[MOD] The Coronus - Standalone Mastery


[RIGHT]version 1.6.2

Since AoM was released, there is no reason for me to update this mastery or continue to balance it. The core vision and skills (kinda) of this mod is available in the Necromancer. You’re free to take the source files and work on it yourself if you want, but if you want to share it publicly please ask for permission (which I’ll probably grant but, just as a matter or principe).

Thank you for playing this mod, I had a lot of fun working on it. Also a big thank you to all who helped shaping it.[/b]

Introduction to the mastery

“Learning from the Order of Death Vigils and other masters in the art of summoning, the Coronus were a small group of people who wanted to gain more knowledge enveloping all forms of summoning.
Quite experienced, they can summon the essences of the dead and otherworldly creatures to their aid to defend themselves in battle. Until the Grim Dawn, not once did they made themselves known to the public.”

The Coronus is a summoning/attacking-focused mastery. Having many summons at your disposal, from a strong skeleton tank wearing heavy armor (well, not straight away) to skeleton warlocks. Yes, not very original, but there’s also archers. Not the best but it’s not like there’s 5 necromancers for GD already. The Coronus is a master in the art of wielding 2 Handed melee weapons with great strength, as well as 2 handed ranged weapons. Yeah I can’t get any more PR trash with this description.

Skills and augments

The mastery is equipped with a multitude of skills, ranging from the simple summon, passing the aura that make you able to raise the undead on kills to the 2 Handed passive ability, melee or ranged, that simply augments your damage by a hefty amount. There’s also the possibility to lower your own damage but empower all minions rampaging with you.

Here are some skill icons without their augments. The purpose of this is to make the thread beautiful and show my custom icons right in your face.

The video here covers the available skills in v1.5.1 of this mod:

Your summons

The Coronus can either choose to summon unique powerful undead beings or weaker but more numerous undead warriors and archers. Or everything at the same time.

As you level them up, Abaddon will upgrade weapons and Grigori will change outfits.

At maximum level they all receive a noticeable upgrade in equipment, which you can see in the “squad” picture of this thread. You know they’re a really cool bunch, very helpful, like they don’t fear death. I’m not sorry.

Something to note is that most summons will have a chance to equip a different weapon/shield every time they are summoned. Though you don’t really notice it and in the end, it doesn’t matter much.

And here’s your T9 summon in all his splendor, Remains


There’s a few of them, opted for the easy way out by making a few +Coronus skills, though there’s more variation than that don’t worry. You’d only know about them if you read the patch notes, somehow I never included them in this post. So here’s how to get them (which is pretty thematic):

  • Kill High Priest Zarthuzellan (Steps of Torment), he’ll drop accessories.
  • Kill Executioner Alkamos (Steps of Torment, last boss), he’ll drop the rest along with the possibility for a legendary.

Caution if you use this mastery as mod by itself: DO NOT choose the empty class! You won’t be able to get the fuck out of the window. You can exit to menu to fix it though. Once again, this is a standalone mastery. If you wish to use the Coronus as a 10th mastery or something, you’re going to have to change a few files. I’ll try to do that once the new DLC hit, so don’t worry too much about it. Not like you should care when you got DAIL. Once the expansion releases, I’ll have to fix that bitch up.

Now if you are interested in trying out the mod, here is the download link:

MEGA - Alternate download
Grinninglich’s website - Alternate download


Some things about the next version:

Kathanious provided me with the custom template used in the Engineer mastery, and now the Coronus can hold up to 99 fucking abilities. Well there won’t be that much but hey, that’s cool.

ETA for 1.6.1: Whenever. It’ll be fixes and stuff if needs be. If there’s no need then expect at least one new skill for 1.7.0.

For those interested in looking in the insides of this mod and make your own changes and maybe even “merge” it with another, here is the working folder:

Mega link (v0.1.0)
Mega link (v0.2.0)
Mega link (v0.3.0) < Starting from this version, all path files are “unique”! (No more Class08!)
Mega link (v0.3.3)
Mega link (v0.4.0)
Mega link (v1.0.0)
Mega link (v1.1.0)
Mega link (v1.1.2)
Mega link (v1.2.0)
Mega link (v1.2.1)
Mega link (v1.3.0)
Mega link (v1.4.0)
Mega link (v1.4.1)
Mega link (v1.5.0)
Mega link (v1.5.1)
Mega link (v1.5.2)
Mega link (v1.6.0)
Mega link (v1.6.2) < Current version

Here is a tutorial on how to merge different mastery mods together: [/!\ LINK /!](http://grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=385399)

Coronus - UNBOUND

Picture source[/CENTER]

version 1.3.1 (release 4)

This version of the Coronus is pretty much the OP/Burn down your computer version. For now you got triple summons (even Remains) and a few other skill buffs, as well as overall buffs to the pets bios (more life mostly). The mod is already merged with Grimmest.

The version will always be equal to the Coronus, I’ll just add a release number. The unbound version won’t be updated as often as the “normal” one (so far that’s not the case).

Available on the Nexus as an optional download.

MEGA - Alternate download

Working folder (MEGA download)

Note: I don’t know when I’ll make a new version for UNBOUND. Maybe towards a “finished” product.

Second post is the changelog.
Third post is about music and why all the skill names are song names because otherwise it would be a waste to not make you discover some good songs.

SHELVED IDEAS: (you can use these if you like, I won’t say anything)

  • A blood golem like in D2 but without the life-link (sadly).
  • A beam skill for Grigori that works like Aether Ray (original Babel idea). Creatures can be retarded and won’t use any channeled skills. Maybe one day this will be possible.
  • A poison AoE skill that proc again on kill. Like Contagion from Path of Exile.
  • More items.
  • A blood grenade that spreads a contamination skill (it doesn’t work properly, I tried for an entire day)
  • An AoE skill that ticks damage and summons skeletons/whelms at the same time.
  • A “pillar/ghost” that continuously damages one enemy. Since summons tend to die until you have gear, it could be useful.


