Minor Update
- (CLASSIC) Fixed the Nydiamar Dungeons version included in the Classic standard version not working at all
- (+) Improved text and dialog by rewriting stuff and fixing some typos
(–) Improved visuals of
- Prison (Prelude)
- Edge of Eternity
- Mystic River
- Passage II
- (+) Added FX and sound effects to several actions, such as receiving Level-Up Rewards
(+) God Events
- Reworked the cluster and debuff events
- Improved FX and sound effects; Different effects depending on which one was triggered
- Fixed some of the summons spawning hostile creatures (e.g. through on-death skills)
- Rebalanced Sacrifices, making them more viable
(+) Mystic River
- Fixed the entrance portal sometimes not appearing
- Added several difficulty levels that limit the Grid Level
- Added dialog option for current Grid Level
(+) Where the Time Goes
- Mutator (Monsters): Increased -25% Health Points to -500%; Removed +15% Total Damage modifier
(+) Adventurous Dungeon
- Reduced Health Points of Harpy bosses was ridiculously high
- (CLASSIC) Devotion Dungeons can now only be skipped on difficulties higher than Normal
- (+) Reduced amount of loot dropped from armor and weapon stands, as well as the monster-infrequents chest
- (+) Updated the Diablo 3 Classes mod by Grimer to version 3.9
- (+) Reduced mod size (the map file was previously bloated)
(+) = Nydiamar & Nydiamar Dungeons
(–) = Nydiamar
EDIT: Rewrote this post.
Play-through is taking too long, have to take a break. I might continue eventually in the coming months and improve some other stuff.
Mod is quite difficult, gotta admit that.
Enjoy. ~