[Mod] Retaliation on ranged mobs - working for

my grimescape doesn’t appear to have a game.dll file in it, am i looking in wrong place? sorry for my noobness.

It’ll be wherever you have Grim Dawn installed. If you have the GoG version it’ll be somewhere else. It’s alongside the main game executable.

if grimscape edited the game.dll at all would it have it’s own game.dll file in the mod folder?

Cuz there isn’t one in the mod folder. so i should be good to just copy/pasta your file into my grim dawn folder? and just open game with grimscape mod active right?

No idea.

As far as I know, Game.dll modifications won’t go in to the mod folder, so they may well have edited it and it would just replace the original Game.dll file.

how would I go about editing a .dll file? I open it in notepad++ and it is very strange looking.

Thank you for the update!

nevermind it works!

No problem

Thanks, man.

Thank you so much for doing this. The difference is like night and day.

Is it all set to work with


mod stopped working with v1.0.2.3.

i tryed to modify game.dll with notepad+ but it looks weird and have no idea of how to find address B2740.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

I think I got it working … this is my first time editing a .DLL but I just edited the suggested range in the original post.

Until the OP posts his feel free to try mine.

It works!


Great … glad it’s working for you.

Is this the full mod?
Because the original mod’s link gives me error 404…

The link I posted is the “full mod” which is just a minor hex edit of the games .dll to allow retaliation damage to applied to ranged mob damage just like that of melee.

are this compatible with recent patch Grim Dawn Version ?

Not yet. I will hopefully get round to updating the Steam one this weekend for you guys :slight_smile:

thank you very much this game is good and community in it so awesome. have a nice day sir

For the Steam 12-19-17 update, the address is now 0b2580.