[Mod] Reign of Terror

  1. Check skill templates in D2C
  2. Check skill templates in D2C
  3. This is unique feature of skill. All right :rolleyes: (It also will be fixed for ranged weapons in next build)

Cannot replicate any of these crashes. Thorns aura should not crash the game since it doesn’t have any autocast skill assigned. Same goes for Enchant.

Does it crash immediately after you activate Thorns aura / Living Shadow? Also, do you experience these issues only in certain areas or anywhere?


First of all I would like to say that I’m really enjoying this mod, such an excellent work. Now to the point: I currently playing a Necromancer and noticed the changes (scaling and stuff) you did on the version 0.1.2. My complains are about the revive skill, it’s still an awful skill compared to the skeletons and the mage skeletons.

-The revived monster is very weak (having the lowest health compared to skeletons and mages) and is a melee fighter making it more vulnerable.
-At the cost of 20 points his damage output is somewhere between s.warriors and s.mages but it’s summon limit is only 1 compared to others which is 5 so overall it lacks.
-It requires 40 points to mastery while skellies requires 1 and mages 15.
-Its ressurection skill is way too inconsistent at only 10% in order to rely on it.

That’s about it, hope you re-rescale it for better results :smiley:

I’m enjoying this mod quite a bit. I’m super impressed with the maps, enemies, npc’s, sound effects, etc. Clearly a lot of work went into this mod and I appreciate all the work you have done.

Anyways, I just started playing yesterday and I’ve noticed that the skill Cyclone Armor is getting stuck so I cannot use it. It says “Skill recharging” on the tool-tip. I don’t want to exit the game right now but, I’m sure a new game would fix it. I hope you can address this issue in the future.

My biggest disappoint thus far has been with the druid skill Shock Wave. It seems to work fine but, it is terribly underwhelming. I had such high hopes for the skill and yet it’s just not very effective or fun to use. Does anyone have a high level druid that can tell me otherwise? Perhaps the skill can be redesigned? I would love an effort to redesign the skill because it’s not fun at all to play. =/ Maybe it has it’s uses but, so far not good.

Thanks again. Oh, and great work getting the Diablo 2 color scheme for loot. Makes me a feel a little bit at home in Sanctuary. :slight_smile:

Edit: RE: Shockwave, I wanted to add, visually the skill is is close to the real deal, perhaps I just need to stick with it and find a build to make it work, or at least fun. Any high level druids out there? Where are my Wearbears at? :slight_smile: Oh, and I love Poison Creeper w/ Carrion Vine. Really excellent implemention of this Diablo 2 skill into Grim Dawn. Well done.

After latest hotfix getting 2 skill points/level from level 13+

Yea, same here.

Edit: New toons also get only 2 per level. Is this intentional? Did I miss something in the release notes?

Thx for the feedback, going to test it a bit and see what I can do to improve the skill.

Yeah, Druid is going to get some love (“shapeshift” tree is one of the last specs I have to rework) so please, be patient.
Regarding Cyclone: it says Skill recharging because you already have it activated and can recast it once it absorbed enough dmg (= is no longer active).

I was experimenting with skill progression and unintentionally included it in the hotifx. Currently it’s:

2 skill points at level 1-49
3 skill points at level 50-89
4 skill points at level 90-98
5 skill points at level 99
6 skill points at level 100

I wanted to reward players for leveling their character since I will make it significantly difficult to get level 100 than Vanilla Grim Dawn.

Let me know if you prefer this system or the original where you got more points at the beginning and less points as you were progressing.

alright, daily skill complaint, energy shield feels very lacking… it has absurdly high energy consumption yet the effect is meh.

I am huge werewolf-druid fan, will definitely start a new character to test out the new skill point change once melee druid gets buffed.

The problem with this high-level-rewarding thing is that you kinda have to max out the character due to

  1. level 94 requirement for GD items
  2. uber bosses and minions are fixed at level 110
    It’s not like diablo 2 where the last 10~15 levels or so are really whatever

Cannot replicate any of these crashes. Thorns aura should not crash the game since it doesn’t have any autocast skill assigned. Same goes for Enchant.

Does it crash immediately after you activate Thorns aura / Living Shadow? Also, do you experience these issues only in certain areas or anywhere?

The crash is coming few minutes after the activation. Most of them are in the sewers.
I will try to investigate more precisly.

This skill progression makes sense to give you more as you rise and has two main benefits: Incentive to go the distance and more use out of earlier skills which are often passed over to master up to better skills. As a GD player for last 3 years only getting 2 early on is pretty rough, but with quest rewards as they are now it’s reasonable.

A full skill reset (if it is possible to mod it) that allowed you to reset Masteries would be nice once everything is finalized. Not change your class but down to first or second tier maybe?

ES active mana cost reduced and dmg absorbtion increased.

It’s not any item / skill what is causing the crash. Experienced these issues in Sewers myself. I need to investigate more to find the rootcause but I suspect it has something to with either level art or monsters.

This is also one of the reasons why I decided to change skill progression -> to make quest rewards more appealing because now it’s like “meh… 1 skill point reward”

Not sure if mastery reset is possible within the game (i know that 3rd party tools are capable of doing this), however I am not a fan of mastery reset since that completely removes the need of making additional characters / builds. Sorry to disappoint you but it is not going to be added (at least not by me).

No, I meant down to first tier or second tier in the mastery. Not changing the mastery. I agree that would be pointless if you could change any mastery completely.

I know you have a long way to go, but if there is no skill reset, anyone who has mid-high level characters by this stage will have far more skill points because they would have gained 3 per level starting from level 2 AND then start getting even more at higher levels. So, once game is finalized we either all start over or everyone is forced to reset skill trees based on the skill pool cap.

Not sure if this is possible but I assume that people kinda expect these issues since the mod is still in aplha stage so it’s up to everyone if they decide to take advantage of it or start a new character once the base mod is finished (as it’s suppose to be).

Color problems :

  • Empowered Apothecary’s Touch got brown name and green set name
  • Cosmic Invoker is considering set item (green name)

Thx, seems like I skipped all Epic Scepters when changing item tiers.


You fixed almost all the blocked way when you come back from Jail lvl1.
The last blocked way is at south from blacksmith location, not the one right under, the one after.

And you’re right, Thorns skill is not responsible of craches. I reactivated it and it’s not crashing when you’re not in Sewers.

Did you remove Act 2 Mercenaries ? Greiz is not selling them anymore.

  • Jail 1 entrance fixed
  • Mercenaries are sold by Greiz himself via conversation dialog

Affirmative, it’s on my to-do list.

Finishing up Dry Hills map and should start Halls of the Dead during tomorrow so you can expect new content update within next 2 weeks.

RoT 0.1.3. will include 4 new areas (+ 1 secret uber boss location), complete overhaul of monster drops, Druid Shapeshift tree rebalance, additional hero monsters, several bug fixes and more.

Dry Hills preview:

Let me know if you run into any issues with the current build so I could fix them before the upcoming update.

Papa bless