Update 8: Relaunch
4+ New Locations / 16 New Environments
New Location — A Dream
You take a short nap and dream about a somewhat familiar place.
New Location — Devotion
Devotion is the central location from where you can access each of the six unique Devotion Dungeons.
New Location — Devotion Dungeons
All Devotion Shrines are hidden inside these dungeons, and each one offers you a new challenge to overcome.
Adventurous Cavern
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure through a dialog with over 3500 words.
Sacred Halls
Cold Ruins
Run through spikes!
Illusionary Dungeon
Find the actual shrines.
Overrun Fields
Clear the area and face the final encounter.
Scorched Grounds
Survive all waves — but with a twist! Each wave will spawn after a certain time, even if the previous wave still exists. If a wave is cleared, a torch will light up.
New Location — Siegmar’s Landing / Faction Centre
For whatever reason, all Faction Merchants are gathered here.
New Location — Siegmar’s Challenge / Faction Arena (Rogue-Like Dungeon)
A new Rogue-Like Dungeon that is split up into three different parts. Fight through small arenas against many random encounters until you eventually arrive at the final arena to battle one - or maybe two - boss(es). Each part increases in difficulty and the path leading to its end is at least a bit randomized. For an extra challenge, you may also take on the Time Challenge by completing each part in a timely manner.
Part I
Part II
Part III
New Location — Sanctuary (Rogue-Like Dungeon)
The entrance to this new Rogue-Like Dungeon is hidden away near the Entrance to the Catacombs. Vanishing Keys are scattered around the dungeon and required to unlock tiered reward areas. And if you feel like it, you may as well curse yourself.
Swampy Graves
Thick Forest
Reworked Existing Location — Nehada Desert & Ancient Ruins
Visually fully reworked the whole area.
New Mechanics
Main Quest
- This quest acts as a guide and tutorial. Reading the quest description might yield you useful information.
6 Divined Devotion Spheres
- Hidden somewhere inside the world. Find and pop them to unlock each Devotion Dungeon.
- 8 Attribute & Skill Shrines
- These can be found scattered around the world. Cleansing them gets you a Tome that can be exchanged for Attribute & Skill Points.
Faction Tokens & Tickets
- The Faction Tickets are used as an entrance fee for the Faction Arena. Faction Tokens are used to level up each faction and are rewarded upon completion of the Faction Arena or through level-up rewards.
- Material Merchants
- These sell every material available in the game. Chances are you can’t actually get all possible materials through my mod, since some monsters or bosses might be missing. The merchants offer a very expensive way to still acquire them.
- Bounties (Reworked)
- Added 5 new bounty objectives. Doing the objective, for example smashing urns, you now get so called Bounty Tokens. These are tokens you hold inside your inventory. Should you get enough of them, the bounty completes itself. No more pop-ups.
- Nydar Mode
- I have added a simple buff to make the mod easier. You are not supposed to use it — and because of this, you need to enable it through the console.
Read more about these mechanics here!
New Quests
- Hawton Mine — Stolen Supplies
- Strange Well — Investigation: Strange Well
- Tomb — An Once Forgotten Legend
Reworked Quest Rewards
- Each difficulty now has different rewards. You can check them here.
New Items
- You can pop these to get their contents. There are many different variations, and while you mostly get them as a reward, you might as well drop them occasionally from chests.
- Experience Scrolls
- Increases the experience you gain for a short duration.
- Stash Scrolls
- Spawns a stash right at you. Don’t get crushed.
- Divine Crystals
- Grants you a powerful buff for some time. These are a possible reward in Sanctuary.
A New Soundtrack (10+ titles)
Changes to Existing Environments
- Completely Reworked Nehada Desert & Ancient Ruins
- Prelude — Refined ground textures
- Edge of Eternity — Reworked the atmosphere, more diverse weather
- Cruesle Canyon — Reworked the cliff, which is now accessible
- Flooded Mountain Woods — Lowered the cliffs for a better view
- Strange Well — Refined ground textures
- Transition Part I — Removed the fog, refined ground textures
Changes to Existing Content
- Completely reworked all dialog with coloring and a better structure
- Completely reworked all level-up rewards
Balanced encounters — Lowered overall difficulty in the starting areas; Limited the level enemies can go up to on each difficulty; Higher level offset in late-game areas and challenge dungeons
- Hawton Mine — Added additional spawns to the boss fight
- Strange Well — Final fight has slightly more spawns
- Tomb — New scripted encounter before final fight
- Odul Aela’s Dungeon — Reworked some encounters, now slightly more difficult
- Ashes — You can now encounter Salazar (required for a recipe); Increased difficulty of the optional additional encounters for the final fight
- Reworked the unique armor I’m Attractive, as well as added a long duration version — You can now actually build an army
- Changed up the boring Necklace Quest a bit
- Fixes — Opened doors still blocking the path (Hawton Mine & Odul Aela’s Dungeon); Ashes final fight not working after dying once and reentering; Enya’s Vision teleporters not working correctly; Odul Aela’s Dungeon rewards given even if the player died; No more duplicated blueprints
And countless other minor changes . . .
I want to sincerely apologize for the silence. Besides being burned out, I also had other things to deal with first. Fortunately, I had quite some surge of motivation, so I got back on it. Again, I’m really sorry for whoever anticipated an update of the mod.
A full play-through on Normal should now take 7 to 10 hours. I think I might have overtuned the difficulty of some parts, so feedback about this would be appreciated.
I’m also considering porting all my environments over to the main campaign. They would act as new Rogue-Like Dungeons that you can find randomly in the world. Rewards will be tuned down to match the rest of the game. Currently counting them I come up to potentially 15 new dungeons — so ~2 per act, but I would probably scatter them more around the starting acts than the later ones. This would be a completely new mod that expands the main game.
That’s all. Enjoy playing.