[MOD] The Coronus - Standalone Mastery

Might sound stupid, but would it be possible to change the icon color of either “Y Gair” or “Cold Dead” (by simple color shift in GIMP/PS) because I have problems distinguishing those two and always resummon both as I never can tell which one is dead.

Maybe some greenish or deep purple?

I’ll use those Kathanious made but seemingly removed after a while. But again maybe it was just me.

Also next version is still getting made, but I’m moving out so the time spent on the mod isn’t as much as I’d like. Should still be released before December, and the version will be named 1.5 because there’s too much new shit for it to be 1.4.x.

Hi Somerled,

I put your mod and your mod merge tutorial to my website. I am organizing the content as much as i can when putting them to my site. Also all downloads added to my servers (including all the working directories) to protect them from disappearing somehow from download sites.

I hope you like it ^^



Hi Somerled,

Elfe pm’ed about the mischief i have given to the mod creators. I want to apologize personally from every mod author. I have created the thread below to explain myself and i will be very happy if you let me host your mods.



@grinninglich: Yeah sure you can host my mod(s). Wrote a long reply a week ago but never posted it because it was half-assed.

Speaking of half-assed stuff, I’m not going to release the new version of Coronus for a while. Why? Because while I have a lot of free time (not much work available these days) I spend it on other things like browsing dank memes, brooding, playing videa gems and trying not to drink. Also modding for my own personal enjoyment, so perhaps I could give you guys a shitty mastery that’s not really coherent.

Anyway I’m not far from releasing it, the big stuff is done (besides items), even graphical shit besides icons (so actually there’s still a few things to do). However I’m stuck with an idea that just doesn’t work. Even after asking Elfe and Ceno we’re still having trouble with it. It might not be possible


That’s what is giving me trouble. I want the modifiers to modify both Bloodhail and Restless Theater at the same time but I don’t know how. I’m open to suggestions but do know I tried most things we thought was possible.

For those who are more worried about the ugly numbers in the middle of mastery, I just changed the background for it so it should be more presentable (however I’m not changing their place otherwise it would fuck up all the masteries).

Okay, thanks for listening and have a nice day.

TL;DR: Release date for the next version - Hell if I know.



anyway, had a hella fun session with your class atm. though I’d say some of the skill didnt work; at all.

take Oh Field My Field, they dont change any of Pet’s stat:confused:

That’s very strange. It’s supposed to work, I’ll go see what I can do. Worst case scenario I replace the skill or remove it all together.

Why not just make a passive which only works with those skills the same way Ulzins Chosen only works with Stun Jacks, Grenade, Canister Bomb

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Hey, been a while.

I’ve been wandering around the East of my country for a while, came back to where I started but at least I got a neat and cheap roof over my head now. Of course that’s no excuse, I had plenty of time to work on the mod: I just didn’t want to.

For two days though (sometime ago) I’ve tinkered with it, created a new line of skills, implemented a custom template (thanks again Kath), re-implemented old skills and made other changes. First thing you’ll see when you open up the skilltree is a bigger and uglier one. Still needs to tweak it to fit nicely, and I can’t change the placement of certain things without changing everything completely. Sorry in advance to Kathanious if he wants to update this mod.

Now you’ll also notice a big empty space at the bottom, for a good reason: The new line of skill doesn’t work as intended. The first skill is called Bloodhail. However you can re-enable (you’ll need a basic understanding on how the asset manager works, at least) by getting the working files:

[li]Add a few lines in the Database/records/ui/skills/ClassCoronus file named ClassTABLE.dbr. [/li]> [li]Choose the config group on the left side of the dbr thingy, then open up tabSkillButtons. [/li]> [li]That will open a new window to edit the variable. Just add a few arrays (6) and add the skills numerated from 42 to 48. Click OK and save the file. [/li]> [li]You can build the mod from there. You know the rest.[/li]> [/ul]

Not much else to say. Forgot what I did to the mod, but I trust my old self there.

I select “coronus” in custom game menu, but the mastery don’t show to select, just the base ones. Any idea?
Other mods are working fine. Tried and .8 version, tried 1.5, 1.4.1 of mod… with no luck.

To be safe I downloaded the latest version I uploaded and replaced the one I’m using (which should be the same anyway).

I don’t have any issues with it. Don’t know what to advise, you seem to know how to play with mods. Sorry man.
If you really want to play it and you can’t make it work, the mastery should still be in DAIL.

And it will remain in DAIL. It is one of best summon mods available.

Thanks :heart:

I still need to tweak the background and introduce a new line of skill, haven’t touched any of that in a while. Last I worked on the mod I couldn’t make that skill work, as said before. I might just end up re-using the default skill window so that it looks clean, but give up on those skills.

Somerled, after many tries to make it work, i discovered something. Your uploaded files are now “(working) Coronus 1.4.1”, and at the past were “(Built) Coronus 1.4.1”, with different folders and files structures… Anyway, this “built” version is working normal here. I found it inside a old download folder.
I don’t know if i did something wrong, but this may help another person, even with this ugly english.
I still unable to use 1.5.0, sadly

But doesn’t matter, time to rise an army!! :cool:

Edit: i seen the secondary summons do not get xp killing monsters (i think), so i finished Act 1 at lvl 18, using them. Normally i do it around lvl 21. :confused:
Trying the strong ones now with new char.

Normally there’s direct downloads on the Nexus, it’s written in big letters in the post too. The working folder is for modding, built is for playing.
Still, good to know you found why it didn’t work.

Secondary summons may indeed not give experience, but that’s the sort of thing I can’t deal with. If that’s the case, then they shouldn’t benefit from your pet bonuses, so treat them as meat shield. Which they are supposed to be anyway.

Hmmmm…mhmmmmm…yes…yes…this will do…shameless bump it is so I can find it faster. :smiley:

Okay it seems Rush description is fucked once more. I changed it in 1.5.2 (only built folder, won’t bother uploading a working folder for such a minor string change.)

Added a new line in the Skelethon tags file and used the name for the skill. Simple as that.

Edit: I uploaded 1.5.2 as a working folder

Sadly, in Colonus latest version (1.5.2), explanation of rush skill is not displayed. This is the same also in DAIL.

When putting points in Greenhouse which is the modification of Hollow Grove skill, Greenhouse skill with slightly different effect is displayed in Hollow Grove. Does this work separately from the original Greenhouse?

Not sure, it shouldn’t be there. The projectile itself doesn’t deal damage, so ignore that.

As for Rush I don’t know what to do with that damned skill. It always fucks up every 2 patch for no reason whatsoever. I’ll update next update as always but it’s… Very annoying.

Oh and sorry I was so absent, just got caught up with Path of Exile since the new league. Still on it. I’ll try to come here more often though.