  • A video for the mastery. Coming whenever. In the meantime this video showcase the 2H/summon focus of the Coronus (i.e Skelethon before the merge).
  • Kathanious has been helping the mod to have a better look and feel, but now that’s he’s somewhere I will take back the flag, but updates are rare now that we’re in a good place with the Coronus (are we though?). As long as I live and possess the means to do so, I’ll improve this mod in some way. Until we get close to 2.0.0, and then I don’t know what will happen.

As for nearly every mod here, if you want to change this mod, make upgrades and whatnot and uploading it, all I ask is to credit me and link to this thread. Thanks a lot lads.

Are the skill icons OC?

Yes and no: I altered all vanilla UI icons to fit my skills as well as creating a few. Those which look like shit are OC.

Is the mastery picture OC too?

Yes (kinda), it’s respecting fair use. Here is where it came from: Obsidian. (album by Baths. My favorite is definitely Earth Death) >>> My actual favorite is “Phaedra” but I’m too lazy to change the URL.

Attachment: coronus 01.jpg
Attachment: invalid skill ring.jpg
Attachment: Rush_815.jpg
Attachment: Greenhouse_01.jpg
Attachment: Greenhouse_02.jpg
Attachment: Greenhouse_03.jpg
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Attachment: 20170615094205_2.jpg


version 0.1

  • Initial release

version 0.11

  • Some fixes to tags and skill tiers (thanks SmartsAJ!)

version 0.2

  • Abaddon got nerfed (no more life leech on his slash)
  • Grigori got its summoning CD increased as to not bypass his ultimate CD and also to make the player use the heal on him.
  • Babel got nerfed
  • Emerged From Smoke is now a separate buff that actually works.
  • Extended the “healer” part of the tree: New minor buffs that last for an hour and can be cast on your pets. Custom icons too.
  • Nerfed Apathy cooldown and mana cost
  • Buffed Song for the Dead duration
  • Fixed a few things such as Babel Tier
  • Polishing the mastery pictures for both the selection and every time you open up the skilltree (now have nice black borders like other masteries, but no corners)

version 0.3

[li] Changed the file path (from /playerclass08) of every files to a good file path (to /playerclasscoronus) - tags and everything got changed as well.[/li]
[li] Cleaned up many skill icons, created new skill icons.[/li]
[li] New skill: Awake - launch a lobbed ice bomb that damages and slows the attack speed of enemies (the augment slows their movement).[/li]
[li] New screenshots.[/li]
[li] Balancing:[/li][LIST=“5”]Pets health rescaled
[li]Grigori got buffs and a nerf (more damage, a bit more health but more health degen).[/li]
[li]Abaddon also got a buff and a nerf (more life, new basic attack that doesn’t make him rely on weapons, which means less damage - but his basic attacks now have a 100% chance to taunt!).[/li]
[li]Frost archers got a minor buff to Cunning and OA, but they might need more than that to become a good source of damage.[/li]
[li]Heal CD increased[/ul][/li]
[li] String fixes as needed.[/li]
[li] Thanked jiaco in the nexusmods page for deleting the previous thread.[/li]
[li] Probably some minor stuff I forgot.[/li][/LIST]

version 0.3.1

  • Fixed an issue where you could not choose the mastery when playing as a female character.
  • Nerfed Awake
  • Removed the cooldown of Overdrive

version 0.3.2

  • Balance changes:
  1. Added more energy to all summons.
  2. Buffed Rymden I En Låda (More %energy / More %energy regen)
  3. Buffed Relentless
  4. Added a 50.0% Energy component (at all levels) to Closer
  5. Swapped SIN and Babel. SIN is now a T8 skill and Babel a T6 skill. ; Inner cooldown are still the same
  6. Nerfed Babel (less meteors)
  7. Changed Grigori animation for casting SIN
  8. Changed Grigori animation for casting Babel
  9. Added +%Phsyical and +%All Damage components to The Protest
  10. Buffed Ten Days of Falling
  11. Changed Cold Dead (and its following skills) positions on the skilltree
  12. Removed Abaddon’s basic attack mana cost (whoops!)
  13. Nerfed mana cost to Abaddon’s abilities
    [li] Buffed Abaddon’s number of attack slots (+3) at lvl 16 [/li][/LIST]

    version 0.3.3

  14. Balance changes:
  15. Buffed Broken Mantra (-20 Health regen at level 1, -25 at level max) - I realized it was fucking annoying to spam the heal every 5 seconds on Grigori. This should help.
  16. Buffed Eternal Sanctity (added burning damage)
  17. Buffed Chorazin massively - if Abaddon can slap for 300 without any gear then Grigori should launch fireballs for more.
  18. Buffed Song for the Dead (+2 Frost Archers to all levels) - May become problematic for high levels.
  19. Buffed Sin - Since it’s now a T8 skill I thought it would be a good idea.
    [li] Nerfed the inner cooldown of SIN and buffed the inner cooldown of Babel. - Makes more sense now that SIN is a lot more powerful than Babel on single target.[/li][/LIST]

    version 0.4

  20. Added droppable items (caster weapons) from Skeleton Knights, Warlocks and Monstruosities. - There’s not much possible affixes at the moment and no suffixes. Besides +x to skills, everything else you could want is already in the game IMO.
    [li] Balance changes:[/li][LIST=“3”]
  21. Lowered Grigori’s innate degen at the first four levels.
  22. Changed max level for Apathy to 8 (ultimate level is still 16 - not like it matters anyway).
  23. Changed Grigori’s range for spells to 9 maximum (previously was 15). - This could resolve the problem of him firing in walls to an extent. Also will make him less OP.

    version 1.0

  24. Changed the mechanics of Rymden I En Låda - It is now a toggable buff.
  25. Changed the mechanics of Hem Ljuva Hem - It is now a toggable buff.

