[MOD] NNN Nomads Nothing Naughty

I downloaded the mod yesterday and so did my friend. We started a new character and the 5 points per level worked for me but we couldn’t get it to work on his game (while he was in my game and a solo game) reinstalled 3 times but could never get it to work on his, any ideas?

Conflicting mods probably? I noticed that if I did a build in the asset manager I could load the mod and see the changes immediately without exiting the game. However, if there was an asset rebuild, then I had to exit completely. If the asset manager had a silent crash and a corrupt file was made or in use, then I had to kill the process via the task manager or restart the computer before changes would be recognized. Sometimes that involved deleting the arc file and doing a full rebuild too.

It has no name, right under the Components section header is a [0] with a blank line next to it, its 0 cause i dont have the mats required to craft. W/e it is requires 1 aether crystal, 1 ectoplasm, and 1 Wrathstone. Costs 500 iron bits.

As for version, I have no clue. I downloaded it on the 10th, my file size is 266mb if that helps any. The folder has no version numbers.

Amazing mod! I recommend everyone to give this a shot if you haven’t already.