[MOD] Super large Caravan and Backpack - Applies to GD (GDX2)

2024.06.28 Updated
Super large Caravan and Backpack.zip (1.8 MB)


  • Extract the “Caravan & Backpack” folder to Grim Dawn\mods\
    If the ‘mods’ folder doesn’t exist in your game directory, just create one by yourself.


  • This mod requires both Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods expansions.


are the Crate part of the UI element or just for display purposes? - kinda looks cool acting like the inventory corners :thinking:

The Crate at the four corners are items, not UI, Used to display the storable area. :blush:


Even if you wanted to do that (for whatever reason), you couldn’t. Inventory area can only be a square/rectangle shape, you only set a grid size of pixels and the inventory will match that, there’s no way to set exclusion zones to it.

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When I made X-mod remover for DoM, I’ve interesting, why not to made mod more modular. Currently it require replace a lot of original database files, what cause more work for reverting inventory size.
So, for now I’ll ask You, are You not interesting with that implementation? What I mean: after some database rearrangement, if mod will be merged with other mods, user can switch between normal/big inventories if requiered, by repacking only 2 database files (gameengine & hud_mastertable) instead of 30.
You can check how it work at my example in attachment.
records.zip (47.1 KB)

Good suggestion, but this state occurs in actual application, and I haven’t found the reason yet. :sweat_smile:
[Mod]DenisMashutikov.zip (1.9 MB)

In v1.2.0.5

In v1.2.1.0 PT

Also, I don’t think it is necessary to make this modification, once updated, just replace the corresponding dbr with my source, which is not as troublesome as you described. Even if you restore the game default, you only need to overwrite the dbr with the same name with the original data.

Hello, I’m playing GD with STEAM DECK, the reason for the resolution (1280*800), big backpack, incomplete display, is there a low-resolution backpack mod, please

Minimum screen resolution requirement 1280 x 720

I followed your method to unzip the custom mod to the main line, and there was some problems, the warehouse storage function is normal, and the character storage and character backpack are only the storage size of the original.
Is there any solution to this, please

Inside the red line is the storage location that cannot be used

It can be used in custom mods

If you have time to spare, can you update New Caravan & Inventory (Extreme Edition) to mainline 1.2 to use, thank you very much

This was originally the state in 1.2. ~, Do you want 1.2.?.? main line?

Thank you for this, without I cannot play vanilla GD.

Any chance we are going to see this updated for the new patch? Vanilla is unplayable without this mod. Thank you!

This is a custom mod, it is currently applicable to the latest version of GD and does not need to be updated.


Great to know, I appreciate you making this mod available to us, especially now when all the mastery mods and broken.

Love the mod, was using it for a week without issues right before the latest patch. After the patch, everytime I try and pick up an item the game crashes.

This is admittedly the first time I have tried to use a mod and it was also the only mod I installed. I thought the mod was causing the game to crash because when I created a new character under main campaign there were no more crashes.

Is my custom save game from last patch just no longer compatible? Will the mod only work on the current patch if I create a new character?

When playing this mod in 1.2.1.X, you must uncheck the item in the picture in the options, otherwise it will crash, which is not the reason for this mod.

Thank you, that was the problem! I noticed the item highlighting happening in the main campaign but never made the connection.

I’m glad they added this option to disable.

This MOD has been updated to solve the problem of picking up items causing crashes, please re-download and check.

Hello everyone.
I am terribly sorry, but would anyone be so kind as to give me step by step instruction as to how implement this stash extender mod into the main line (main campaign)? I’ve read OG post someone has posted on to how to do this, and I tried it, but there was several other posts correcting it, so I got lost and did something wrong in the process of making it work.
I am in DIRE need of this mod, but just can’t get it to set up right.
Please, good people help me somebody.

GD v1.2.1.2(GDX2)Main line_Caravan & Backpack.zip (3.3 MB)

Usage: Extract the folder GDX2 from the compressed package to Grim Dawn.
This compressed package needs to be decompressed with 7zip.