    Note: This is the final version. I may work on it at some point in the future but really I’d like to move on to other things. If you wish you can download the working folder, work on the mod and re-upload it. As long as you credit me and link to this thread it’s 100% okay. Also you have the authorization to use this mod on any compilations, same rules for crediting applies. Why do I want to get credited? Because I EXIST damn it.

    Thanks for welcoming me in this great community everyone.

    version 1.1

  26. Merged Skelethon mastery with the Coronus mastery, including items.
  27. Shuffled around a few skills so that there is enough cohesion in the placement of the Skelethon skills in this mastery.
  28. A few skills were moved in tiers as well.
    [li] New Skills![/li]Y Gair and his line of skills.
    A new 2H melee passive ability.

    [li] Balance changes (including skelethon from v0.1)[/li][LIST=“12”]
  29. Shuffled attributes around for leveling the mastery so that it better fits the theme: Increased phys gain, increased life gain, decreased cunning gain. Everything else stays the same.
  30. Awake: Reduced manacost
  31. Grigori - Broken Mantra: Reduced level 1-6 life degeneration
  32. Abaddon: Removed T3 skill (now levels as you level Abaddon), replaced by his aura
  33. Removed Hem Ljuva Hem (the health buff skill)
  34. Rymden I En Lada (the energy buff skill): Added +% Health
    [li] Goetia: Removed fire/cold damage increase. Added elemental damage increase.[/li]-----------
  35. Secant: Doubled initial manacost
  36. Venter: Doubled initial manacost; halved mana ramp increase; reduced damage; changed fx; +1 projectile
  37. Abacus: Increased life at certain levels
  38. Abacus/Rain Smell summons: Increased life at certain levels
  39. Rain Smell: Increased life at certain levels

    version 1.11

  40. “Fixed” Richardson Road being completely and utterly overpowered.

    version 1.12

  41. Fixed Richardson Road tier
  42. Fixed Y Gair tier
  43. Rain Smell’s archers and Y Gair movement speed increased. They won’t spend 24 hours to get somewhere now.
  44. Changed Dead Dog’s tooltip to clarify how it worked a bit better.

    version 1.2.0

  45. Improvements to togglable buffs tooltips.
  46. Created a new (the first) Legendary item that drops from Alkamos (big boss of SoT). No epics yet (yeah I went straight to the big game).
    [li] Balance changes:[/li][LIST=“2”]
  47. Dark Eyes - Removed critical damage chance increase for pets; +5% to elemental res; removed raw life regen; +2% life regen; added attack speed and cast speed modifiers; added vitality duration damage; added +5% to all max resist for pets at level 8; removed pierce conversion; removed vitality retaliation
  48. Goetia - Added +9(%) to the total damage modifier; removed attack speed and cast speed modifiers; added +5(%) to the run speed modifier; added a damage absortion for pets; added more life% for pets; added vitality retaliation

version 1.2.1

  • Fixed item’s skill augments being bugged (I think)

version 1.3.0

  • Rymden’s duration removed (it was useless since it’s a togglable buff).
  • Rymden’s particle effect changed to something more tame. Reminder that I can’t create particles; if I wish to do so I’ll probably have to reinstall everything. It’s planned for the next update so I can get all the Crucible goodies.
  • New T4 skill: Sun Harmonics - “As a general who prefer to stay in the backline giving orders while also dealing death himself, you sacrifice some of your own vitality for more power to you and your team. Requires a two handed ranged weapon”.
  • Updated some tags.
    [li] Balance changes:[/li][LIST=“9”]
  • Rymden I En Lada: Removed Mana Cost (still reserves mana); Added 5 meters to its effective radius (now 35m).
  • Pinned: Added 50% more damage so that it may get used (Not sure how to balance this one, heck, I’m not even sure I’ll keep it).
  • Awake: Added 10 more damage from level 1 to 12.
  • Overdrive: Added more cold% damage at all levels.
  • Y Gair - Looped: Toned down the damage on this skill at all levels.
  • Y Gair - Drown: Added 5 meters to its effective radius (now 35m).
  • Remains - Less life and a tiny bit less energy (-35 or something).
  • Abacus - Added some life.
  • Oh Fields, My Fields - Added OA% for pets


version 1.3.1

  • Fixed a mistake on my part where a +1 to all skills for the Coronus wouldn’t be applied.
  • Buffed the Coronus 2H Weapon at level 76.

version 1.4.0

> Please note that this was updated on the idea that Kathanious version is better. Expect it to be a lot more like in DAIL than 1.3.1 and below.

  • Removed the following skills: Alpha Centauri ; Closer ; Sun Harmonics.
  • New line of skill: Hollow Grove - Throw an inoffensive infused rock that, when shattered, liberates a corrupted Devourer who uses his own bones as projectiles when at close range. Uses one fast bone projectile that damage the enemy’s toughness and inflicts internal trauma. Pets scales with pet bonuses
  • New* skill (*Kathanious work for DAIL): Riot - Being able to control an army of undead bound to your will doesn’t make you immortal, but hurting those who hurt you or your minions without moving a finger might give the illusion that you are.
  • Tooltips update - FOR DAIL USERS: It’s now only the stuff I want in the mod, and not the silly text you can see in Kathanious version of the Coronus (see Rush).
  • Starting from level 18, your skeletons summoned from Dead Dogs will wear armour.
  • Improved graphics/sounds for Dead Dogs basic attacks.
  • Changed the mastery UI to be like the one by Kathanious.
  • Fixed and added more item (and one item) affixes for the mastery.

