Mod Seperation/Less Compilation

So… i’m noticing a trend. Although i’m ecstatic about all the new mods we have going so far, I noticed there are a lot of “Compilation” mods being added. Most of which are modders that are altering game mechanics to their liking while simultaneously adding classes, or making changes to existing ones. Often times I find myself liking 70% of one compilation, while preferring the other 30% of another. On top of that there are resounding similarities in every one, i.e. the addition of grimmest, maps, etc.

Ultimately I think it would be better if we could keep mods segregated. Keep additional classes as one singular mod, Changes to existing classes as one mod, Devotion Tree Changes as one mod, boss/mob changes as one mod, and core game mechanics(experience,quests, shrine locations/requirements, etc … (obviously individualized by different modders, but seperated from other game changes)

I’d like to be able to pick and choose the changes I want to make to the game without having to be stuck with ones I dont want. Of course when i say “I”, there is an assumption that the majority of players out there want the same, and this is obvious by the multiple posts one each mod asking modders to add or subtract distinct changes.

Furthermore it seems like we need some sort of tool that will allow us to compile mods simply ourselves, or be able to run multiple mods at once (maybe a priority system as in Torchlight II or as simple as running all mods in the mod folder like addons do in WOW) This of course would probably mean changes being made by CRATE to their current mod system, or a tool developed by the community. I really dont know that they expected so many awesome mods to be pouring in as fast as they are, and I dont think the current system meets standard for what is already an awesome experience!

You do realize that all of these can be used separately correct? And the choice is yours. The modders merging the various ones are done at peoples requests. It certainly doesn’t mean you have to use ones combined that you don’t wish to. No need for imagined segregation. It already exists.

As for trends, mod tools are still fresh and being learned. The comp type mods are the easiest to get out the door first. Original content and art and various other types can take longer to put together and takes a lot of talent and knowledge of the tools available.

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I agree with you. 1,2 is a summary, and 3. is my suggestion

  1. the mod system is very primitive. only one “mod” at a time
  2. modders are modding but compilations actually let you have those muiltiple mods together
  3. you dont like the compilations -> fire up asset explorere and make your own… the game assets are really easy to manipulate !

Of course i realize i can use them separately… but who wants to? If you had played any other modifiable game before you’d understand the reason for my complaint. I want the ability to play MULTIPLE mods at once, but be able to play ONLY the mods I want. As stated you can peruse through the forums and find multiple post of people asking for the same. I just feel the current way mods are implemented into the game from CRATES standpoint should be adjusted. Most mods can be found already as standalone’s. If only it was possible to drop the ones of interest into the MOD folder and then launch them all simultaneously as a “Custom Game” without the concern for corrupting a save file when swapping between one Compilation to another.

haha… my points exactly… and my OP probably came through as a rant to most and some of the “BIG PICTURE” was lost…

I have however tried to compile my own mods… but it wasnt as easy for me. I was able to get started… but i have no clue how to compile .ARC files… I modded in torchlight II slightly… but it was way easier to maneuver, and obviously more limited. The mod tools are great, I just wish the way they were loaded into the game was streamlined a bit.

I have played others. Elder Scrolls comes to mind and easily accounts for what you are asking for since it is what everyone who thinks of mods thinks how it should be.

I and others have already made mention of this and I am certain Crate is already familiar with the concern. I imagine it is the way it is because that’s how TQ was as well and Crate is only using what they have available.

I was specifically addressing various statements made in your OP that it seemed you didn’t fully think thru before typing them out.

Yes, I imagine everyone wants a more Elder Scrolls style to the modding experience/implementation. It is vastly superior. Let’s hope they deem it worthwhile to do the work required to make it closer to this or in lieu, that some kind and knowledgeable soul can make it automated.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

we are still working with version 0 of the mod tools. which is stil very impressive.

you think crate is not reading htese forums and doing analysis on what to do with them?

stuff like

  1. mass import assets
  2. better api to allow some mod stacking w / priorities on the assets

i’m sure they are thinking about it. they have a few expansions planned that they’ve told us about and the developers are making a point of posting in the forms so you know, they know