Here you do not need to improve the hero or kill monsters. I want to make a map with a variety of challenges, quests, puzzles.
Currently map is small, only a few regions.
You should spend a few attempts to complete the map. There is only one requirement, you have to use a new character.
Minimum clues, no local map, many traps, many deaths.
Request to the community
To begin, I want to say thank you to all who help here!
I really want to know if this idea interesting to someone and your opinion about my map.
And to help with my English. (Now all is well, but later…)
Gradually add new regions with their own challenges.
I have a lot of ideas for a brand new puzzle and new based on old, but more harder.
Some problems with the editor that I want to solve
Hahaha! Nice one! That aetherfire field tho…:furious:
I cheated in the very very end, when I got the wrong portal. Was there supposed to be a clue there that I missed, or is it a 50/50 chance for the player to choose right? Also, are the portals always the same or have you made them randomly swap in each game?
Very impressed that this is less than a Megabyte too, pretty fun mini-game. MAKE MOAAR!
This is one of the kind mod i’m waiting for. The way i saw in my dream is GD to have all kind of custom mod/map ranging from mastery, new contents/campaign, new lore, new quest, siege map, pvp map, puzzle map, tower defence. I even dreamt that the player model can be change into car so that we can have topdown car racing game. Another one is space arpg. Lol. In 1-2 years, i will see if those wet dream come true.
To hotdot666, awesome job and please make more!
edit: my first time playing puzzle in hardcore. Caption Puzzled was shortlived. RIP. Lol
After a preliminary look, I think I’m going to need to download and actually play the mod a bit in order to understand context. For most lines, I can just fix the grammar, but I have no idea what you’re trying to convey with, for example, “Well go, I will continue to further bored alone”
I’ll figure it out and send something back over the next 24 hours.
With my broken english, i felt that all conversation is fine and humorous which is good.
For that conversation, i think that npc is being bored and with u going forward leaving him being alone and bored again, he said he will proceed being bored.
I actually got that from the context (and updated the line to better reflect it), but I’ll be damned if I can find anything. I’ll play some again tonight and try to figure it out.
This should help a bit! I noticed not all of the responses were in this text file. I’d be happy to help with those, too, but I didn’t write it all down.