Balance changes

  1. Alpha Centauri is now innate to Ignition.
  2. Reduced Ignition duration by 1.5s (bringing it to 15s).
  3. Closer is now innate to Grigori, albeit its effect is drastically reduced (50% reduced effectiveness)
  4. Song For The Dead’s summons now spawn closer to the caster (change distance profile to melee/short - got no idea if this works tbh)
  5. Reworked how Song For the Dead works.
  6. Ten Days of Falling: Added a (scaling) chance to inflict +25% damage per attack ; Increased the increase to cold damage (+~20%) ; Added a scaling attack speed buff. (+10% going up by +2 each level)
  7. Replaced Awake and Overdrive with Kathanious versions of the skills (major buff, and buffed it on top of that by adding cold damage and more frostburn damage)
  8. Replaced Emerged From Smoke with Kathanious version of the skill (major buff, also reduced its mana cost by a flat -20)
  9. Increased Dead Dogs (all summons) health, DA and OA by a small amount.
  10. Decreased mana cost of Never Catch Me [reminder that it’s the ice bolt skill of Abaddon] (flat -30 at all levels)
  11. Moved Song For The Dead and its following augment to tier 2 / tier 4 respectively.
  12. Buffed Apathy
  13. Buffed Dark Eyes
  14. Buffed Goetia

version 1.4.1

  • Fixed a bug where Rush was innate to everyone without investing in the Coronus mastery
  • Added a new skill to Abaddon: Shield bash. There’s not much to explain here, but it’s something simple that should make him a bit more like he should have been: a tank with hard CC.

Balance changes

[li] Added 15/25/35/50 mana reservation to Rymden y en lada[/li]
[li] Buffed Never Catch me: Reduced mana cost at all levels while adding a scaling freeze duration (starting from 1.5s) and removing the 75% chance to freeze.[/li][/LIST]

version 1.5.0

  • Coronus is now using a custom template that allows the class to use up to 99 skills.
  • Created a new (hidden/deactivated; unfinished) line of skills that was supposed to be a launchable Bloody Pox bomb, more or less.
  • Re-introduction of past skills that should enable more builds to work.
  • Creation of new items that won’t be used by your character because the Bloodhail line doesn’t “exist”. Don’t worry though, it’s only magic items.
  • Some more stuff I can’t remember.
    Balance changes
  • Probably buffs to some skills.

version 1.5.1

  • Changed the UI back to the version prior to 1.5.0
  • Tag updates
  • Some skill changes (as always, check the post below this one to see what the names are)

version 1.5.2

  • Minor tag update (Rush was broken again, hopefully it’s not anymore.)

version 1.6.0

  • Tags update for MANY skills, and added some lore to a few skills. And some meta comments mixed in with lore. Updated the Coronus description. We’re actually respectful of the dead here my good sir.
  • Massive balance changes. Because of this, skills will be listed one by one with their changes.
  • One issue with this mod which would explain a lot of power problems during the late game is the lack of proper items. I don’t think I’ll make a whole lot, I’d rather ask for external help.
  • Removed affixes that weren’t useful anymore (abilities that aren’t used were still present on items)
  • Actually fixed the Rush description this time around.
  • Removed additional summons (secondary summons by proxy from warriors and archers), however the aura is still present and has been replaced by a 5% chance to deal 20% more damage. Turns out secondary summons didn’t give XP on kill, and I didn’t know that for over a year. Sorry for that.
  • Fixed the skill reallocation UI
  • Added 1 (5 leveling variations) new prefix | Added 1 missing leveling prefix variation | added rare accessories - you can loot all of them by killing Zarthuzellan, as usual for accessories
  • Added 2 epic amulets [1 with an empowered version] (Zarthuzellan again, 20% chance to drop from him - It’s a new drop table so any new epic/legendaries accessories will drop from him - Also if he has it he’ll have that item equipped)

Balance changes

  • Coronus: +1 Phys to all levels and -1 Spirit to all levels. Cunning unchanged.
  • Remains: Life buff; OA and DA buff
  • Song for the Dead: DA buff; Phys buff; Life buff
  • Dead Dogs: Overall stats buff (pets) | removed vitality decay, added -%elemental resist on hit (5%-25%) (player)
  • Rain Smell: Overall stats buff | Now summons 4 in one cast (from 2), max 10 (from 6), revised scaling | Projectiles are now arrows #I didn’t know where they were at first which is why I chose flying knives | Revised early damage scaling, Increased basic attack damage, removed %pierce change (now 100%), added 50% chance to deal additional elemental damage
  • Secant: Added ultimate levels (16 > 18) | Burning %chance increased (20 > 35), added %chance to trigger frostburn (30%) and electrocute (35%) damage
  • Cold Dead: Max level is now 12, Ultimate level added (22) | overall stats buff
  • Andras Sodom: Better ultimate levels damage and early scaling, removed max damage, 60% > 65% chance to trigger | Added 50% chance to generate additional threat]
  • Never Catch Me: Better projectile number scaling, more projectiles at ultimate levels (6 > 8) | Now appear on the skill description of Cold Dead (woops)
  • The Protest: Better scaling of +%cold damage, added +% elemental damage
  • Grigori (renamed to “Flame I”): Ultimate level added (18) | overall stats buff | Broken Mantra degen has been removed, now a (de)scaling 5-1% spirit penalty
  • Chorazin: Removed burning, better fire scaling and damage, increased +fire% chance (and scales better)
  • Closer: Better scaling for fire% and more fire% (45 > 50% at ultimate level) | More burning% (68% > 70% at ultimate level - only change)
  • Eternal Sanctity: Better scaling and damage | Added a 1s stun
  • SIN: Better burning scaling and damage, now 7s duration (instead of 6-8)
  • Whelm: Life & Energy buff; OA buff; phys & spirit buff
  • Y Gair (renamed to “Dkmajestic”): Max level is now 8, Ultimate level added (18) | overall stats buff
  • Looped: Better scaling and damage
  • Weigh Me Down: Better lightning scaling and damage
  • Song for the Dead: Does not spawn additional warrior skeletons by proxy anymore; overall stats buff | 2 > 3 burst spawn | 13 > 15 max spawn at ultimate level, improved max limit progression (7 > 10 at level 12)
  • Five Fingers: Ultimate level 16 > 18 | Overall buffs to damage and proc chance | added a 7% chance to knockdown enemies for 1-2 seconds at level 18 (3% at level 8)
  • Rymden I En Lada (renamed to “The Lure of the Mine”): Added +% DA (4%-10%)
  • Awake: Better damage
  • Overdrive: Added Ultimate level (12 > 22) | Better cold% and frostburn% damage, revised scaling
  • Sun Harmonics: Added +%OA for pets (2%-10%)
  • Goetia: Revised scaling for +%DA (overall nerf though ultimate is still 25%), Added flat +OA for pets
  • Zero Dark Thirty: Weapon damage scaling buffed (80%-210%) | CD reduced (7s > 6.5s)
  • Birds With Broken Wings: Leech chance buffed (50% > 60%)
  • Oh Fields, My Fields: (player) Reduced -%total damage (10-30 > 5-15)
  • Richardson Road: Now tier 7 (from tier 8) #this is mostly to allow the possibility to add new skills
  • Emerged From Smoke: Now tier 7 (from tier 8) | Added % damage absorption | Duration increased (6s>10s)
  • (Item) Coronus Gauntles of Mastery: 35% Ele res > 25% Ele res | +2 (was +1) to Coronus

