[Mod] Nydiamar

Update 19

(–) New Location — Overgrown Cave

Follow along a mountain path in Snowy Landscape to access this new Rogue-Like Dungeon. Completing it lets you enter Nydiamar Dungeons afterwards.

The area is scaled to Level 110+, so you have to be well prepared! There are many treasures to be found, though most are blocked by roots – you have to figure out how to get through them.

(+) New Mechanic — Recycling

Transmutation, a new default skill, transmutes all non-unique equipment pieces on the targeted location into some Iron Bits and components. This process can sometimes cause a loot explosion.

You can now simply pick up everything shown by your loot filter and transmute everything else that’s left on the ground.


Changes to Existing Content

  • (+) Now compatible with 1.2+
  • (+) Updated Diablo 3 Classes mod to version 5.2 (Feb '25)
    • That makes the new Blood Knight class playable in Nydiamar
    • Runewords can now drop from bosses or be found inside containers
  • (+) Removed Undead and Aetherial Bounties
  • (+) Added “Any Monster” Bounty, where almost all monsters count towards except bosses
  • (–) Removed the Underground Fortress Teleporter
  • (+) Removed the Stash Scroll
  • (+) Renamed several locations, including:
    • TombWeerhoalt Tomb
    • Ancient RuinsNehadan Ruins
    • Above the WasteAbove the Wastes
    • AshesSmoldering Wastes
    • FieldsMeadow
    • Abandonded Farm HouseFarmhouse
    • Nightmare: Bloody MassacreBloodshed; CatacombsDeath; Abandoned HouseSolitude
  • (–) Added a new riftgate to the end of the Nehadan Ruins
    • You have to jump over a gap in a bridge with no way back, so this is a shortcut to everything afterwards
  • (+) Removed the additional difficulty lecterns in Smoldering Wastes, made their encounters permanent
  • (–) Farmhouse now requires a key found at the end of the mod
  • (+) Updated the Challenge Layer for all difficult areas
    • This means much better loot inside these areas, depending on their difficulty
  • (+) Proper fix to affixes for characters above level 100
    • Issue was that items were only getting a very limited amount of affixes applied
    • Previous change I made was not working too well, now it should be fine
  • (+) Returned the inventory and stash sizes to their original ones
  • (–) Rewrote some dialog and made some fixes to typos and consistency
  • (+) Rewrote all the scripting, which took the majority of my time, and there is still much to rewrite
  • (+) Reorganized tags and some records to make it hopefully easier to update in the future

Additional Changes to BETA

  • (+) Reverted all balance changes back to vanilla values, making the mod slightly easier
  • (+) Fixed the Diablo 3 bosses not progressing the Siegmar’s Challenge / Faction Arena
  • (+) Fixed the accompanying quest of Odul Aela’s Dungeon breaking sometimes
  • (+) Fixed rewarded Hero XP notification appearing again and cluttering the screen
  • (+) Fixed an issue with loot tables, leading to much more drops but no Soul Vessels
  • (–) Fixed some Nemeses potentially not being hostile for the Nemesis Bounty
  • (+) Fixed Nemeses rewarding two chests on death
  • (+) Fixed missing faction tags
  • (+) God Events
    • It is now much cheaper to bribe the gods for favor
    • Explosive Clusters now appear much faster
    • Gullom can now also spawn enemy ambushes when hit
    • Few balance changes
  • (–) Difficult Rogue-Like Dungeons are now labeled as such through their name tag
  • (–) Cursed chests inside Sanctuary now have better rewards and more difficult encounters
  • (–) Devotion
    • Lowered shrine requirements inside Illusionary Dungeon
    • Fixed exit not appearing in Smoldering Ashes (you can now simply teleport out)
    • Fixed Divine Devotion Sphere icons not working properly
  • (–) Lowered entry cost for Noitalacse Island from 50K to 25K
  • (–) Lowered entry cost for Odul Aela’s Dungeon from 50K to 15K
  • (+) Lowered the cost of gambling Diablo 3 specific items
  • (+) Exit of Mystic River now moves every 10 turns instead of 6, making it easier to catch
  • (+) Reworked the towers summoned through the Defense Materials (much stronger and useful now)
  • (–) Removed the tower defense mini-game in Dunnart Swamp, instead there are now pre-placed towers and some ambushes
  • (+) Removed base game quest items from the mod
  • (–) Removed the Level Tokens
  • (+) Several music changes
  • (DUNGEONS) Nydiamar Dungeons
    • Reworked mob density → fewer mobs; more clusters of Heroes
    • Reworked all wave encounters to make them less tedious
    • Removed all shrine requirements
    • Lowered the exchange rate for Defense Materials (cheaper to get) and added it to the normal exchange
    • Fixed all Nydiamar Arx quests rewarding too many Skill Points
    • Unlocking Mystic River now only requires interacting with the lectern
    • Hidden scarecrows in the Edge of Eternity mini-game no longer spawn enemy encounters
    • There’s a secret easter egg involving the dummies which rewards two unique special pets, just adding this here

(+) = Nydiamar & Nydiamar Dungeons
(–) = Nydiamar

You can not use an existing character! If you have played previously, please delete the Nydiamar/Nydiamar Dungeons folders under “Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn/save” to reset any progress (such as your stash).

Current play-through took me about 18 hours for only Nydiamar! The Blood Knight is a fantastic class and really feels like an official DLC, well polished and all.


One cool thing I last did was doing a Nemesis Hunt → Catching the Nemesis → Going to the Mystic River → Summoning the friendly Nemesis on a ‘Gotta go fast’ mutator field → Watching from the platform above how the overpowered Nemesis wrecked havoc on everything → Then triggering a God Event on the platform that ultimately killed me.

Anyway, I’m happy that besides some minor issues, the mod worked flawlessly for me the whole play-through. The only things I feel like should be improved are the writing part, the capturing mechanic, more boss variety and maybe adding some more quests, filling up empty-feeling areas. Maybe I will get to it in the future.

Enjoy. ~

Follow the instructions from the Opening Post!