[MOD] Super large Caravan and Backpack - Applies to GD (GDX2)

Right, what if I want to go back to normal mode like I do? since I forgot to back up the overwritten files…

Thank you VERY much for your work, both for mod and the main line fix! :heartpulse:
You’ve given me back will to play this game as my stash was overflown and I couldn’t play any longer.

I liked this change, but after using it here, it broke the chests of almost all the mods I use so I want to go back to the normal chest in the main campaign.

GD v1.2.1.4 h1(GDX2)Main line_Caravan & Backpack.zip (3.3 MB)

Usage: Extract the folder GDX2 from the compressed package to Grim Dawn.
This compressed package needs to be decompressed with 7zip.


OMG, just noticed.
Thank you VERY much for this, the last one for v worked well in the newest version, even after transitioning from GOG to Steam (bought Steam version because of convenience issues), but I very much appreciate the concern.
Have a wonderful day and holidays (if applicable), good person.
P.S. Yes, in game clock appeared. I was starting to wonder if its absence despite the option being on is due to this mod and was right. Not a critical thing in any way, just wanted to say additional thanks for fixing the issue.

Please note that what I uploaded this time is a mainline mod based on hotfix 1 (GDX2), it cannot be used for other versions.


Noted, thank you.

Hi, everyone.
I am terribly sorry for asking, @tt300, but would you be so kind to update the mod for the mainline for v patch, please, if and when you have the opportunity, as it is not working correctly now after the patch.

GD v1.2.1.5 (GDX2) Main line_Caravan & Backpack.zip (3.2 MB)
Usage: Extract the folder GDX2 from the compressed package to Grim Dawn.
This compressed package needs to be decompressed with 7zip.

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Thank you VERY much! Everything works.