version 1.6.1

  • Fixed Lovely Jana not having to correct skill tag. - Thanks stedman420.

version 1.6.2

  • Fixed Flame I, Cold Dead and dkmajestic not having their skill levels changed at all from 1.5.2. - Thanks again stedman420.
  • I’ll put this on bullet point to not fuck with the formatting here. Even though few people got their hands on 1.6.0/1.6.1, I’d like to apologize for the bullshit I completely missed. Bullshit that was supposed to be a major plus for the mod but I guess it wasn’t for a few days. Might not be much but it really is bothersome and I suppose that the people who played to see what changed were, in a way, were lied to, and they wasted their time. Maybe saying sorry is being overly dramatic but this mod is my biggest project on the internet. Yeah it’s not much but it’s something I want to take care of. Thanks for playing this mod, and hopefully, enjoying it.

UNBOUND changelog

Release 1 - 1.2.0

  • Triple summons
  • Buffs Richardson Road
  • Buffs to Grigori’s skills
  • Buff to Y Gair’s chain lightning
  • Buffs to all pets bios (more life or more damage)

Release 2 - 1.2.1

  • Fixed item’s skill augments being bugged (I think)
    [li] Balance changes:[/li][LIST=“2”]
  • All summons that had a triple count from normal Coronus are now double (so everything but Pinned that just got its bio changed and Rain Smell that already had a double count)
  • Summoning passives from Rain Smell and Dead Dogs got their limit to their own summons up to 2 (from 1)


Release 3 - 1.3.0

  • Rymden’s duration removed (it was useless since it’s a togglable buff).
  • Rymden’s particle effect changed to something more tame. Reminder that I can’t create particles; if I wish to do so I’ll probably have to reinstall everything. It’s planned for the next update so I can get all the Crucible goodies.
  • New T4 skill: Sun Harmonics - “As a general who prefer to stay in the backline giving orders while also dealing death himself, you sacrifice some of your own vitality for more power to you and your team. Requires a two handed ranged weapon”
    [li] Balance changes:[/li][LIST=“8”]
  • Rymden I En Lada: Removed Mana Cost (still reserves mana); Added 5 meters to its effective radius (now 35m).
  • Pinned: Added 50% more damage so that it may get used (Not sure how to balance this one, heck, I’m not even sure I’ll keep it).
  • Awake: Added 10 more damage from level 1 to 12.
  • Overdrive: Added more cold% damage at all levels.
  • Y Gair - Looped: Toned down the damage on this skill at all levels; Now can hit up to 20 enemies at once at max level.
  • Y Gair - Drown: Added 5 meters to its effective radius (now 35m).
  • Abacus - Added some life.
  • Oh Fields, My Fields - Added OA% for pets


Release 4 - 1.3.1

  • Fixed a mistake on my part where a +1 to all skills for the Coronus wouldn’t be applied.
  • Buffed the Coronus 2H Weapon at level 76.

A bit of a boring story: Ever since I started playing Path of Exile (back in 2013) I always named by characters after song names (before that there were regular ol’ plain boring names), and now I decided to use this lack of creativity with skill names for this mod.

So I’m going to go through the names in order regarding my tags file. All will contain a link so you can listen to the song, either on youtube, soundcloud or bandcamp.

One thing you might see is that all songs are far from being the happiest songs, and in fact they’re nearly all I’ve been listening to these past few months. You could assume many things but if you’re worried because the songs are about mortality, afterlife, suicide, suffering and other real life things, I’m fine. Saying this because the people who know I’m listening to these themes in music are worried for some reason. Can’t enjoy what we love now is that it? Anyway let’s stop there before ranting too much.

Title - Artist - Album: some kind of description

[spoiler]Coronus, The Terminator - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!: I couldn’t stop watching the clip and listening to the song for many hours, and is probably my favorite out of the entire album. Also it makes for a great mastery name don’t you think?

Zeal - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Soldier and Coronus. I didn’t know which album to use for these names at first but I’m using the most chill album of Liquid Stranger. If you wish to listen to his other albums I must warn you it’s a total 180° from this one.

Magenta - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Demolitionist and Coronus.

Beacon - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Occultist and Coronus. I’m thinking of replacing this one because it just doesn’t go well with Occultist, but it works since you would work as a “beacon” for your summons.

Cryo - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Nightblade and Coronus

Velour - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Arcanist and Coronus

Organism - Liquid Stranger - Cryogenic Encounters: Dual mastery for Shaman and Coronus. Now I fucking love that name.

Cold Dead - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!: Just a note that if there’s not link there’s simply no legit links to be found on these three websites. I recommend getting this album by any means necessary.

