[Mod] Reign of Terror

Tbh I don’t know what you did but your looks kinda cooler. xd
I assume you have checked what the original’s msh is linked to.
If it’s exactly the same then maybe there is some kind of transmuter applied?
You may want to check what happens if you link some other random msh to your Oak Sage.

thanks xD but this is simply the basegame original msh which was used and is shown ingame, where the RoT msh of the Oak Sage is set to the same, it maybe has to do with the applied charfxaura, but still a strange thing to me as it is not clearly linked as it seems to me, but i got it working semi good now with a found but strangly unused meshfx from RoT which was then added to the charfxpak to give nearly what i was looking for, still not the same and still would like to have an insight on this as it triggers my baseknowledge a bit :smiley:


EDIT1: also found the original visual fx →

but still the base mesh is overlapping the given pfx based visual, maybe only a config issue here, still strange thing xD

At least i got his tips :smiley:

EDIT2: there we go, even more to more liking somehow :slight_smile:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgDq7_hc0VM


Great mod :slight_smile:
Seems like shrines of fate are invisible in latest update, is it supposed to be?

Hi all, I’ve made it to act 6 level 16 but I can’t find any levers to get to Diablo for the final fight. What am I missing? I’ve scoured the whole area.

Known issue, will be fixed in the next update

There are 3 levers near the big door. Sort if in the main middle area. You can also check the map on GrimTools.

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Just discovered this mod from Reddit today by chance and goddamn this is INCREDIBLE. I really look forward to seeing more from future updates. Keep up your good work!

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The mod really is amazing, among the best mods for any game out there. So much love and passion went into it and you can tell.

Make sure to check out the other amazing mods found here - Grimarillion, Dawn of Masteries and Diablo 3 classes. Thousands of hours of content, and more to come when Crate drops the big update with a new class.

overall awesome job, but relative damage of items and skills for diablo 2 character and items is way too high in comparison to Grim dawn items and skill trees.
Which make it pretty bad when playing in hell difficulty with a 100% grim dawn build.

This affect also all celestial skills on comparasion to to the invisible celestial skills that are attached to certain skills.

Frozen orb being inspired of Panneti missile, makes sense…but panneti missile is kinda broken on single enemies, barelly register any hits. it would benefit from being able to pierce thru solid walls, since the skill have a limited life.

it would work better as a Pet, inspiring from the Elemental orb from the celestial skill tree or the Choas pet from the scourge wand. and cast the invisible celestial skill (massive frost nova with 20 swirling ice bolts) (100% on death) of the pet.

the chain lightning of the sorceress has no energy drain and provide insane ammount of chains at very high damage output…( i recommand to remove it’s damage and replace it with a % damage based on the lightning skill base raw damage output, so that chain lightning can not be significantly far more powerfull then the Lightning skill.)
(1 point in lightning and 20 in chain lightning, has very weak energy draw and close to 26k on the max damage of chains and up to 12 chains, currently.)

also Grim dawn engine does not work like Diablo 2 estetics, since we have to invest points in masteries to be able to have access to higher skills, defeat the purpose to put 20 skills point on Every skills. in diablo 2 higher skills were made availaible once you got the minimum level requirement.
hence the reason of the ballancing towards the either 8 , 10 ,12 and 16 skills levels of Grim dawn skill trees.

While I see two stat lines on chain lightning I can remove, the damage isn’t greater then the main Lightning ability. I’d like to add more mana cost to it but that’s a template limitation that secondaryskill templates cannot have a mana cost tied to them.

I dont think this is possible to do, without making all projectiles pierce through walls.

Interesting take, I can give this a try but projectiles-as-pets has already been tried for guided arrow and Bone Spirit. It doesn’t play that nicely/smoothly, so I doubt it’ll work here. Mainly because of the short life span. It works for the celestials as it’s bonus proc that goes around because you’re just playing around, but if it’s your focus ability, it feels wrong.

