[Mod] TQ ReDawn Mod (v1.01a)

TQ ReDawn Mod

This Mod is a port of TQ:IT to the Grim Dawn engine. Formally, GD is made on a deeply modernized TQ engine and has high compatibility, including data structure and file formats. However, some resources require rework.

The mod is also not a 1-to-1 transfer, but rather an Anniversary Edition in the style of Crate Ent.

Main archive: ReDawn
Audio archive (English): Audio EN
Audio archive (Russian): Audio RU
Patch v1.01a: ReDawn Patch


Extract Main and chosen Audio archives into Grim Dawn/mods folder.
Extract Patch archive into Grim Dawn/mods folder with overwrite existing files.
In the Main menu select Custom game and Act01.map Map

First public version release:
All 9 fully transferred TQ masteries
The entire item database
Fully playable Act 1 of the game (Greece)
All Monsters and NPCs encountered in Act 1
All Main and Side quests of Act 1 reworked for the GD format
All NPC dialogues reworked for the GD format
All audio files of Act 1
Updated interface in the TQ style (Note: not compatible with UI mods)


Porting related changes
Due to the fact that the GD engine does not support objects of certain types, they were reworked and may not work as intended.

  • flat rocks hanging in the air
  • static riftgates and zone markers
  • non-resurrecting revive fountains (only those located in safe cities are works)
  • seamless transitions between locations have been replaced with door objects
  • misc

Due to the change in the operation of the navigation mesh, the passable areas have been completely redesigned
Loot tables have been completely reworked. In theory, drops should more or less match TQ, with unpredictable quality improvements on higher difficulties. Broken items dissolve on drop.
Health/Mana potions removed and replaced by GD infinite Health/Mana potion skills.
All recipes are now permanently learned and are not a consumable part of recipe
All components now drop whole, do not have completion bonuses, can stack, have recipes for upgrades, and can also be inserted into items of any rarity.
Working dismantle and Sets reroll function
Due to the specifics of equipping items, bows are considered one-handed weapons and require a new type of item - quivers for correct works
Some skills have been reworked to better match the GD mechanics

  • Warfare Battle standard no longer has +1 to all skills
  • all “buff other” type skills have been changed to “buff radius”
  • togglable buffs are automatically activated
  • all non-pet summons have been changed to pseudo-pets
  • misc

Combat formulas have been reworked to better match the GD mechanics, the experience formula has been used from TQAE.

Possible prospects
With the release of version 1.0, I’m taking a break to continue working on my other projects. Patches or fixes will be as needed.
If the Mod gets positive feedback from the community, I’m ready to continue working on it, adding Acts 2 (Egypt), 3 (East), and 4 (Hades) of the game, as well as Olympus. I also left some groundwork for adding Rune mastery and expanding the mastery trees to level 40, including new skills. And even, may be, a completely new devotion tree.

Current limitations.
The latest versions of TQAE have an updated version of the map, which is not compatible with either vanilla TQ or GD. Due to this, transferring Atlantis, Ragnarok or Eternal Embers is not possible at the moment, unless someone would be able to make a downgrade converter. Also, Neidan’s skilltree can’t be transferred without adapting some skills due to new database templates.


Also, if any of the modders know lua-script well, I’ll be glad if they help me in the future.

Special thanks to the people who participated in testing the mod at the development stage: @MadGod, @Director, @Danes121, @LamuMamu

Translation templates:
Text_TAG.zip (494.8 KB)

Patch v1.01
Patch v1.01a

If you want to translate mod, I’ve added translation template at OP.
You can use original TQIT or TQAE translation files to work.

All tags_* files could be taken from original Titan Quest game, except ui and xui that used partially; and tags_redawn - whole new or overwritten tags.
All conversation files contain tags from original dialog.txt and npc.txt files and could be converted to proper text files with TagtoText_convertor.xlsx table in a hour. Several custom lines will stay in english.
All quest files still in english since it have both custom and original text.
There also masterynameconvertor.xlsx that helps with mastery combo names.

You still can translate mod using standart samples, thanks to tt300:

Reserved for future updates.

Wow! This came out of nowhere. I tried to play TQ after I got into GD, and it was just too outdated and lacked the QoL that its predecessor has. It will be interesting to try this. Thanks!

Is the installation of this mode in the mod folder of grim dawn?

Ooh, this will be interesting to follow. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s what the op says. Extract to grim dawn\mods

Thank you Medea

WOW from the beginning of the test I already saw that this mod seems to be great, identical to the initial titan quest.

In which folder do I put the audio files? A doubt, will these files replace the main audios of the game?

Do you plan to implement only TQ and TQ IT, without further expansions?

From the op:

They replace the GD ones obviously. I put them in the mod folder as instructed in the OP. Just a quick check and I do have some sound, but no music, etc, but I might just need to adjust the settings ingame.

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Yep, audio archive must be extracted same place as main archive. But be noticed, I reupload archive, and it previous version could extract file in wrong folder. Check mod folder, if /redawn_audio_en folder lies there, then find /redawn into it and place it into /mods

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This is how it extracted for me.


Is that correct?

Great mod, audio working normally, tested and approved gameplay, except that when I leave the mod I can’t return to the main windows the game screen crashes here, and it should have the translations of the quests, apart from that, everything is perfectly fine.

I put the audio folder inside the mod game folder, for me it worked super well

No, place /redawn folder from /redawn_audio_en into /mods.
At final your mods/redawn/resources folder must looks like this:


Yes, that’s exactly how I did it , to be perfect only the translation is missing :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Got it. :+1:

Sorry, error fixed here, everything working without even a glitch.