Mod Support + QoL features

Will the game eventually support Mods?

Because in the past, mods from the nexus community were working perfectly until each time an update of the game comes out, then the mods are not working anymore… and the mods are not updated anymore because of the updates of the game…

Also, I, (or should i say, “we”?) some more or better QoL (Quality of Life) features would be greatly appreciated! Here’s a small list:

1 - Give us the possibility to move herbs and plants whereever we want. just as we can do with some of the berries, others can currently only be deleted from the map, not moved, please change that!

2 - Give us a far better flatten tool, in its current state it is TOO tedious to get the area flat!
2.1 - options like raising or lowering the ground, making a slope, soften the ground… features like
that would be a welcome addition to the game!

3 - Curved or diagonal walls! Yes, this has mentioned ALOT! i know, but this will greatly welcome by
many! use the same system as the roads do! This will give us more creations when building them

4 - A new Defense Towers which will be better integrated into the current walls, the current towers do not integrate with them nicely, leaving a small gap and therefore allowing attackers to slip between them!

Please Devs! Give these things a consideration into improving the game!
Have a happy new year! and let FF become a better game as it already is…!

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This is just the start. Mod support will be expanded as the game nears full release in 2024.

All the rest has been suggested before, whether any will make it into the game … :woman_shrugging:

yes but they only mentioning modding support for your own buildings, but what about general support for all kinds of mods? they aren’t mentioning that!

And yes, the rest has mentioned before, i know, but it can’t hurt to keep mentioning it until the community gets what it wants… just saying…

As I said, that’s just the beginning of mod support; it’ll be expanded as the game continues development up to and beyond full release.