Not sure what the comment/feedback /goal of this part is. In RoT you also dont need to put 20 skills in every skill to unlock the next one? Skill progress in GD is linked to the mastery bar, they cannot be linked or have a level requirement.

GD gear isn’t yet on par with RoT stuff, though much has been buffed recently to make it feel better. Despite Saber’sMcNugget’s comment, there’s definitely a few very strong GD builds out there (one build which got posted was a double GD pet build), but the brunt of double GD classes (especially when just copy-pasting the top20 GD builds for example) will not perform as well. Balancing of the skills is an ongoing process (of both D2 and GD masteries) as well as making items suitable for more classes.

All GD attack skills have their caps increased already to 40 or 30, and the exclusives to 20/40. You know this, this change (except for the exclusive bit) already happened during your time on the discord before you got banned there, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at.


I’m interested in that 150-100 mil dps idea :smiley:
Currently on 3.8mil sorc blizzard.
Care to share a thought?

Of course you do not, you do not know the mod at all, since you are not playing it. A 5 yo player will get what I meant, but ok, since you do not, I will explain it in detail.
The overcap on all GD skills must be doubled.
For example, the skills that are currently 20+20, have an overcap of 20, so they need to have an overcap of 40, aka 20+40, aka lvl 60 max, instead of the current lvl 40.
The skills that are currently 10+10, must become 10+20, which means from max lvl 20 to max lvl 30 and so on.
It is a huge problem, Mr “I am only talk”, because on each and every gd class I can pretty much max out every skill with lower overcap than +20 with just 1 point and the +20 ones with a few points, basically in 98% of all builds, which leaves me with more than 100 unspent skill points, whenever going for gd+gd class, which unsopent points can make the builds stronger, just by increasing the overcaps, so I can spend them.

Is it clear now, Mr Stork?

Wow, almost done from the looks of it! Played really well when I tested it. GD proud of you, mate! This is amazing work! Far better than D4 thanks for the GD engine, and your awesome work!

I think I didn’t post it right: do you have, by any chance, a link to a build that does that insane amount of damage? I would like to see something like that and understand the mechanics of the build.
For example I’m playing a mix pala + sorc D2. Invested in all auras (the runewords) and now switching to Sorc Blizzard, thanks to the tal set (lvl 94). In both setups I never reached those numbers.
Thanks a lot.

Here are a few

Battle Chaplain, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (Reign Of Terror Mod) last one is Pala+sorc and hc viable. Damage won’t be 150m+, but you can clear all content.
There’s a lot of variation on what’s possible. Anything above 70m DPS feels pretty comfortable clearing all content.
If you have tal rashas pants, you can probably get to around 50M DPS if you go for the fireball route.

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Would it be possible to have standalone versions of the UI with the life and mana orbs, and of the town portal instead of the personal rift? I would love to play the base game with those.

Started this unbelievable “”““MOD””“” lmfao, it’s not a mod, but we can’t let Bizard know that…lol On Normal+ Dif, regulars and regular bosses (act one) are VERY EASY ! no challenge at all ! I just have a classic necro class, and sunk some points in poison blades and poison bomb…lol I one shot everything, and the bosses in a few shots…Can someone explain the balance to me ? I’m a somewhat new player into the ARPG space, been playing regular GD with mods, some D2, and Titan quest. Thanks !

Sounds like you’re not on the latest RoT update or GD patch. The stun/physical resistance icons have switched places.
Constitution is still a thing in RoT though.

Regarding how easy it is, it varies from person to person, but if you’re on an older patch you might also be over leveled as there was some change to the exp curve. Were you level8/10 by the time you got to the cold plains?

But early on it can be made easy if you fully max a damaging ability, especially if its s single skill without any secondary nodes, as that one skill node will have to also carry you through level 80


Turns out I was on normal dif, on + it feels way better, and now I have to strategize ! How in the hell was this made ? The enemies, the levels ? wtf am I playing ??? lol

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It has been a few years since Normal + was a real challenge, but it isn’t really a game stopper. Back then it was so hard some types of characters, like melee, were impossible to play and progress.

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