The Protest - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Obligatory Cadence - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Never Catch Me - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Andras Sodom - Lustmord - The Word As Power: From the father of Dark Ambient himself I chose to rip off his song names. Amazing album, never tired of listening to it.

Apathy - Shlohmo - Dark Red: I like this album too but not as much as the other three listed on top. You might enjoy it more though.

Emerged From Smoke - Shlohmo - Dark Red: About this skill… I’m surely going to change it at some point. Will probably a new buff for your minions because as it stands I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work. Even if it worked it’s fucking trash. Don’t put points in it.

Song for the Dead - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Ten Days of Falling - Shlohmo - Dark Red

Safe - Nosaj Thing - Home: One of my favorite artists, everything he does is fucking magic. Hell let me introduce you to a little known song of his… P8 - Nosaj Thing - Fated

Forces From Above - Destroyer - Poison Season: Not something you’d expect from names like this but it’s very good.

Goetia - Lustmord - The Word As Power

Remains - Shlohmo - Dark Red: Just realized some songs are simply not available in my country. What fucking cunts. At least I got the album.

Fading - Shlohmo - Dark Red

Relentless - Shlohmo - Dark Red

Dead Man Tetris - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Theme - Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!

Grigori - Lustmord - The Word As Power: The summon I worked on the most and am most proud of. There just might be new skills coming down the line for him.

BROKEN MANTRA - VESSEL - LORN: Don’t know why his latest releases are all in capslock. I recommend listening to his album “Ask the Dust” as I believe it’s still the best he made yet. VESSEL is a close second though.

Eternal Sanctity - flashygoodness - Tower of Heaven Soundtrack: Maybe some played this game and even have the soundtrack, because it’s pretty fucking good. This is totally different from the other songs here and it’s the only one that’s “different” for now.

Closer - Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs (TEED) - Trouble: I tricked you. I tricked you and you believed me. HAH!

SIN - Babuchan - The prologue of the end - Just instrumental, no voices. If you ever listen to this album I hope you’re ready to get wrecked in the inside. Because it’s painful and sad, but oh damn is it so good. That said it contains a vocaloid (japenese sampled voice) in certain songs so I hope you don’t mind that. If you want it I’ll shoot you a PM with a link to get it. The album is hard to find if you don’t know how. And I believe it’s an independent release in Japan, so yeah…

Babel - Lustmord - The Word As Power: Interesting (?) to note is that the skill was supposed to be a fiery beam like the Aether Ray for Arcanists, but I ran into big trouble trying to make it work so I changed it for a rain of fire. Which is less cool.

Chorazin - Lustmord - The Word As Power: It’s the name for his basic attacks (fireballs) by the way.

Terrible Fate - Theophany - Time’s End: The album is a “remastered” version of the OST from Majora’s Mask. Was released the 21 December 2012. Remember the end of the world? Yeah this one.

Abaddon - Lustmord - The Word As Power: Not a skill per say but it’s Abaddon.

Hem Ljuva Hem - Detektivbyrån - E18

Rymden I En Låda - Detektivbyrån - Wermland

Awake - Taku Iwasaki - Battle Tendency OST 2: Yo, Jojo Bizarre Adventure is the bomb.

Overdrive - Taku Iwasaki - Battle Tendency OST

Those are the mastery names from the Skelethon mastery merged here. I thought it would be a good idea to put these here:

N/A - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: The album name is the name of the mastery itself. I thought it was fitting since it would contain “songs” in a way. Anyway, Aesop Rock rocks, listen to him if you like rap.

Crows 1/2 - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: I don’t know man, finding okay-ish class names is hard when you limit yourself to existing song names.

Hollow - Saltillo - Monocyte: The songs listed here might be less dark that Coronus but since I don’t really listen to happy stuff most of the time, I’m not gonna put many feel-good shit in what I make.

Gatekeeper - Saltillo - Monocyte: It was supposed to be a skill name for a skill in the Coronus mastery but I never made that skill, so here. Also I think I posted the whole album… So… Enjoy I guess.

Stigma - Noisia - Split The Atom: A 90° turn to the world of drum n bass. It’s not the only song from Noisia here.

Eskimo Boy - Strange Talk - Cast Away: Yeah… well I did say “most of the time”.[/spoiler]

Dead Dogs - LORN - Ask The Dust: One time I saw someone write “LORN IS GOD” on a comment concerning one of his songs. He’s at best a demi-god of his own music genre. I would say “he’s a bloody genius” though. He’s great. Amazing stuff. But if you read the music post on the Coronus thread you already knew that :wink:

Dirt - Shahmen - All in the Circle: Besides an amazing voice and a kick ass album cover, it’s also a very good track. Oh yeah this is also the name for the skeleton warrior’s charge skill.

Five Fingers - Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass: The best track in the whole album IMO, the story it tells is also pretty neat.

Zero Dark Thirty - Aesop Rock - Skelethon: The star track from this album, it’s also pretty darn good.

Birds with Broken Wings - Ben Caplan - Birds with Broken Wings: His whole album is really worth a purchase. Of course you should listen to it before purchasing.

Proxy - Saltillo - Monocyte: This album is edgy, indeed. The songs can be good. It’s just that they’re also great names.

Oh Fields, My Fields - The Red Army Choir - The Best of the Red Army Choir: I’m no communist but their (propaganda) songs are pumping hype!

Ignition - PON3 - N/A: Don’t let the cringy name fool you, it’s a fucking great electronic song.

Alpha Centauri - Noisia - Split the Atom: dun dun dun vvv vvv vvv vvv (bzzz) dun dun vvv vvv vvv vvv (bzzz)

Rain Smell - Baths - Cerulean: The artist under the name “Baths” didn’t need a deadly disease to produce good songs. Although it certainly made Obsidian a great album compared to Cerulean…

Secant - Ben Frost - A U R O R A: You may or may not like Ben Frost. He deals in the Experimental genre, but he’s good. IIRC he was the first experimental artist I listened to before moving to Oneothrix Point Never and someone else I forgot. Don’t listen to this on the fly, it needs your attention to be appreciated.

