[MOD] [WIP] Item Expansion Mod

Hi All,

With more mods kicking off since the tools have been released, I wanted to start a thread on the mod that I’ve been laying the groundwork for.

The goal is to expand the varieties of items and loot affixes available and to make it as compatible and modular as possible so that it can be merged in to other mods if desired. To that end, I am not going to be editing any existing items, affixes, enemies, or skills; only creating new content.

That said, loot tables and affix tables have to be heavily edited in order to make these new items and affixes drop alongside the current ones, but from my testing, these changes shouldn’t be too time consuming to merge if so desired.

[Content in Progress]

Expanded normal and rare affixes - Will provide a greater variety of modifiers that are not currently covered by existing affixes

Random Epics and Legendaries - In addition to the normal Epics and Legendaries that have static bonuses, I am creating a variety of these items that have just one or two set bonuses and then rolls for affixes like any other item. They will always have at least one Rare affix rolled and a higher chance of double rares that normal items. The end goal is to have each of these Randoms to have their own unique proc effect to make them stand out with their affixes.

New Epics and Legendaries - Will be reviewing current drops in these areas for each item type and creating new ones to provide build variety or just general variance to what is normally found.

[Down the Road]

Variant Base Items New low level innate bonuses to items like rings and amulets and such. Low on the priority list right now though.

New Components New, single level, randomized Components that can be added to any items.

Looking to release an early version with at least 2-5 random Epics and Legendaries per item type as well as several ‘sets’ of affixes within the next week or so. Any testers that can help at that time would be greatly appreciated; I will be doing my best to balance these compared to existing items.

Please feel free to add any comments or suggestions of things you might like to see expanded upon when it comes to the loot.

Cool, just what i wanted, hope to see this in a near future implemented in mods :eek:

Nice! If you do that could you also release a tutorial on editing affixes/suffixes and making them droppable when slaying monsters? All we got currently are stuff you can buy and craft but that’s no fun!

Sure! Will post that in the help section once I’ve got all the pieces put together.

As requested: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38512

Hey man, just wanted to say - i’m really looking forward for your mod, hope you’ll finish it in no time!

what about scaling items up to level 85 ? currently it stops at 75???

should be easy for the trash / magic / rare stuff. just that there are no epic/leg items >75 atm

Doing that for existing items can certainly be on the radar down the line, though subject to wonky balance since I won’t have much to compare against. That said, I’ve created a few

Since creating new skills for all of the random epics and legendaries will take a while if I want them to be interesting I am going to release the first version with innate stat bonuses (or skill effects from other items where appropriate) and then later upgrade those in. In order to not overwrite people’s existing items when that happens, I worked out a way to basically patch in the new loot to start dropping without affecting old items.

I’ve got a lot of the prepwork done at this point, so I am hoping to get the lion share of the actual implementation done this weekend!