[MOD] NNN Nomads Nothing Naughty

It wasn’t my intention to upload this, but I’ve been having so much fun that I figured someone else may enjoy it also.

What this mod does:

  • Increases all spawns of monsters, champions and heroes (roughly double for each difficulty level)
  • Increases Skill points (5 @ 1-25, 4 @ 26-50, 3@ 51-75, 2 @ 76+) This should allow you to max out the mastery bar of both classes without worrying about losing skill power
  • Increases attribute points (two per level, each adds 5 to the attribute)
  • Increases health and energy per point, doubled health per point i physique, should stop all the worry about health at higher difficulties
  • Reduces overall damage output of character to compensate for increased skill and attributes
  • Reduces XP gained to help keep player level similar to vanilla, so many extra monsters, usually level 21 by Warden, got to 24 using this mod
  • Added potions, blueprints and components to Kerrick in DC, levelled and priced accordingly, but there to help with the shared stash not saving properly
  • Removed soulBound from all items
  • Removed Player level requirement from all items, only attributes are important now
  • Enchants and components are now placeable in either all armour or all weapons (some items were kept as is, depending upon original use, gun only still gun only)
  • Added a custom item to Kerrick, an enchant which will make your life easier. Bit of a cheat item at lower levels.

What this mod does not do:

  • Purposefully make the game harder
  • Purposefully make the game easier
  • Make you tea in the morning

Future plans:
None, as mentioned up top, I was just making something for myself, I may update from time to time and I may be open to suggestions, I’ve also uploaded my source files if any modder wanted to get started with a base, 8k files changed, many by hand, but please credit me if you’re using it in your own released mod.

Download Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/grimdawn/mods/7

Enjoy :slight_smile:

checking it out :slight_smile:

Thanks for this mod it’s looks great, but i don’t understand how to install it, can you help me ?

As far as I understand you should extract the zip file into your mods folder, which is in the Grimdawn install path not in your documents. I’ve not installed anyone else’s mod so I can’t be totally sure but that’s where they go when I make them and they are listed under custom game when I load GD up.

Edit: messed up the mod format, please re-download and follow above instructions.

Please, tell me, how to install this mod? I’ve tried to all paths, it isnt work for me.
I have downloading new files and still get only 3 skill points and 1 stat point at level 2. Other mods working as well.

You create a “mods” folder in your “grim dawn” installation folder, you unzip the mod here. Then, while in game, you select custom game and you create your character here.

I don’t know if it’s possible to transfer a character from main campaign to custom or the other way around.

It isnt work. Ive told that other mods are working(grimmest mod). Can u get me screen with level 2 char and 5 skill points on the mastery bar?

I haven’t tried this mod, so i can’t help you with this :confused:
maybe someone else can help.

Sorry, I messed up the mod structure. Please re-download.

Now it works. Thanks a lot!

Awesome, I’ve created, deleted, copied and pasted thousands of files back and forth, made so many copies trying to figure out which files are needed in what order, hadn’t realised I had made so many changes, the mod is pretty huge, bigger than I was expecting.

Hope you enjoy.

Slightly upset that this mod won’t make me tea D:

Perhaps it’ll happen after a long and happy relationship. :wink:

Trying out the mod, gotta couple hours in so far and enjoying it. Already ran into a few bugs/nitpicks I thought I would point em out.

There’s a component in the blacksmith that’s bugged, its icon is a checkerboard of blue and yellow squares, and has no stats/info in its tool tip. For me this is the very first component in the smith’s list.

The special augment you added to the merchants has lighting resist(50%) and elemental resist(50%), thought that was kinda weird to give a total of 100% lightning resist but only 50% to others. It also has no bleed resist at all. My guess is that the odd lightning resist was supposed to be bleed and you input the wrong one by accident.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll have a look at those bugs.

Great mod! Thanks!

I’ve noticed that you haven’t shared the source files, which is understandable, but also a shame just because I would have loved to make a few adjustments for my liking haha.

I wanted to increase the spawn rate by 3 times, reduce the xp gain further and maybe increase the enemy toughness a little.

Maybe if you could look into doing this, that’ll be great. Or if you could maybe release the source files to do this. Or, I guess if neither, completely your call, I will have to look into making my own mod haha.


I was going to share my source to start with, but then I realised how much I had changed, my mod folder is almost half a gig.

Some bugs have been spotted, but once they are squashed I’ll be happy to upload my source to Nexus. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity what difficulty have you playing on that you want 3x as many spawns, the mod doubles the min and max spawn rates, so you’ll not always see dozens of them, but if it rolls the max (6 heroes on ultimate) and you want 3x, damn son, that’s hardcore :slight_smile:

Ok, haha. I have only been playing on normal so far. So it sounds like there are going to me far more spawns on higher difficulty levels. That sounds great, looks like I am in for a treat! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would suggest you nudge it up to veteran, the extra skill points will keep you alive, but you’ll see a big increase in the number of spawns, which will also lead to a larger quantity of drops.

Do you know what the augment is called, and if you could, how big is the mod you downloaded, I don’t have any broken items in my game and I’m wondering if you got one of the early versions