent fx over the character’s head from a skill on a medal.

It might be possible to do it without going through a skill, but I would have to go through the motions of testing it out and i cbf to bother with that.

Attaching an effect that affixes to a bone group or w/e could do the trick if you can figure out how to edit the mif files.

Super easy with TQ, with GD… not so much.

Yes but this means making multiple creatures files and that’s not what I would like to do.
The goal is trying to make 1 creature dbr file can spawn as 100+ variation depending on the randomly given affixes.
For example if a creature has 3 empty slots, we could attach 3 loot tables.
These 3 loot table each randomly give 1 item from a list of 20.
And each one of these item can have 1 or 2 affixes + Set skills it would make a HUGE amount of possible variations for each creatures without needing to create hundreds of differents creatues files for each possible affixes combinations.

But skills given by items (even procs) or affixes seems to only affect the player, not the creatures even if the creature already has the skill in it’s skilltree.
For example if I make the hidden ring give the Stormcaller aura on equip (from eye of the storm relic), it has a graphical FX that doesn’t affect the monster because it is not used.
If the player equip the ring, the skill works and the graphical FX is visible.

I know for a fact the proc-portion of it isn’t true; give Fabius a weapon with a proc on it and you’ll see a lot of crap flying around pretty quickly.

As for the rest, don’t make it like a buff or something, have you tried using a skill_passive.tpl granted skill, as done on items like Titan Pauldrons, such that the skill is always active?

Maybe only the procs from weapons are working ?
Skill_passive is working with the rings, but I don’t know if it’s possible to make autocast skills form skill_passive, I will need to test it.
EDIT : The skill_passive can give an aura FX !

Ok so ring can give skill_passive that can give an aura that can cast normally other skills with auto controllers… !

But skill_passive doesn’t work with some autocast controllers (on attack, on hit…), that’s really strange.
Why is that ?Is thit because of the controllers ?

It seems some skills are triggering and other not,so I will post an update wih working skills.

V0.2 :
5 auras suffix skills have ben added.They give the wearer of the hidden ring (alkamos in this example) FX aura :
-Fire cast fire meteor on hit
-Cold (attack radius buff) cast Olexa flash freeze on attack
-Lightning cast Valdaran lightning strike on hit
-Poison cast poison nova on hit
-Chaos Cast chaining doombolt on hit

I made the Suffix always spawn so Alkamos will always have one of these random aura.