Venter - Ben Frost - A U R O R A

Dark Eyes - The Red Army Choir - The Best of the Red Army Choir: Well… It’s a good name for a skill don’t you agree?

Richardson Road - Grasscut - Unearth: A great way to end an album that goes out of its way to please your ears and brain. In more ways than one.

Y Gair - Lustmord - The Word As Power: As if I was going to let the only unused name in this album unused in this mastery.

Looped - Kiasmos - Kiasmos: One of my favorite group composed of two of my favorite artists. Just amazing stuff all around. I really recommend listening to the whole album.

Weigh Me Down - LORN - Ask The Dust: The song that made me fall in love with his music was actually “Acid Rain” but this one is pretty fucking amazing… like all his work, when you think about it. I might be a bit of a fanboy. Just a lil’ bit.

Drown - mindthings - Drama: mindthings is an interesting artist. I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing or has been doing in the past few years, but his work pre-2012 is all available on his website for free.

Sun Harmonics - Jon Hopkins - Immunity: The album is a very well crafted piece of art, I recommend listening to the whole thing if you like electronic music.

Whelm - Douglas Dare - Whelm: A beautiful album. Douglas Dare seems to only make Dirge music, but damn do I love him for that.

Hollow Grove - Maribou State - Truths EP: Probably my favorite song. Listen to it and perhaps you’ll understand why it is so. Even if you don’t, you can’t say it’s a bad song that’s for certain.

Greenhouse - Douglas Dare - Aforger: From the latest album of Douglas Dare, Greenhouse is the followup track to Doublethink. They complement each other, but only in terms of instrumentals. The lyrics are quite different.

Orator - Baths - Ocean Death: This track from Baths is, as usual, pretty good. I’m not sure what to say about it, I’ve already said a lot about the artist himself already I believe. However I recommend listening to the “main” song of this EP, Ocean Death. It’s fucking amazing (however you may have trouble getting into it at first).

Vonnegut Busy - Sage Francis - Copper Gone: My favorite rapper, his album from june 2014 was just fucking amazing. He works a lot on his lyrics, and it feels like every verse must be heavy and powerful. Also he got a pretty dope flow, so there’s that.

Bloodhail - Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness: There’s a lot to be said about the band and what they try to convey to those concerned like me arse. But I don’t have much to say about this one. Not my favorite, sounds good though. Also it’s a great name.

Child of Rage - Oneothrix Point Never - Garden of Delete: I really, really like this song. And the album.

The Edge - Douglas Dare - Aforger: Serene and strange song. Somehow you can’t ignore it even though it sounds like you might want to put it in a background. As for the album itself, it’s so fucking good, I’m glad Erased Tapes got Douglas back.

Burial Society - Have a Nice Life - The Unnatural World: Not edgy if you know where the writer/singer has been through. Applies to Deathconsciousness as well.

Send me an Angel - Infected Mushroom - Army of Mushrooms: For more information read the description of the video.

Fail Forever - When Saints Go Machine - Fail Forever: me_irl

「誰もいないよ。」- ばぶちゃん - The Epilogue of the World: Babuchan’s music doesn’t speak to me in her lyrics since I never and won’t ever give birth because I’m a man (though it’s possible these days). Never been through this kind of pain/trauma she seems to have. That’s my pet theory anyway… But anyway, her music just goes boom boom in my bones and it’s not a good feeling. Yet it’s pleasurable. But it’s needed, I think; for what it gives, when we give it a proper listen. Recommended listening to this album and おわりのはじまり (The Beginning of the End) while walking in a cold weather. Guaranteed to crush your soul depending on past trauma(s).

Memory Hole - Dope KNife - Nineteen Eighty Four: Check the tag files for some stuff you might find nice.

Call Across Rooms - Grouper - Ruins: Replaced another name that was more appropriate, but the song attached to it wasn’t.

Steeltongued - Hecq - Steeltongued: Weird that there’s not the original song on youtube. Probably not hard to find though.

Hecq - Horror Vacui: The whole album. A bit unusual, I might remove this name from my mod at some point.

flame I - Hecq - Horror Vacui: The beats and the flowing ambient background go very well together. Add to that the constant distorted wind and you got a mesmerizing experience.

dkmajestic - Hecq - Horror Vacui: The one song that made me like Hecq. After a while I started to like his more noisy songs and sound works. Very interesting artist.

The Lure of the Mine - Colin Stetson - All I Do Is For Glory: New one because it’s new. It’s an amazing EP, if you liked this song check the rest. It’s the best in the EP though (IMO).

Lovely Jana - The Bulgarian Voices Angelite - The Bulgarian Voices Angelite / 1988 / A Cathedral Concert: So, besides the fact that Bulgarian voices are absolutely gorgeous, and amazing when used properly (like in this song), I got to hand it to this one version for being the best rendition of “Lovely Jana” I’ve heard. Probably hard to find if you don’t know where to look, so PM me if you want this song.

Ossuary - Baths - Obsidian: You know it baby.

Depending on new skills and changes to existing tags I will update this list and add new things (but never remove).

If you are interested in what shaped those names and maybe what is to come, here’s my personal top 50 (as of april 2017):

Very nice. Going to have to take a look at the new skill bars. I see some extras!!

Will take a gander at it tonight.

Please tell me what you think of the new skill icons!

And thanks for still supporting the mod :slight_smile:

Awake lvl 1 : 2 hit the first hero on NORMAL difficulty. Seems OP to begin off with. (IMO of course)

Started testing it out now. Gonna give updates as I come across the skills.

Yeah maybe I’ve made it a bit too strong. It’s supposed to mostly be a debuff but I wanted to make it a spell you could use even if you hated pets.

