[Mod] Reign of Terror

There is no yet, it was meant in a way that it’s likely there’ll be a newer RoT version by the time some people get FG.

I just passed the game on Normal+ as Necro/Paladin. Balance got better, character get levels faster and that’s great. About bosses i had problems only with Ancients and Baal (1 800 000 HP ). I also had fps drop in the fifth act. I think the problem is due to the huge number of enemies on the screen. Otherwise everything is fine, thanks.

Classic Necromancer seems to be the easy way to finish Reign of Terror.
Just kill Mephysto in Hell with no trouble at all.
But all my melee builds have been one-shot killed by Baal on normal, kkkk

Boss with 14 millions HP is scare me lol. I hope Ram will rebalanced them.

You were using Grim Dawn stuff though with Classic Necromancer. Since pretty much all Grim Dawn content will be removed, I’ve never used any GD components or augments. I’m just gonna end up waiting til Nightmare and Hell difficulties scale with Act 5 Normal before I continue the mod but Classic Necro is pretty OP. You have Amplify damage with 3 passives plus if you go with Druid as 2nd mastery Oak Sage line makes you even more OP lol.

Yeah! It feels great to unleash a hord of minions in Sanctuary! I was using the Druid combination, but to me something was off the place with the mix of the nature appeal of the Druid and the death theme that I was looking for. I even try a mix with the Paladin and try to convince myself that I was a Dark Cleric or something like that. The mix of the 2 Necros was the only combination that really feels natural to me ^^

All difficulties are unlocked for me, not sure why. I think you can skip Nightmare and playing on Hell difficulty.

Mods have all difficulties unlocked at the start by default.

Just a quick heads up. I gave in to temptation and got the two Expansions.

I now have the latest version of Grim Dawn ( and all mod files installed. Everything is working fine ‘touchwood’. I’ve been playing all day :slight_smile:

14m is nothing. Fight Calladagra on Ultimate with a four man party, 70m is a lot more intimidating

Anyone else having issues with Artic Blast? Cast animation just plays in a loop without actually activating.

Known issue, will be fixed in the next update.

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Did Monarch drop chance get nerfed? I made a new char and got all the way to level 83 and haven’t seen a single one drop.

What bleek days.I went away for a week to catch up on some gaming and some zzzzZZZZZ’s but man i was busier than ever only got to play to act 3 :rage:

Hey there, love the mod! You’ve done an incredible job thus far and im very impressed.

I was poking around the forums and trying to googling in other sources to see if there was a calculator for this mod specifically.

I’d love to theory craft. If there is one, could you point me to the right direction? If not, no biggie, keep doing what you’re doing. Incredible work!

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Nope, no changes were made to socketed item drop chance.

I don’t think there is one yet, mostly due to the fact that the classes haven’t been finished.

Hi there.
I want to thank you for the incredible work u put in this mod, i’ve already spent so many hours on it and I’m still having a blast.
I’m amazed of the level of detail you’ve gone to make this mod feel like D2 but in a much more modern look. We’ve hoped since so long a D2 remastered but it’s useless now because we’ve got it. It’s impressive how I can feel the vanilla D2 atmosphere when I’m playing this mod.

Here are some things I noticed, sorry you might already know them but I couldn’t find a post referencing them :
Druid :

  • Rabies. Seems to be a melee ability because the character goes melee to cast it but it’s not specified and we can’t assign it to the left mouse button
  • Artic blast : Nothing happens
  • Hurricane : The range of the spell is about twice the FX

Sorceress :

  • Thunderstorm : Nothing happens

C Necro :

  • Revive : The summon is supposed to revive half of the killed monsters but i’ve never seen it. And as it doesn’t, it’s a bit weak for this high level temporary spell

Many Sets items have no set bonus, i’ve found so far :
Flame’s virtue
Mark of Anguished lies
Turin’s Step/Grip
Watcher of the frozen North

Thanks again for your amazing work

Thank you for the feedback.

Thunderstorm should be fixed in the latest release (try to install it again just in case).

Revive can resurrect only enemies that were killed by this pet but I agree that it might feel
a bit weak so this spell is going to be reworked at some point.

GD FG items have not been updated yet to match RoT custom item quality.

Ram this is the most incredible mod! The more I play it, the more I love it. Everything about it just feels familiar and ‘right’.

But I do have a really big request. Would you ever consider releasing the source files so we can ‘mod the mod’?

For years I’ve dreamed of a ‘moddable’ Diablo. I even have an old notebook from years ago where I wrote down ideas for stories and quests (yeah, I’m one of ‘those’ people).

Now, I know I can never hope to create anything on the scale of ‘Reign of Terror’. But it’d be incredible if I could just create my own small adventures set in the Diablo universe.

Here’s hoping :slight_smile:

Loving the mod. I think I ran into a bug though.

After freeing Anya in Act 5 i logged out.
Now the portal to Nihlathak’s Temple is gone and I’m unable to complete the quest.

Thank you for your work Ram.