[Mod] Reign of Terror

Double casting bug in MP affects “projectile skill” templates, such as Skill_AttackProjectile, Skill_AttackProjectileDrop and Skill_AttackProjectileFan (these are the ones that I have personally experienced during various playthroughts of RoT and also other mods, but never in vanilla).

Cannot say for sure what exactly is the cause but it might be related to a base skill having autoCastSkill proc with @enemyonattack controller set directly in the skill dbr.

However, if @Fretheo has encountered this bug even in the vanilla game then there is probably something else in play because GD doesn’t have any base skills with auto cast procs, just procs from Devotions (which is technically the same thing so maybe that’s why).

What indie game is that btw?

Hey RAM. thx for getting this attension. I talked with a Crate Employee, and he said that it hangs to the mod developer. how do we figure this out?
all the best

This is quite likely. This breaks a lot of skills in MP in Zenith.

I heard somewhere that is is skills that have a devotion skill baked into it by default, not sure how many of those there are in RoT.

Yeah, the autocasted skills cause a lot of desync and are a big cause for MP issues with mods.

Some info regarding the cause and cure of the issue. There’s really no solid proof for anything just guesswork, but there seems to be a correlation there, autocasts + MP = desync, with the exception of pet based autocasts like Wendigo Totem.

Thank you all for your replies. I suspected this might be the case so I’ll make sure to pass this info internally to see if there is anything that can be done to maintain the skill mechanics while removing auto-cast procs.

The goal is to make a foundation for creating a top-down ARPG. However, the first project is going to have a limited scale and only some ARPG mechanics because making a full fledged diablo-like game with 2 devs (actually… 1,5 devs) in reasonable amount of time is simply impossible.

Hi All,

on the character screen selection, My character has no items visible (like weapon shield). Do you know how to display them ?

thanks for the mod :slight_smile:

thank you,

The only way for custom mod assets to appear in the main menu is if you’d merge mod and GD assets inside Grim Dawn/database and Grim Dawn/resources folders and that’s something you probably want to avoid doing because this process has to be redone after every GD update or game files verification plus you could end up replacing duplicit GD files if not done correctly, which would affect the base game.

I feel like Lichbound broke the game lol
My Gang

You think that’s broken, try the new Mythical versions of D2 sets. My 100 Nephalem Ritualist can have 13 skeletons, 14 skeleton mages, 4 'revived mobs and the merc with healing aura all up at once. Even with all that, pretty sure still couldn’t make a dent in Uber Mephisto.

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Hmm… I’ve tried extracting the latest release ( multiple times but the icon for the buff skill from Enforcer’s Will amulet component is a checkerboard. I’ve been following this mod since, I know where and how to extract the folder.

Known bug which is going to be fixed in the upcoming hotfix.

Considering the quality of this mod, I’m definitely interested in your up coming game.

So guys. somedays hjas passed now. any suggestion to how we go further with this double casting Issue?
thx for all your time

As already mentioned above, double casting is most likely caused by skills with auto-cast proc attached directly in the skill dbr. Removal of said auto-cast procs should do the trick, however this means that the affected skills will have to be reworked in order to compensate for the lack of auto-cast skill and that’s something which takes a lot of time so don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon.

awesome mod.
I just got the Titan trinket.
it doesn seem to work with the cooldown reduction on my mercenarie/hireling? is that intentional? best of luck

hi guys,

how do i get mystical tal rasha or immortel king. kill the world bosses very often but nothing drops :confused:
and shattered realm drops are so lala…the drops are often the same. Thats boring :// ('ve found wizardspike 30 times or more only from sh)

the highest waystone is the Terror or? I made a 110 and didn’t get a higher one.
but nice mod, he captivates. Nice builds btw. :slight_smile:

I spent my first 20 hours of Reign of Terror version using the Nephalem Commando. I am currently in Maggot Lair Act 2 Hell and I have not seen immune lighting monsters ( has resistance lighting greater than 100) ( I turned off Paladin’s aura Conviction and turned off Arcane bombs in Devotion).
I want to ask if in the new versions of RoT there are immune monsters?

Sorry I am using google translate for this comment.
Thanks to the developers who created this mod.

  1. Mythical version of D2 sets drop only from world bosses. Drop chance is quite low so keep trying.
  2. Yes, Waystone of Terror is the highest one in RoT.

There are currently no common monsters immune to a specific dmg type. The only exception are hero type enemies that can spawn with multiple resist auras / passives. Uber bosses also have high overall resists but no immunities.