Anywho I’ll go off to sleep now. I still got stuff to do for the mod tomorrow besides balance changes! And thanks (yet again) for testing the early levels, please do edit your post!

This is a great mod ! You guys must try it, I really love it !

By Keeping this thread up, I hope you will keep updating the mod and more feed back will come :slight_smile:

@Somerled : You have my thanks for sharing it. And hello there ! We meet once again !

Sorry for my english :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello, just want to say that I tried your mod the other day and I love the idea of it.

When I played, the first melee summon was way too tanky for the first level, he literally wouldn’t die. :slight_smile:

And the mage summon was losing HP to fast (HP Degen) and would require a summoning every hits he would take.

I’m assuming this was changed or more balanced. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will try this mod further once there is more balance and your idea of the mod is complete.
You’re the only mod I have tested :slight_smile:

It’s more balanced now. and thanks for your feedback (you too Hardy, nice seeing you here :slight_smile: )

It might completely broken in end game if you got the gear for it. As long as it doesn’t kill bosses in 2 seconds top it should be okay.
In Vanilla you can kill a hero with a poison-based Witch-hunter build in like, 5 seconds top. It’s crazy and with the insane life leech you just don’t die.

Speaking of life leech, Abaddon was super tanky because he had an insane amount of it on his slash attack (like 75% IIRC), so he would just not die. Plus he’s 500% resistant to stuns. Now if you want to keep your pets healthy you gotta heal 'em.

A little thing about Grigori: Any attack hitting him that removes 5% of his HP will stagger him (normally it’s 20% for most common enemies), so if he gets cornered he’s gonna have a hard time casting spells. Since pets AI are often dumb he won’t think about using his AoE(s) often, and it’s just sad. Sadly can’t do much for it, just call Abaddon to the rescue, he should taunt most guys with a single basic attack.

I didn’t playtest much (got to level ~25) because I wanted to play Cornucopia yesterday, and today I decided to play some Civilization V. So you can guess I didn’t work on the mod…

Also I started this mastery because I was disappointed in the lack of power of skeletons in the Necromancy 7th mastery mod of this game - keep in mind I only played the first two versions of this mod, last time I checked he buffed them… IMO there’s just not enough “necromancy” in his “necromancer”).

Thank you very much for this mod, Somerled!
I’m a huge fan of a summoning-focused class mastery!
Haven’t played it much yet, but I must say that I don’t like it
that my Grigori lose 21 Health every second…
But that is the rule… so, I must accept it. :wink:

Thanks again!

What would you change in Grigori instead? People have already complained about Grigori losing HP/sec, but I just wanted to stick to the name “Broken Mantra”. He already have -Phys and -Health.

Thanks for the thanks as well/

I think the fact that he lose HP because less important when you get a heal for your summons.

2 Options to fix this problem in early games:

#1: Lower the tier of the healing skill (when I first played the class it was higher tier than both main summons)

#2: Lower the HP Degen for the first levels. It’s hard to balance and you shouldn’t care too much about it, the summoning cooldown is “okay”.
Like I said, with healing + low summoning cooldown it even out.

Not sure if this was changed but I just recalled about something I wanted to suggest.

Lower the attack range of Grigori if possible.
He can almost attack enemies off-screen, hehe :slight_smile:
I think that was a bit OP if I read all his other skills correctly!

Putting him closer to the action (battlefield), will give the player more challenge to keep his pets alive and if enemies get aggroed to Grigori, other players or pet won’t have to move as far to help him out.

I will keep an eye on this thread, I like the focus on “Summons” in this class.

Nice, nice! I like this. Makes sense too, applying all your suggestions right now.

general comments/questions regarding potential replay using your mastery:

  1. i haven’t really delved into it too deeply but it seems the skills have no sacrificial/exclusive options (yet?). IE transmuters and clvl50 skills. you are basically choosing everything everytime. ONE build for everyone essentially.

  2. does this mastery combine with others? or is it solo locked like the necro mastery

  3. itemization - can you add affixes / items easily for this class?

I haven’t checked this one out (or any of the others on Nexusmods) because to download, it requires Javascript and HTTP redirects. Neither of which sound safe and neither of which I have enabled on my browser. So if that means I’m missing an awesome mod, so be it. I tried and commented on the Necromancer because it was accessible.

  1. I’m planning on making one or two skills that would diversify the replayability of this mastery at some point, but remember it’s a summoning-focused class.

  2. What do you mean? Yeah it works with other masteries, why wouldn’t it, I’m not retarded to the point where I say “ONLY MY MASTERY”. I mean I made it easy to merge with other mods for a reason.

  3. Yes.

Okay, I don’t know why you should feel unsafe.
If you really want to play it you can always download the latest working folder on mega and build the mod with the asset manager.

thanks for the answers. I think this class will be well rounded. im excited to see it in action combined with occultist for maximum pettage

what would occultist+coronus be called? conjurer is already taken :smiley:

to the guy complaining about weird links.

protip: if you are 100% paranoid (nothing wrong with that). get yourself vmware (i think v6 is free if you use esxi) or virtualbox (Free). setup a windows VM And take a snapshot before the download. download the file. see if the vm blows up. maybe evn install a virus scanner in the VM… if its all good then copy it out of teh VM to your host pc and your all set.

i do that myself when i’m not sure. also i keep a special vm just for connecting to my bank website. clean os , clean browser, nothing else installed just open browser go to bank website. can’t beat that

Thanks for the mod, Somerled! Gonna give it a go now.

@Davood the necromancer mod by cftx isn’t solo locked…

Here are all the dual class names (also third post to see where all the names come from if you’re interested):
Soldier = Zeal
Demolitionist = Magenta
Occultist = Beacon (I’m planning on changing it)
Nightblade = Cryo
Arcanist = Velour
Shaman = Organism

Damn it, can’t bring down the “competition” now :frowning: !