[Mod] Reign of Terror

Hi, fabulous mod, I have a ton of fun the last days.

Playing as a Paladin on Normal:
I had lots and lots of trouble with the council (uniques and their minions): They where so fast and their hydras seem to make a shitload of damage, my Pala was barely able to hit the minions or a council member once or twice before dying. I respecced into different skills (vengeance, zeal, blessed hammer, different auras etc.) and lastly managed to kill them with Fist of Heaven - but only by “dying through” them with at least 20 deaths in Travincal and 10-15 deaths in the last level of Durance of Hate. Mephisto afterwards was a peace of cake, I could nearly face tank him. And everything in Act IV until Chaos Sanctuary (that’s my actual position) was no problem to clear with no big hurdles.

Ah, before anyone asks, elemental and poison resitances where up to 75%, Insight-runeworded weapon and some unique and rare equipment, all updated with components, so at least not a total noob char.
Maybe it’s only me and I’m just to stupid to play, but I gave my very best :slight_smile: I played a lot of D2-LoD, and I remember the council beeing hard, but this was a little bit too much for my liking - especially on normal…

First of all, amazing mod, thank you a lot for all your efforts.

I just wanted to say, on risk of having my character nerfed, that I’m finding the skill Hurricane way too overpowered so far.

I’ve just finished normal, and the other damage skills are NOWHERE near the amount of damage Hurricane can ditch. At level 40, 20/20 Hurricane, without focusing too much on damage (I had like 250% inc cold and lightning?) I was doing like 25-30k per hit, while other skills were barely able to reach like 2-3k. I know that hurricane doesn’t hit as fast as other skills can (just once per sec), but DPS was insanely higher as well. And I tried to respec to every single skill from both the druid and the sorc (my classes) to make sure.

I literally just completed the game last night and up until Baal, all the trash mobs were instantly deleted as soon as they got into the Hurricane range (which is pretty big). The heroes didn’t last much either, maybe like 2 hits.

As I said maybe I’m shooting myself on the foot right now, or maybe I haven’t played enough and it turns out to be trash later, but so far it’s feeling a bit overpowered, in my experience.

Thank you!

Maybe :wink: Then again having some semblance of balance is healthier for games (and mods) in the long run.

Hurricane has been buffed recently to be usable in late game as it was lacking, however it seems that the scaling should be reviewed for lower levels once more. Thanks for the report.

Thx for your quick replay - I’m playing with the hotfix already.

I think it’s not the hydras by themself (which deal a lot of damage nonetheless) but the combination of hydras, minions (which are always really tough biests) and the council member themselves which made it impossible for my pala to proceed.

My normal strategy of pulling one or two minions out of the bulk, kill them, rince and repeat until the boss is last mob standing doesn’t work here. I get swarmed in a blink of an eye and then my fate is sealed…

Anyways, maybe some other melee players have different experiences and it’s really me playing too stupid - with nearly 54 my reflexes aren’t as fast as 20 years ago :slight_smile:

As a last note: I cleaned the chaos sanctuary with my lvl 37 Pala, only Diablo with lvl 45 was a little bit too much for him. Off to farm some levels and equipment!

If you followed the mod you would know 2 versions gonna be released.But…I my sound like an ass but no1 force you to play.I could play either way with GD or without i couldn’t care less.But what erks me is that you
said I will barely touch the mod.

Ram is working his ass off.For you to say that then,you don’t deserve to play this wonderful mod :stuck_out_tongue:

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It is possible that the updated links I’ve been given were still for the old version so I have updated them once again, just for a good measure. You can try to re-download it one more time and see if anything changes.

Ok, thx, will try tomorrow!

Edit: Downloaded, it’s definately another Version, 7z-file has another size!
(I downloaded the version after your first answer, that version was identical to mine from yesterday so there really seemed to be the wrong version online until today.)

Hey Everyone,

It was brought to my attention that the download link on the forum for 0621 was not updated with the Hydra fix. This was a mistake on my part, I had updated two different links (one for discord, and the other for I thought was the one for the forums), but it turns out I had updated one of the wrong links.

I will be the first to admit when I was wrong or made a mistake.

I made a mistake and I apologize deeply to all of the community. This shouldn’t have happened. I don’t want this to reflect on the work that I am doing, I am afraid to some it will though :/. I am so sorry for the inconvenience it has caused everyone.

I sincerely apologize to each and everyone of you.

It was definitely the Hydras lol. I didn’t realize they used the Sorc ones, and those just received a massive buff.

Now they use their own Hydras. With their own Fireball skill.

No problem at all, I’m happy that I could help find a bug :slight_smile:

Very cool mod. Was wondering if the sound was still being worked on? If so would it be possible to remove Grim Dawn sound effects for when using spells and a DoT is applied to an enemy? I was using Inferno and I heard it happening a lot.

Also wondering if you could make spells not cause enemies to instantly gib. Great work so far!

Sounds are not even half way done so you can expect more of them being added as the mod development progresses.


I just finished playing through the first difficulty, and I just wanted to express my appreciation. The amount of effort and attention to detail you and your team have dedicated to this mod amazes me. What you’ve created here is truly an amazing contribution to the Grim Dawn community. Thank you!!

Just finished hell. I haven’t had so much fun with a game in a while. I am currently at level 87. I have already noticed that the cow’s zone gives a lot of experience, but it depends on a key. In which other zone can I earn more XP up to level 100?

Edit: Item Assistant works with this mod?

Areas with high monster density (Bloody Foothills, Ancient Tunnels, etc) and SR are the best ways for leveling up after finishing Hell (XP shrine helps as well).

Item assistant works with RoT.

Hello, two quick questions:

  1. I noticed after the update my stash is too large to see all of it, is there anyway to fix this?

  2. I moved one of my save files over from GD’s main campaign to see how my character would fare in Hell mode. Sadly every time I exit the game, I lose any progress I made, resetting the character to the first quest of Act 1 and the gear it started with. I assume this is a mistake I made, but if anyone else has made it and knows how to fix it, I would appreciate knowing how to. In the meantime I will work on correcting the issue myself.

Also thanks for making this Ram, I have had a huge amount of fun re-exploring Sanctuary.

Quest progress remains on the character, but Item, Devotion, skill and stat progression does not.

  1. Reduce UI Scale at game options, Video section.

  2. That’s because you simle copy char from main campaign. You need 3rd party tool like GD Stash to set you char as “in mod”, otherwise it will re-save progress to main campaign every time.

Thanks man, the UI scale worked like a charm and now time to download GD stash and figure out how to mark the characters as in mod.

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